@ -309,122 +309,32 @@ public class MyRobot{
private void RunMainLoop ( ) {
private void RunMainLoop ( ) {
try {
try {
if ( MyRobot . calibrating ) {
if ( MyRobot . calibrating ) {
MyRobot . calibrating = false ;
MyRobot . calibrating = false ;
Overlay . OVERLAY . setVisible ( false ) ;
Overlay . OVERLAY . setVisible ( false ) ;
Thread . sleep ( 1000 ) ;
Thread . sleep ( 1000 ) ;
Calibrator2 c = new Calibrator2 ( ) ;
Calibrator2 c = new Calibrator2 ( ) ;
} else {
//ImageIO.write(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(),"png",new File("testscreen.png"));
if ( checkSongSelect ( ) ) {
//System.out.println("On song select");
if ( ! overlayHidden ) {
overlayHidden = true ;
MyRobot . p . repaint ( ) ;
GetCurrentSong ( ) ;
GetCurrentDifficulty ( ) ;
recordedResults = false ;
if ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) {
if ( ! prevSongTitle . equalsIgnoreCase ( selectedSong . title ) | | ! prevDifficulty . equalsIgnoreCase ( difficulty ) ) {
System . out . println ( "On Song Select Screen: Current Song-" + selectedSong . title + " Diff:" + difficulty ) ;
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
MyRobot . p . refreshAllLabels ( ) ;
prevSongTitle = selectedSong . title ;
prevDifficulty = difficulty ;
MyRobot . p . repaint ( ) ;
if ( NEWSONGS . length = = 0 ) {
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
} else {
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
//ImageIO.write(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(),"png",new File("testscreen.png"));
} else {
if ( checkSongSelect ( ) ) {
MYROBOT . refreshScoreScreen ( ) ;
//System.out.println("On song select");
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) , "png" , new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) ) ;
if ( ! overlayHidden ) {
if ( overlayHidden ) {
overlayHidden = true ;
overlayHidden = false ;
MyRobot . p . repaint ( ) ;
MyRobot . p . repaint ( ) ;
if ( ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) ) {
if ( OnResultsScreen ( ) & & ! recordedResults & & ! recordingResults & & results . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
if ( NEWSONGS . length = = 0 ) {
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . refreshScoreScreen ( ) ;
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) , "png" , new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) ) ;
File tmp = new File ( "tmp" ) ;
if ( tmp . exists ( ) ) {
FileUtils . deleteFile ( tmp ) ;
} else {
tmp . mkdir ( ) ;
try {
GetCurrentSong ( ) ;
final Result data = typeface1 . getAllData ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) ) ;
GetCurrentDifficulty ( ) ;
//ImageIO.write(MYROBOT.,"png",new File("test.png"));
recordedResults = false ;
if ( data . cool = = - 1 | | data . fine = = - 1 | | data . safe = = - 1 | | data . sad = = - 1 | | data . worst = = - 1 | | data . percent < 0f | | data . percent > 110f | | data . combo = = - 1 | | data . score = = - 1 ) {
if ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) {
if ( lastData = = null | | ( lastData . cool ! = data . cool | | data . fine ! = lastData . fine | | data . safe ! = lastData . safe | | data . sad ! = lastData . sad | | data . worst ! = lastData . worst | | data . percent ! = lastData . percent | | data . combo ! = lastData . combo | | data . score ! = lastData . score ) ) {
if ( ! prevSongTitle . equalsIgnoreCase ( selectedSong . title ) | | ! prevDifficulty . equalsIgnoreCase ( difficulty ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Waiting for results to populate..." ) ;
System . out . println ( "On Song Select Screen: Current Song-" + selectedSong . title + " Diff:" + difficulty ) ;
System . out . println ( data ) ;
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
MyRobot . p . refreshAllLabels ( ) ;
if ( lastData = = null ) {
prevSongTitle = selectedSong . title ;
lastData = new Result ( "" , "" , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1f ) ;
prevDifficulty = difficulty ;
MyRobot . p . repaint ( ) ;
lastData . cool = data . cool ;
lastData . fine = data . fine ;
lastData . safe = data . safe ;
lastData . sad = data . sad ;
lastData . worst = data . worst ;
lastData . percent = data . percent ;
lastData . combo = data . combo ;
lastData . score = data . score ;
} else
if ( ( data . combo ! = lastcombo | | data . fail ! = lastfail | | data . cool ! = lastcool | | lastfine ! = data . fine | | lastsafe ! = data . safe | | lastsad ! = data . sad | | lastworst ! = data . worst )
& & data . score ! = lastscore /*|| lastpercent!=percent*/ ) {
//System.out.println("Results for "+selectedSong.title+" "+difficulty+": "+data.cool+"/"+data.fine+"/"+data.safe+"/"+data.sad+"/"+data.worst+" "+data.percent+"%");
System . out . println ( "Results for " + selectedSong . title + " " + data . difficulty + ": " + data . display ( ) ) ;
File songFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + data . difficulty ) ;
if ( ! songFolder . exists ( ) ) {
songFolder . mkdirs ( ) ;
File [ ] songFolderFiles = songFolder . listFiles ( ) ;
int playId = songFolderFiles . length ;
final File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + data . difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
playFolder . mkdir ( ) ;
recordedResults = true ;
lastcool = data . cool ;
lastfine = data . fine ;
lastsafe = data . safe ;
lastsad = data . sad ;
lastworst = data . worst ;
lastpercent = data . percent ;
lastcombo = data . combo ;
lastscore = data . score ;
lastfail = data . fail ;
