The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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ClassName = Warrior
Auto Attack
DamageMult = 1
Range = 150
Cooldown = 0.35
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
SwordSwingTime = 0.2
Right Click Ability
Name = Block
Short Name = BLOCK
Cooldown = 15
Mana Cost = 0
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Duration = 3
# Percentage of player's normal movement speed while block is active.
SlowAmt = 0.3
# Percentage of damage to reduce by. (1.0 = 100%)
DamageReduction = 1.00
Ability 1
Name = Battlecry
Short Name = B.CRY
Cooldown = 12
Mana Cost = 40
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Range = 350
# Amount of time in seconds the attack damage increase lasts.
AttackUpDuration = 10
# Percentage of attack damage to increase by.
AttackIncrease = 0.1
# Amount of time in seconds the damage reduction increase lasts.
DamageReductionDuration = 10
# Percentage of damage reduction to increase by.
DamageReduction = 0.1
# The smallest and largest size of enemies this ability affects (inclusive).
AffectedSizeRange = 0,1
# How long the applied slow debuff lasts in seconds.
SlowdownDuration = 5
# Percentage of speed down applied to affected enemies.
SlowdownAmt = 0.3
# Amount of time the effect lives for on-screen before fading begins.
EffectLifetime = 0.1
# Amount of time the effect fades out.
EffectFadetime = 0.3
Ability 2
Name = Ground Slam
Short Name = SLAM
Cooldown = 15
Mana Cost = 50
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
SpinTime = 0.6
SpinSpd = 14
SpinMaxHeight = 50
IframeTime = 0.7
Range = 300
DamageMult = 2.5
# Amount of time the effect lives for on-screen before fading begins.
EffectLifetime = 0.5
# Amount of time the effect fades out.
EffectFadetime = 0.6
Ability 3
Name = Sonic Slash
Short Name = S.SLASH
Cooldown = 40
Mana Cost = 60
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
# Speed of the sonic slash.
BulletSpd = 400
Radius = 30
DamageMult = 8
Lifetime = 2.25
# Amount of seconds the player will be unable to move when using this ability.
StuckTime = 0.5
# How far the player gets pushed back when using this ability.
AbilityPushback = 70
ShakeTime = 0.5