@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import sig.utils.SoundUtils;
import sig.utils.WebUtils ;
import sig.utils.WebUtils ;
public class MyRobot {
public class MyRobot {
static Robot MYROBOT ;
static Custom Robot MYROBOT ;
Color SCREEN [ ] [ ] ;
Color SCREEN [ ] [ ] ;
static SongData SONGS [ ] ;
static SongData SONGS [ ] ;
static String SONGNAMES [ ] = new String [ ] { "Yellow" , "The secret garden" , "Tell Your World" , "愛言葉" , "Weekender Girl" , "歌に形はないけれど" , "えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ" , "神曲" , "カンタレラ" , "巨大少女" , "クローバー♣クラブ" , "恋スルVOC@LOID" , "桜ノ雨" , "39" , "深海シティアンダーグラウンド" , "深海少女" , "積乱雲グラフィティ" , "千年の独奏歌" , "ダブルラリアット" , "ハジメテノオト" , "初めての恋が終わる時" , "packaged" , "Palette" , "FREELY TOMORROW" , "from Y to Y" , "みくみくにしてあげる♪" , "メルト" , "モノクロ∞ブルースカイ" , "ゆめゆめ" , "16 -out of the gravity-" , "ACUTE" , "インタビュア" , "LOL -lots of laugh-" , "Glory 3usi9" , "soundless voice" , "ジェミニ" , "白い雪のプリンセスは" , "スキキライ" , "タイムマシン" , "Dear" , "DECORATOR" , "トリコロール・エア・ライン" , "Nostalogic" , "Hand in Hand" , "Fire◎Flower" , "ブラック★ロックシューター" , "メテオ" , "ワールドイズマイン" , "アマツキツネ" , "erase or zero" , "エレクトロサチュレイタ" , "on the rocks" , "からくりピエロ" , "カラフル×メロディ" , "Catch the Wave" , "キャットフード" , "サマーアイドル" , "shake it!" , "Just Be Friends" , "スイートマジック" , "SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-" , "番凩" , "テレカクシ思春期" , "天樂" , "どういうことなの!?" , "東京テディベア" , "どりーみんチュチュ" , "トリノコシティ" , "ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール" , "No Logic" , "ハイハハイニ" , "はじめまして地球人さん" , "*ハロー、プラネット。 (I.M.PLSE-EDIT)" , "Hello, Worker" , "忘却心中" , "magnet" , "右肩の蝶" , "結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸" , "メランコリック" , "リモコン" , "ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー" , "炉心融解" , "WORLD'S END UMBRELLA" , "アカツキアライヴァル" , "アゲアゲアゲイン" , "1925" , "え?あぁ、そう。" , "エイリアンエイリアン" , "ODDS&ENDS" , "君の体温" , "こっち向いて Baby" , "壊セ壊セ" , "39みゅーじっく!" , "サンドリヨン" , "SING&SMILE" , "スノーマン" , "DYE" , "なりすましゲンガー" , "ヒバナ" , "ヒビカセ" , "ブラックゴールド" , "ミラクルペイント" , "指切り" , "ありふれたせかいせいふく" , "アンハッピーリフレイン" , "大江戸ジュリアナイト" , "ゴーストルール" , "こちら、幸福安心委員会です。" , "孤独の果て -extend edition-" , "ジターバグ" , "Sweet Devil" , "砂の惑星" , "テオ" , "初音ミクの消失 -DEAD END-" , "秘密警察" , "妄想スケッチ" , "リンちゃんなう!" , "ローリンガール" , "ロキ" , "ロミオとシンデレラ" , "エンヴィキャットウォーク" , "骸骨楽団とリリア" , "サイハテ" , "ジグソーパズル" , "千本桜" , "ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル" , "Blackjack" , "ぽっぴっぽー" , "裏表ラバーズ" , "Sadistic.Music∞Factory" , "デンパラダイム" , "二次元ドリームフィーバー" , "ネガポジ*コンティニューズ" , "初音ミクの激唱" , "ワールズエンド・ダンスホール" , "ココロ" , "システマティック・ラヴ" , "Knife" , "二息歩行" , "PIANOGIRL" , "夢喰い白黒バク" , "ブレス・ユア・ブレス" , "恋は戦争" , "あなたの歌姫" , "Starduster" , "StargazeR" , "リンリンシグナル" , "Rosary Pale" , "多重未来のカルテット~QUARTET THEME~" , "LIKE THE WIND" , "AFTER BURNER" } ;
static String SONGNAMES [ ] = new String [ ] { "Yellow" , "The secret garden" , "Tell Your World" , "愛言葉" , "Weekender Girl" , "歌に形はないけれど" , "えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ" , "神曲" , "カンタレラ" , "巨大少女" , "クローバー♣クラブ" , "恋スルVOC@LOID" , "桜ノ雨" , "39" , "深海シティアンダーグラウンド" , "深海少女" , "積乱雲グラフィティ" , "千年の独奏歌" , "ダブルラリアット" , "ハジメテノオト" , "初めての恋が終わる時" , "packaged" , "Palette" , "FREELY TOMORROW" , "from Y to Y" , "みくみくにしてあげる♪" , "メルト" , "モノクロ∞ブルースカイ" , "ゆめゆめ" , "16 -out of the gravity-" , "ACUTE" , "インタビュア" , "LOL -lots of laugh-" , "Glory 3usi9" , "soundless voice" , "ジェミニ" , "白い雪のプリンセスは" , "スキキライ" , "タイムマシン" , "Dear" , "DECORATOR" , "トリコロール・エア・ライン" , "Nostalogic" , "Hand in Hand" , "Fire◎Flower" , "ブラック★ロックシューター" , "メテオ" , "ワールドイズマイン" , "アマツキツネ" , "erase or zero" , "エレクトロサチュレイタ" , "on the rocks" , "からくりピエロ" , "カラフル×メロディ" , "Catch the Wave" , "キャットフード" , "サマーアイドル" , "shake it!" , "Just Be Friends" , "スイートマジック" , "SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-" , "番凩" , "テレカクシ思春期" , "天樂" , "どういうことなの!?" , "東京テディベア" , "どりーみんチュチュ" , "トリノコシティ" , "ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール" , "No Logic" , "ハイハハイニ" , "はじめまして地球人さん" , "*ハロー、プラネット。 (I.M.PLSE-EDIT)" , "Hello, Worker" , "忘却心中" , "magnet" , "右肩の蝶" , "結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸" , "メランコリック" , "リモコン" , "ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー" , "炉心融解" , "WORLD'S END UMBRELLA" , "アカツキアライヴァル" , "アゲアゲアゲイン" , "1925" , "え?あぁ、そう。" , "エイリアンエイリアン" , "ODDS&ENDS" , "君の体温" , "こっち向いて Baby" , "壊セ壊セ" , "39みゅーじっく!" , "サンドリヨン" , "SING&SMILE" , "スノーマン" , "DYE" , "なりすましゲンガー" , "ヒバナ" , "ヒビカセ" , "ブラックゴールド" , "ミラクルペイント" , "指切り" , "ありふれたせかいせいふく" , "アンハッピーリフレイン" , "大江戸ジュリアナイト" , "ゴーストルール" , "こちら、幸福安心委員会です。" , "孤独の果て -extend edition-" , "ジターバグ" , "Sweet Devil" , "砂の惑星" , "テオ" , "初音ミクの消失 -DEAD END-" , "秘密警察" , "妄想スケッチ" , "リンちゃんなう!" , "ローリンガール" , "ロキ" , "ロミオとシンデレラ" , "エンヴィキャットウォーク" , "骸骨楽団とリリア" , "サイハテ" , "ジグソーパズル" , "千本桜" , "ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル" , "Blackjack" , "ぽっぴっぽー" , "裏表ラバーズ" , "Sadistic.Music∞Factory" , "デンパラダイム" , "二次元ドリームフィーバー" , "ネガポジ*コンティニューズ" , "初音ミクの激唱" , "ワールズエンド・ダンスホール" , "ココロ" , "システマティック・ラヴ" , "Knife" , "二息歩行" , "PIANOGIRL" , "夢喰い白黒バク" , "ブレス・ユア・ブレス" , "恋は戦争" , "あなたの歌姫" , "Starduster" , "StargazeR" , "リンリンシグナル" , "Rosary Pale" , "多重未来のカルテット~QUARTET THEME~" , "LIKE THE WIND" , "AFTER BURNER" } ;
@ -163,120 +163,21 @@ public class MyRobot{
t . scheduleAtFixedRate ( new TimerTask ( ) {
t . scheduleAtFixedRate ( new TimerTask ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
if ( checkSongSelect ( ) ) {
try {
if ( ! overlayHidden ) {
if ( checkSongSelect ( ) ) {
overlayHidden = true ;
if ( ! overlayHidden ) {
p . repaint ( 0 , 0 , 1400 , 100 ) ;
overlayHidden = true ;
p . repaint ( 0 , 0 , 1400 , 100 ) ;
GetCurrentSong ( ) ;
GetCurrentDifficulty ( ) ;
recordedResults = false ;
if ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) {
if ( ! prevSongTitle . equalsIgnoreCase ( selectedSong . title ) | | ! prevDifficulty . equalsIgnoreCase ( difficulty ) ) {
System . out . println ( "On Song Select Screen: Current Song-" + selectedSong . title + " Diff:" + difficulty ) ;
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
prevSongTitle = selectedSong . title ;
prevDifficulty = difficulty ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
GetCurrentSong ( ) ;
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
GetCurrentDifficulty ( ) ;
} else {
recordedResults = false ;
if ( overlayHidden ) {
if ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) {
overlayHidden = false ;
if ( ! prevSongTitle . equalsIgnoreCase ( selectedSong . title ) | | ! prevDifficulty . equalsIgnoreCase ( difficulty ) ) {
p . repaint ( 0 , 0 , 1400 , 100 ) ;
System . out . println ( "On Song Select Screen: Current Song-" + selectedSong . title + " Diff:" + difficulty ) ;
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
/ * selectedSong = new SongData ( "test" , new Color [ ] { } ) ;
prevSongTitle = selectedSong . title ;
difficulty = "EXEX" ; * /
prevDifficulty = difficulty ;
if ( ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) /*|| true*/ ) {
//Look for the results screen.
//602,217 254,254,254
//602,260 16,222,202
//901,460 220-255,220-255,160-220
if ( OnResultsScreen ( ) & & ! recordedResults & & ! recordingResults & & results . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
gotoxy ( 800 , 64 ) ;
click ( ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,451,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,484,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,518,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,553,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,583,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface2.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1428,361,128,30))));
File tmp = new File ( "tmp" ) ;
if ( tmp . exists ( ) ) {
FileUtils . deleteFile ( tmp ) ;
} else {
tmp . mkdir ( ) ;
int cool = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 451 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "cool" ) ) ;
int fine = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 484 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "fine" ) ) ;