File resultImage = new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + data . difficulty + "play_" + data . cool + "_" + data . fine + "_" + data . safe + "_" + data . sad + "_" + data . worst + "_" + data . percent + ""
+ "_" + data . combo + "_" + data . score + ".png" ) ;
new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) . renameTo ( resultImage ) ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , data . difficulty , data . cool , data . fine , data . safe , data . sad , data . worst , data . percent , data . mod , data . combo , data . score , data . fail , resultImage ) ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
if ( NEWSONGS . length = = 0 ) {
if ( NEWSONGS . length = = 0 ) {
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
@ -434,105 +344,191 @@ public class MyRobot{
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
} catch ( IOException | NumberFormatException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
System . out . println ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
} else {
} else {
if ( results . size ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( overlayHidden ) {
recordingResults = true ;
overlayHidden = false ;
for ( final Result r : results ) {
MyRobot . p . repaint ( ) ;
r . songName = r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "恋ノート" ) ? "恋ノート////" : r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "雨のちSweetDrops" ) ? "雨のちSweet*Drops" : r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "Equation+" ) ? "Equation+**" : r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "16 -out of the gravity-" ) ) ? "1/6 -out of the gravity-" : r . songName ;
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients . createDefault ( ) ;
if ( ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) ) {
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost ( "" ) ;
if ( OnResultsScreen ( ) & & ! recordedResults & & ! recordingResults & & results . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// Request parameters and other properties.
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
List < NameValuePair > params = new ArrayList < NameValuePair > ( ) ;
if ( NEWSONGS . length = = 0 ) {
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "song" , r . songName ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "username" , USERNAME ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "authentication_token" , AUTHTOKEN ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "difficulty" , r . difficulty ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "cool" , Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fine" , Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "safe" , Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "sad" , Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ) ;
MYROBOT . refreshScoreScreen ( ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "worst" , Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ) ;
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) , "png" , new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "percent" , Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ) ;
File tmp = new File ( "tmp" ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fail" , Boolean . toString ( r . fail ) ) ) ;
if ( tmp . exists ( ) ) {
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "mod" , r . mod ) ) ;
FileUtils . deleteFile ( tmp ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "combo" , Integer . toString ( r . combo ) ) ) ;
} else {
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "gameScore" , Integer . toString ( r . score ) ) ) ;
tmp . mkdir ( ) ;
try {
httppost . setEntity ( new UrlEncodedFormEntity ( params , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//Execute and get the response.
HttpResponse response = null ;
try {
try {
response = httpclient . execute ( httppost ) ;
final Result data = typeface1 . getAllData ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
if ( data . cool = = - 1 | | data . fine = = - 1 | | data . safe = = - 1 | | data . sad = = - 1 | | data . worst = = - 1 | | data . percent < 0f | | data . percent > 110f | | data . combo = = - 1 | | data . score = = - 1 ) {
if ( lastData = = null | | ( lastData . cool ! = data . cool | | data . fine ! = lastData . fine | | data . safe ! = lastData . safe | | data . sad ! = lastData . sad | | data . worst ! = lastData . worst | | data . percent ! = lastData . percent | | data . combo ! = lastData . combo | | data . score ! = lastData . score ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Waiting for results to populate..." ) ;
System . out . println ( data ) ;
if ( lastData = = null ) {
lastData = new Result ( "" , "" , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , - 1f ) ;
lastData . cool = data . cool ;
lastData . fine = data . fine ;
lastData . safe = data . safe ;
lastData . sad = data . sad ;
lastData . worst = data . worst ;
lastData . percent = data . percent ;
lastData . combo = data . combo ;
lastData . score = data . score ;
} else
if ( ( data . combo ! = lastcombo | | data . fail ! = lastfail | | data . cool ! = lastcool | | lastfine ! = data . fine | | lastsafe ! = data . safe | | lastsad ! = data . sad | | lastworst ! = data . worst )
& & data . score ! = lastscore /*|| lastpercent!=percent*/ ) {
System . out . println ( "Results for " + selectedSong . title + " " + data . difficulty + ": " + data . display ( ) ) ;
