@ -3,87 +3,151 @@ |
#include "olcutils.h" |
using namespace olc; |
std::ifstream file("testinput"); |
std::map<std::string,int> filedata; |
std::string pwd; |
std::string tempstr; |
class File{ |
public: |
std::map<std::string,File> files; |
int size; |
}; |
class Example : public olc::PixelGameEngine |
{ |
public: |
Example() |
{ |
sAppName = "Example"; |
int DisplayContents(File&f,std::string path,int filter,int*filtersum){ |
std::cout<<" Contents of "<<path<<"(Size "<<f.size<<"): "<<std::endl; |
int sum=0; |
for (std::map<std::string,File>::iterator it=f.files.begin();it!=f.files.end();it++){ |
int amt=DisplayContents(it->second,(path=="/")?path+it->first:path+"/"+it->first,filter,filtersum); |
sum+=amt; |
} |
if (sum<=filter){ |
*filtersum+=sum; |
} |
std::cout<<" Size of "<<path<<": "<<sum<<std::endl; |
return sum+f.size; |
} |
public: |
bool RayVsRect(const vf2d ray_origin, const vf2d ray_dir, const olc::utils::geom2d::rect<float> target, vf2d&contact_point, vf2d&contact_normal, float&t_hit_near){ |
contact_normal = { 0, 0 }; |
contact_point = { 0, 0 }; |
vf2d t_near = {(target.pos.x - ray_origin.x) / ray_dir.x, (target.pos.y - ray_origin.y) / ray_dir.y}; |
vf2d t_far = {(target.pos.x + target.size.x - ray_origin.x) / ray_dir.x, (target.pos.y + target.size.y - ray_origin.y) / ray_dir.y}; |
if (t_near.x > t_far.x) {float b; b = t_near.x; t_near.x = t_far.x; t_far.x = b;}; |
if (t_near.y > t_far.y) {float b; b = t_near.y; t_near.y = t_far.y; t_far.y = b;}; |
if (t_near.x > t_far.y || t_near.y > t_far.x) return false; |
t_hit_near = fmax(t_near.x, t_near.y); |
float t_hit_far = fmin(t_far.x, t_far.y); |
if (t_hit_far < 0) return false; |
contact_point.x = ray_origin.x + t_hit_near * ray_dir.x;
contact_point.y = ray_origin.y + t_hit_near * ray_dir.y; |
if (t_near.x > t_near.y) |
if ( 1.0f / ray_dir.x < 0) |
contact_normal = { 1, 0 }; |
else |
contact_normal = { -1, 0}; |
if ( t_near.x < t_near.y) |
if ( 1.0f / ray_dir.y < 0) |
contact_normal = { 0, 1 }; |
else |
contact_normal = { 0, -1 }; |
return true; |
int main() |
{ |
File rootFile{{},0}; |
while (file.good()||tempstr.length()>0){ |
std::string line; |
if (tempstr.length()!=0){ |
line=tempstr; |
tempstr=""; |
} else { |
std::getline(file,line); |
} |
vf2d originPoint={16,16}; |
bool OnUserCreate() override |
{ |
// Called once at the start, so create things here
return true; |
if (line[0]=='$'){ |
std::string command=line.substr(line.find_first_of(' ')+1,2); |
std::string arg=line.substr(line.find_last_of(' ')+1,std::string::npos); |
std::cout<<"Command "<<command<<" w/arg "<<arg<<std::endl; |
if (command=="cd"){ |
if (arg==".."){ |
pwd=pwd.substr(0,pwd.find_last_of('/')); |
} else |
if (arg=="/"){ |
pwd="/"; |
} else { |
if (pwd=="/"){ |
pwd+=arg; |
} else { |
pwd+="/"+arg; |
} |
bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override |
{ |
vf2d velocity={(GetKey(D).bHeld-GetKey(A).bHeld)*20*fElapsedTime,(GetKey(S).bHeld-GetKey(W).bHeld)*20*fElapsedTime}; |
vf2d contact_point; |
vf2d contact_normal; |
float t_hit_near; |
Clear(Pixel(64,64,255)); |
if (!olc::utils::geom2d::overlaps(olc::utils::geom2d::circle<float>{originPoint+velocity,5},olc::utils::geom2d::rect<float>{{32,32},{64,32}})) { |
originPoint+=velocity; |
DrawCircle(originPoint,5); |
} |
std::cout<<"New directory is "<<pwd<<std::endl; |
} else { |
DrawCircle(originPoint,5,RED); |
//It's ls.
while (file.good()) { |
std::getline(file,line); |
if (line[0]=='$'){ |
tempstr=line; |
break; //It's now a command again.