int safe = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 518 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "safe" ) ) ;
int sad = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 553 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "sad" ) ) ;
int worst = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 583 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "worst" ) ) ;
boolean fail = textFailPixel ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 952 , 385 , 1 , 1 ) ) ) ;
/ * try {
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 583 , 115 , 26 ) ) , "png" , new File ( "worst.png" ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} * /
float percent = ( float ) typeface2 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1428 , 361 , 128 , 30 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "percent" ) ) / 100f ;
if ( cool = = - 1 | | fine = = - 1 | | safe = = - 1 | | sad = = - 1 | | worst = = - 1 | | percent = = - 0 . 01f ) {
System . out . println ( "Waiting for results to populate..." ) ;
} else
if ( fail ! = lastfail | | cool ! = lastcool | | lastfine ! = fine | | lastsafe ! = safe | | lastsad ! = sad | | lastworst ! = worst /*|| lastpercent!=percent*/ ) {
System . out . println ( "Results for " + selectedSong . title + " " + difficulty + ": " + cool + "/" + fine + "/" + safe + "/" + sad + "/" + worst + " " + percent + "%" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Results for " + selectedSong . title + " " + difficulty + ": " + cool + "/" + fine + "/" + safe + "/" + sad + "/" + worst + " " + percent + "%" ) ;
File songFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty ) ;
if ( ! songFolder . exists ( ) ) {
songFolder . mkdirs ( ) ;
File [ ] songFolderFiles = songFolder . listFiles ( ) ;
int playId = songFolderFiles . length ;
File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
playFolder . mkdir ( ) ;
try {
/ * FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "cool" ) , new File ( playFolder , "cool" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "fine" ) , new File ( playFolder , "fine" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "safe" ) , new File ( playFolder , "safe" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "sad" ) , new File ( playFolder , "sad" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "worst" ) , new File ( playFolder , "worst" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "percent" ) , new File ( playFolder , "percent" ) ) ; * /
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 418 , 204 , 1227 , 690 ) ) , "png" , new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + difficulty + "play_" + cool + "_" + fine + "_" + safe + "_" + sad + "_" + worst + "_" + percent + ".png" ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
recordedResults = true ;
lastcool = cool ;
lastfine = fine ;
lastsafe = safe ;
lastsad = sad ;
lastworst = worst ;
lastpercent = percent ;
lastfail = fail ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , difficulty , cool , fine , safe , sad , worst , percent , fail ) ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
gotoxy ( 800 , 64 ) ;
click ( ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
@ -284,130 +185,234 @@ public class MyRobot{
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
} else {
if ( results . size ( ) > 0 ) {
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
recordingResults = true ;
} else {
for ( Result r : results ) {
if ( overlayHidden ) {
r . songName = r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "16 -out of the gravity-" ) ) ? "1/6 -out of the gravity-" : r . songName ;
overlayHidden = false ;
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients . createDefault ( ) ;
p . repaint ( 0 , 0 , 1400 , 100 ) ;
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost ( "" ) ;
/ * selectedSong = new SongData ( "test" , new Color [ ] { } ) ;
// Request parameters and other properties.