TypeFace2 . deepCopyOfficialYPointersFromPointers ( ) ;
File songFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + data . difficulty ) ;
if ( ! songFolder . exists ( ) ) {
songFolder . mkdirs ( ) ;
File [ ] songFolderFiles = songFolder . listFiles ( ) ;
int playId = songFolderFiles . length ;
final File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + data . difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
playFolder . mkdir ( ) ;
recordedResults = true ;
lastcool = data . cool ;
lastfine = data . fine ;
lastsafe = data . safe ;
lastsad = data . sad ;
lastworst = data . worst ;
lastpercent = data . percent ;
lastcombo = data . combo ;
lastscore = data . score ;
lastfail = data . fail ;
File resultImage = new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + data . difficulty + "play_" + data . cool + "_" + data . fine + "_" + data . safe + "_" + data . sad + "_" + data . worst + "_" + data . percent + ""
+ "_" + data . combo + "_" + data . score + ".png" ) ;
new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) . renameTo ( resultImage ) ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , data . difficulty , data . cool , data . fine , data . safe , data . sad , data . worst , data . percent , data . mod , data . combo , data . score , data . fail , resultImage ) ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
if ( NEWSONGS . length = = 0 ) {
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
} catch ( IOException | NumberFormatException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
System . out . println ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
HttpEntity entity = response . getEntity ( ) ;
} else {
if ( results . size ( ) > 0 ) {
JSONObject report = null ;
recordingResults = true ;
for ( final Result r : results ) {
if ( entity ! = null ) {
r . songName = r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "恋ノート" ) ? "恋ノート////" : r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "雨のちSweetDrops" ) ? "雨のちSweet*Drops" : r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "Equation+" ) ? "Equation+**" : r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "16 -out of the gravity-" ) ) ? "1/6 -out of the gravity-" : r . songName ;
try ( InputStream instream = entity . getContent ( ) ) {
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients . createDefault ( ) ;
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost ( "" ) ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
report = new JSONObject ( result ) ;
// Request parameters and other properties.
instream . close ( ) ;
List < NameValuePair > params = new ArrayList < NameValuePair > ( ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException | IOException e ) {
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "song" , r . songName ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "username" , USERNAME ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "authentication_token" , AUTHTOKEN ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "difficulty" , r . difficulty ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "cool" , Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fine" , Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "safe" , Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "sad" , Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "worst" , Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "percent" , Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fail" , Boolean . toString ( r . fail ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "mod" , r . mod ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "combo" , Integer . toString ( r . combo ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "gameScore" , Integer . toString ( r . score ) ) ) ;
try {
httppost . setEntity ( new UrlEncodedFormEntity ( params , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//Execute and get the response.
HttpResponse response = null ;
try {
response = httpclient . execute ( httppost ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HttpEntity entity = response . getEntity ( ) ;
JSONObject report = null ;
if ( entity ! = null ) {
try ( InputStream instream = entity . getContent ( ) ) {
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
report = new JSONObject ( result ) ;
instream . close ( ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
final JSONObject finalReport = report ;
System . out . println ( "Submitting screenshot for " + r . f ) ;
Thread t = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
HashMap < String , String > s = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
s . put ( "username" , USERNAME ) ;
s . put ( "authentication_token" , AUTHTOKEN ) ;
s . put ( "playid" , Integer . toString ( finalReport . getInt ( "id" ) ) ) ;
WebUtils . POSTimage ( "http://projectdivar.com/upload" , r . f , s ) ;
} ;
t . start ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
try {
JSONObject obj = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" + USERNAME ) ;
JSONObject obj2 = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" + USERNAME + "/" + URLEncoder . encode ( MyRobot . p . songname , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . toString ( ) ) . replaceAll ( "\\+" , "%20" ) + "/" + difficulty ) ;
p . lastRating = p . overallrating ;
if ( obj2 . has ( "score" ) ) {
double newScore = obj2 . getDouble ( "score" ) ;
if ( newScore > p . lastScore ) {
p . bestPlayTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
