@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import org.json.JSONObject;
import sig.utils.FileUtils ;
import sig.utils.ImageUtils ;
import sig.utils.SoundUtils ;
import sig.utils.WebUtils ;
public class MyRobot {
static Robot MYROBOT ;
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
long lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
static TypeFace typeface1 , typeface2 ;
static Thread t = null ;
String prevSongTitle = "" ;
String prevDifficulty = "" ;
@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
int playId = songFolderFiles . length ;
File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
playFolder . mkdir ( ) ;
File f = new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + difficulty + "play_" + cool + "_" + fine + "_" + safe + "_" + sad + "_" + worst + "_" + percent + ".png" ) ;
try {
/ * FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "cool" ) , new File ( playFolder , "cool" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "fine" ) , new File ( playFolder , "fine" ) ) ;
@ -250,10 +252,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "worst" ) , new File ( playFolder , "worst" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "percent" ) , new File ( playFolder , "percent" ) ) ; * /
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 418 , 204 , 1227 , 690 ) ) , "png" , new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + difficulty + "play_" + cool + "_" + fine + "_" + safe + "_" + sad + "_" + worst + "_" + percent + ".png" ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 418 , 204 , 1227 , 690 ) ) , "png" , f ) ;
recordedResults = true ;
lastcool = cool ;
lastfine = fine ;
@ -263,8 +262,10 @@ public class MyRobot{
lastpercent = percent ;
lastfail = fail ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , difficulty , cool , fine , safe , sad , worst , percent , fail ) ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , difficulty , cool , fine , safe , sad , worst , percent , fail , f ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
gotoxy ( 800 , 64 ) ;
click ( ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
@ -279,50 +280,13 @@ public class MyRobot{
if ( results . size ( ) > 0 ) {
recordingResults = true ;
for ( Result r : results ) {
r . songName = r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "16 -out of the gravity-" ) ) ? "1/6 -out of the gravity-" : r . songName ;
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients . createDefault ( ) ;
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost ( "" ) ;
// Request parameters and other properties.
List < NameValuePair > params = new ArrayList < NameValuePair > ( ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "song" , r . songName ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "username" , "sigonasr2" ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "authentication_token" , "sig" ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "difficulty" , r . difficulty ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "cool" , Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fine" , Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "safe" , Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "sad" , Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "worst" , Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "percent" , Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fail" , Boolean . toString ( r . fail ) ) ) ;
try {
httppost . setEntity ( new UrlEncodedFormEntity ( params , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//Execute and get the response.
HttpResponse response = null ;
try {
response = httpclient . execute ( httppost ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HttpEntity entity = response . getEntity ( ) ;
if ( entity ! = null ) {
try ( InputStream instream = entity . getContent ( ) ) {
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
System . out . println ( result ) ;
instream . close ( ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
HashMap < String , String > s = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
s . put ( "username" , "sigonasr2" ) ;
s . put ( "authentication_token" , "sig" ) ;
WebUtils . POSTimage ( "http://projectdivar.com/upload" , r . f , s ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
try {
JSONObject obj = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" ) ;
@ -333,6 +297,10 @@ public class MyRobot{
} catch ( JSONException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} . start ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
/ * MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;