difficulty = "EXEX" ; * /
List < NameValuePair > params = new ArrayList < NameValuePair > ( ) ;
if ( ( selectedSong ! = null & & difficulty ! = null ) /*|| true*/ ) {
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "song" , r . songName ) ) ;
//Look for the results screen.
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "username" , "sigonasr2" ) ) ;
//602,217 254,254,254
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "authentication_token" , "sig" ) ) ;
//602,260 16,222,202
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "difficulty" , r . difficulty ) ) ;
//901,460 220-255,220-255,160-220
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "cool" , Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fine" , Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ) ;
if ( OnResultsScreen ( ) & & ! recordedResults & & ! recordingResults & & results . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "safe" , Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ) ;
lastSongSelectTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "sad" , Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "worst" , Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "percent" , Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fail" , Boolean . toString ( r . fail ) ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "mod" , "HS" ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
try {
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
httppost . setEntity ( new UrlEncodedFormEntity ( params , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F12 ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,451,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,484,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,518,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,553,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface1.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1235,583,115,26))));
//System.out.println(typeface2.extractNumbersFromImage(MYROBOT.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1428,361,128,30))));
File tmp = new File ( "tmp" ) ;
if ( tmp . exists ( ) ) {
FileUtils . deleteFile ( tmp ) ;
} else {
tmp . mkdir ( ) ;
int cool = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 451 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "cool" ) ) ;
int fine = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 484 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "fine" ) ) ;
int safe = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 518 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "safe" ) ) ;
int sad = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 553 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "sad" ) ) ;
int worst = typeface1 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 583 , 115 , 26 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "worst" ) ) ;
boolean fail = textFailPixel ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 952 , 385 , 1 , 1 ) ) ) ;
/ * try {
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1235 , 583 , 115 , 26 ) ) , "png" , new File ( "worst.png" ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} * /
float percent = ( float ) typeface2 . extractNumbersFromImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1428 , 361 , 128 , 30 ) ) , new File ( tmp , "percent" ) ) / 100f ;
if ( cool = = - 1 | | fine = = - 1 | | safe = = - 1 | | sad = = - 1 | | worst = = - 1 | | percent = = - 0 . 01f ) {
System . out . println ( "Waiting for results to populate..." ) ;
} else
if ( fail ! = lastfail | | cool ! = lastcool | | lastfine ! = fine | | lastsafe ! = safe | | lastsad ! = sad | | lastworst ! = worst /*|| lastpercent!=percent*/ ) {
System . out . println ( "Results for " + selectedSong . title + " " + difficulty + ": " + cool + "/" + fine + "/" + safe + "/" + sad + "/" + worst + " " + percent + "%" ) ;
System . out . println ( "Results for " + selectedSong . title + " " + difficulty + ": " + cool + "/" + fine + "/" + safe + "/" + sad + "/" + worst + " " + percent + "%" ) ;
File songFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty ) ;
if ( ! songFolder . exists ( ) ) {
songFolder . mkdirs ( ) ;
File [ ] songFolderFiles = songFolder . listFiles ( ) ;
//Execute and get the response.