} |
DrawLine(originPoint,GetMousePos()); |
DrawRect({32,32},{64,32},RayVsRect(originPoint, GetMousePos()-originPoint, olc::utils::geom2d::rect<float>{{32,32},{64,32}},contact_point,contact_normal,t_hit_near)&&t_hit_near<1?YELLOW:WHITE); |
return true; |
std::string data1=line.substr(0,line.find_first_of(' ')); |
std::string filename=line.substr(line.find_first_of(' ')+1,std::string::npos); |
std::cout<<"ls part 1: "<<data1<<"// Filename:"<<filename<<std::endl; |
if (data1=="dir"){ |
std::string navigator; |
if (pwd=="/") { |
navigator=pwd+filename; |
} else { |
navigator=pwd+"/"+filename; |
} |
}; |
int main() |
{ |
Example demo; |
if (demo.Construct(128, 120, 8, 8)) |
demo.Start(); |
std::cout<<" Navigator starts at "<<navigator<<std::endl; |
File*filer=&rootFile; |
while(navigator!=filename){ |
std::string dir=navigator.substr(0,navigator.find_first_of('/')); |
if (dir.length()==0){ |
navigator=navigator.substr(navigator.find_first_of('/')+1,std::string::npos); |
continue; |
} |
if (filer->files.find(dir)==filer->files.end()){ |
//Does not exist. Create.
filer->files[dir]=File(); |
std::cout<<"Created "<<dir<<". Size: "<<filer->files.size()<<std::endl; |
filer=&filer->files[dir]; |
}else{ |
filer=&filer->files[dir]; |
} |
navigator=navigator.substr(navigator.find_first_of('/')+1,std::string::npos); |
std::cout<<" Navigator is now at "<<navigator<<std::endl; |
} |
//Create this directory too.
if (filer->files.find(navigator)==filer->files.end()){ |
//Does not exist. Create.
filer->files[navigator]=File(); |
std::cout<<"Created "<<navigator<<". Size: "<<filer->files.size()<<std::endl; |
filer=&filer->files[navigator]; |
}else{ |
filer=&filer->files[navigator]; |
} |
} else |
if (data1.length()>0&&data1!="dir"){ |
int size=std::atoi(line.substr(0,line.find_first_of(' ')).c_str()); |
std::string filename=line.substr(line.find_first_of(' ')+1,std::string::npos); |
File*filer=&rootFile; |
std::string navigator; |
if (pwd=="/") { |
navigator=pwd+filename; |
} else { |
navigator=pwd+"/"+filename; |
} |
std::cout<<" Navigator starts at "<<navigator<<std::endl; |
while(navigator!=filename){ |
std::string dir=navigator.substr(0,navigator.find_first_of('/')); |
if (dir.length()==0){ |
navigator=navigator.substr(navigator.find_first_of('/')+1,std::string::npos); |
continue; |
} |
if (filer->files.find(dir)==filer->files.end()){ |
//Does not exist. Create.
filer->files[dir]=File(); |
std::cout<<"Created "<<dir<<". Size: "<<filer->files.size()<<std::endl; |
filer=&filer->files[dir]; |
}else{ |
filer=&filer->files[dir]; |
} |
navigator=navigator.substr(navigator.find_first_of('/')+1,std::string::npos); |
std::cout<<" Navigator is now at "<<navigator<<std::endl; |
} |
//This file gets its size set.
filer->files[navigator]=File(); |
std::cout<<"Created "<<navigator<<". Size: "<<filer->files.size()<<std::endl; |
filer->files[navigator].size=size; |
} |
} |
std::cout<<"end ls"<<std::endl; |
} |
} |
std::cout<<line<<std::endl; |
} |
int sum=0; |
DisplayContents(rootFile,"/",100000,&sum); |
std::cout<<"Sum: "<<sum<<std::endl; |
return 0; |
} |