p . lastScore = newScore ;
p . overallrating = ( int ) obj . getDouble ( "rating" ) ;
if ( p . lastRating < p . overallrating ) { p . ratingTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; }
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
} catch ( JSONException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
recordingResults = false ;
if ( ! OnResultsScreen ( ) & & recordedResults ) {
final JSONObject finalReport = report ;
recordedResults = false ;
System . out . println ( "Submitting screenshot for " + r . f ) ;
Thread t = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
HashMap < String , String > s = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
s . put ( "username" , USERNAME ) ;
s . put ( "authentication_token" , AUTHTOKEN ) ;
s . put ( "playid" , Integer . toString ( finalReport . getInt ( "id" ) ) ) ;
WebUtils . POSTimage ( "http://projectdivar.com/upload" , r . f , s ) ;
} ;
t . start ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
try {
JSONObject obj = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" + USERNAME ) ;
JSONObject obj2 = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" + USERNAME + "/" + URLEncoder . encode ( MyRobot . p . songname , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . toString ( ) ) . replaceAll ( "\\+" , "%20" ) + "/" + difficulty ) ;
p . lastRating = p . overallrating ;
if ( obj2 . has ( "score" ) ) {
double newScore = obj2 . getDouble ( "score" ) ;
if ( newScore > p . lastScore ) {
p . bestPlayTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
p . lastScore = newScore ;
p . overallrating = ( int ) obj . getDouble ( "rating" ) ;
if ( p . lastRating < p . overallrating ) { p . ratingTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; }
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
} catch ( JSONException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
recordingResults = false ;
if ( ! OnResultsScreen ( ) & & recordedResults ) {
recordedResults = false ;
MYROBOT . refreshScreen ( ) ;
MYROBOT . refreshScreen ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
@ -594,7 +590,6 @@ public class MyRobot{
private void GetCurrentSong ( ) throws IOException {
private void GetCurrentSong ( ) throws IOException {
BufferedImage img = null ;
BufferedImage img = null ;
long r = 0 , g = 0 , b = 0 ;
long r = 0 , g = 0 , b = 0 ;
if ( ! FUTURETONE ) {
if ( ! FUTURETONE ) {
@ -779,6 +774,8 @@ public class MyRobot{
selectedSong = new SongData ( "LIKE THE WIND" , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
selectedSong = new SongData ( "LIKE THE WIND" , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
difficulty = "H" ;
difficulty = "H" ;
RunTest ( "test61.png" , 467 , 21 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 103 . 48f , "EX" , "HS" , 488 , 514440 , false , Mode . MEGAMIX ) ;
RunTest ( "test60.png" , 430 , 88 , 2 , 0 , 3 , 95 . 05f , "EX" , "HS" , 298 , 538510 , false , Mode . MEGAMIX ) ;
RunTest ( "test59.png" , 535 , 114 , 13 , 12 , 28 , 79 . 04f , "EXEX" , "HS" , 148 , 540700 , false , Mode . MEGAMIX ) ;
RunTest ( "test59.png" , 535 , 114 , 13 , 12 , 28 , 79 . 04f , "EXEX" , "HS" , 148 , 540700 , false , Mode . MEGAMIX ) ;
RunTest ( "test58.png" , 314 , 49 , 4 , 1 , 12 , 94 . 94f , "EXEX" , "HS" , 185 , 561682 , false , Mode . FUTURETONE ) ;
RunTest ( "test58.png" , 314 , 49 , 4 , 1 , 12 , 94 . 94f , "EXEX" , "HS" , 185 , 561682 , false , Mode . FUTURETONE ) ;
RunTest ( "test57.png" , 449 , 50 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 101 . 28f , "EXEX" , "HS" , 366 , 595859 , false , Mode . FUTURETONE ) ;
RunTest ( "test57.png" , 449 , 50 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 101 . 28f , "EXEX" , "HS" , 366 , 595859 , false , Mode . FUTURETONE ) ;
@ -895,7 +892,6 @@ public class MyRobot{
System . out . println ( "Running test " + _img ) ;
System . out . println ( "Running test " + _img ) ;
long startTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
long startTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
String testdir = "testsuite" ;
String testdir = "testsuite" ;
Point offset = new Point ( 418 , 204 ) ;
File tmp = new File ( "tmp" ) ;
File tmp = new File ( "tmp" ) ;
if ( tmp . exists ( ) ) {
if ( tmp . exists ( ) ) {
FileUtils . deleteFile ( tmp ) ;
FileUtils . deleteFile ( tmp ) ;
@ -942,7 +938,6 @@ public class MyRobot{
System . exit ( 1 ) ;
System . exit ( 1 ) ;
TypeFace2 . deepCopyDefaultYPointers ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "\tPassed (" + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms)!" ) ;
System . out . println ( "\tPassed (" + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms)!" ) ;
@ -957,7 +952,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
System . out . println ( "Switching to Megamix" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Switching to Megamix" ) ;
SongData . loadSongsFromFile ( ) ;
SongData . loadSongsFromFile ( ) ;
TypeFace2 . deepCopyDefaultYPointers ( ) ;
TypeFace2 . deepCopyDefaultOfficial YPointers ( ) ;
} else
} else
@ -970,7 +965,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
System . out . println ( "Switching to Future Tone" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Switching to Future Tone" ) ;
SongData . loadSongsFromFile ( ) ;
SongData . loadSongsFromFile ( ) ;
TypeFace2 . deepCopyDefaultYPointers ( ) ;
TypeFace2 . deepCopyDefaultOfficial YPointers ( ) ;
} else {
} else {
stillOnSongSelect = 0 ;
stillOnSongSelect = 0 ;