int playId = songFolderFiles . length ;
HttpResponse response = null ;
File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
playFolder . mkdir ( ) ;
try {
try {
response = httpclient . execute ( httppost ) ;
/ * FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "cool" ) , new File ( playFolder , "cool" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "fine" ) , new File ( playFolder , "fine" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "safe" ) , new File ( playFolder , "safe" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "sad" ) , new File ( playFolder , "sad" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "worst" ) , new File ( playFolder , "worst" ) ) ;
FileUtils . copyFileDir ( new File ( tmp , "percent" ) , new File ( playFolder , "percent" ) ) ; * /
ImageIO . write ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 418 , 204 , 1227 , 690 ) ) , "png" , new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + difficulty + "play_" + cool + "_" + fine + "_" + safe + "_" + sad + "_" + worst + "_" + percent + ".png" ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HttpEntity entity = response . getEntity ( ) ;
recordedResults = true ;
lastcool = cool ;
if ( entity ! = null ) {
lastfine = fine ;
try ( InputStream instream = entity . getContent ( ) ) {
lastsafe = safe ;
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
lastsad = sad ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
lastworst = worst ;
System . out . println ( result ) ;
lastpercent = percent ;
instream . close ( ) ;
lastfail = fail ;
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException | IOException e ) {
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , difficulty , cool , fine , safe , sad , worst , percent , fail ) ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_F11 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
} else {
if ( results . size ( ) > 0 ) {
recordingResults = true ;
for ( Result r : results ) {
r . songName = r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "16 -out of the gravity-" ) ) ? "1/6 -out of the gravity-" : r . songName ;
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients . createDefault ( ) ;
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost ( "" ) ;
// Request parameters and other properties.
List < NameValuePair > params = new ArrayList < NameValuePair > ( ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "song" , r . songName ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "username" , "sigonasr2" ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "authentication_token" , "sig" ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "difficulty" , r . difficulty ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "cool" , Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fine" , Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "safe" , Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "sad" , Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "worst" , Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "percent" , Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "fail" , Boolean . toString ( r . fail ) ) ) ;
params . add ( new BasicNameValuePair ( "mod" , "HS" ) ) ;
try {
httppost . setEntity ( new UrlEncodedFormEntity ( params , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//Execute and get the response.
HttpResponse response = null ;
try {
response = httpclient . execute ( httppost ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HttpEntity entity = response . getEntity ( ) ;
if ( entity ! = null ) {
try ( InputStream instream = entity . getContent ( ) ) {
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
System . out . println ( result ) ;
instream . close ( ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
try {
try {
JSONObject obj = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" ) ;
JSONObject obj = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrl ( "" ) ;
p . lastRating = p . overallrating ;
p . lastRating = p . overallrating ;
p . overallrating = ( int ) obj . getDouble ( "rating" ) ;
p . overallrating = ( int ) obj . getDouble ( "rating" ) ;
if ( p . lastRating < p . overallrating ) { p . ratingTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; }
if ( p . lastRating < p . overallrating ) { p . ratingTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; }
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
p . pullData ( selectedSong . title , difficulty ) ;
} catch ( JSONException | IOException e ) {
} catch ( JSONException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
/ * MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 5000 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
boolean first = true ;
for ( Result r : results ) {
if ( ! first ) {
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 5000 ) ;
} else {
first = false ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 100 ) ;
StringSelection selection = new StringSelection ( ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : r . songName ) ;
/ * MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ( ) . getSystemClipboard ( ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
clipboard . setContents ( selection , selection ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_V ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_V ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 100 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( r . difficulty ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 5000 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
boolean first = true ;
for ( Result r : results ) {
if ( ! first ) {
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 5000 ) ;
} else {
first = false ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 100 ) ;
StringSelection selection = new StringSelection ( ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : r . songName ) ;
Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit ( ) . getSystemClipboard ( ) ;
clipboard . setContents ( selection , selection ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_V ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_V ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 100 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . cool ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . fine ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . safe ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . sad ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Integer . toString ( r . worst ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( r . difficulty ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
type ( Float . toString ( r . percent ) ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_1 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_1 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;
sleep ( 1000 ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_1 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_1 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_CONTROL ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_SHIFT ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 250 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
* /
recordingResults = false ;
if ( ! OnResultsScreen ( ) & & recordedResults ) {
recordedResults = false ;
results . clear ( ) ;
sleep ( 1000 ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . keyPress ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_ALT ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 250 ) ;
MYROBOT . keyRelease ( KeyEvent . VK_TAB ) ;
* /
recordingResults = false ;
if ( ! OnResultsScreen ( ) & & recordedResults ) {
recordedResults = false ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//Red: 100-200, Blue: 200-255 Purple (EXEX)
//Red: 100-200, Blue: 200-255 Purple (EXEX)
@ -436,7 +441,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
difficulty = "H" ;
difficulty = "H" ;
private void GetCurrentSong ( ) {
private void GetCurrentSong ( ) throws IOException {
BufferedImage img = ImageUtils . toCompatibleImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 460 , 426 , WIDTH , HEIGHT ) ) ) ;
BufferedImage img = ImageUtils . toCompatibleImage ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 460 , 426 , WIDTH , HEIGHT ) ) ) ;
Color [ ] col = new Color [ WIDTH * HEIGHT ] ;
Color [ ] col = new Color [ WIDTH * HEIGHT ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < WIDTH ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < WIDTH ; i + + ) {
@ -444,6 +449,8 @@ public class MyRobot{
col [ i * HEIGHT + j ] = new Color ( img . getRGB ( i , j ) , true ) ;
col [ i * HEIGHT + j ] = new Color ( img . getRGB ( i , j ) , true ) ;
/ * File f = new File ( "test.png" ) ;
ImageIO . write ( img , "png" , f ) ; * /
SongData ss = SongData . compareData ( col ) ;
SongData ss = SongData . compareData ( col ) ;
if ( ss ! = null ) {
if ( ss ! = null ) {
selectedSong = ss ;
selectedSong = ss ;
@ -497,9 +504,10 @@ public class MyRobot{
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
/ * InputMap inputMap = p . getInputMap ( condition ) ;
InputMap inputMap = p . getInputMap ( condition ) ;
ActionMap actionMap = p . getActionMap ( ) ;
ActionMap actionMap = p . getActionMap ( ) ;
inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F1 , 0 ) , "Press" ) ;
inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F1 , 0 ) , "Press" ) ;
actionMap . put ( "Press" , new AbstractAction ( ) {
actionMap . put ( "Press" , new AbstractAction ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
@ -515,7 +523,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
System . out . println ( ( + + currentSong > = NEWSONGS . length ) ? "DONE!" : NEWSONGS [ currentSong ] ) ;
System . out . println ( ( + + currentSong > = NEWSONGS . length ) ? "DONE!" : NEWSONGS [ currentSong ] ) ;
} ) ; * /
} ) ;
/ * inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F1 , 0 ) , "Press" ) ; //DEBUG KEYS.
/ * inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F1 , 0 ) , "Press" ) ; //DEBUG KEYS.
inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F2 , 0 ) , "Identifier" ) ;
inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F2 , 0 ) , "Identifier" ) ;
inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F3 , 0 ) , "Toggle" ) ; * /
inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( KeyEvent . VK_F3 , 0 ) , "Toggle" ) ; * /
@ -670,9 +678,10 @@ public class MyRobot{
System . out . println ( " Passed (" + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms)!" ) ;
System . out . println ( " Passed (" + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms)!" ) ;
public static boolean checkSongSelect ( ) {
public static boolean checkSongSelect ( ) throws IOException {
Color c = new Color ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1255 , 824 , 20 , 20 ) ) . getRGB ( 10 , 10 ) ) ;
Color c = new Color ( MYROBOT . createScreenCapture ( new Rectangle ( 1255 , 824 , 20 , 20 ) ) . getRGB ( 10 , 10 ) ) ;
onSongSelect = c . getRed ( ) = = 43 & & c . getGreen ( ) = = 88 & & c . getBlue ( ) = = 213 ;
onSongSelect = c . getRed ( ) = = 43 & & c . getGreen ( ) = = 88 & & c . getBlue ( ) = = 213 ;
System . out . println ( onSongSelect + "/" + c ) ;
return onSongSelect ;
return onSongSelect ;
@ -687,7 +696,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
updateScreenInfo ( ) ;
updateScreenInfo ( ) ;
setKeyMap ( ) ;
setKeyMap ( ) ;
try {
try {
MYROBOT = new Robot ( ) ;
MYROBOT = new Custom Robot( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
} catch ( Exception e ) {
JOptionPane . showOptionDialog ( null , "Can't build the robot!" , "Error" , - 1 , 1 , null , null , this ) ;
JOptionPane . showOptionDialog ( null , "Can't build the robot!" , "Error" , - 1 , 1 , null , null , this ) ;
System . exit ( 1 ) ;
System . exit ( 1 ) ;