The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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AdventuresInLestoria/Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config
sigonasr2 9ca52cbead Warrior sword swing now lingers for the entirety of the animation instead of only applying damage immediately on use. Release Build 8451. 12 months ago
audio Fix crash when a removed map unlock condition is loaded from a save file and saving to a save file. Move world rendering into each individual state draw method to prevent dividing by zero for invalid maps being loaded in. Loaded up new Overworld song. Added extra flower indicator under the bridge of 1-1. Fix 1-5 tree tiles. Make current map name / level name functinos return the proper story level name if we are in a story level to avoid programmer confusion / provide more flexible functions. Both Blacksmith story and chapter 1 bonus boss remove the visited flag from the camp, notifying the player visually on the world map that they need to revisit it. Move Blacksmith Tutorial trigger from requiring you to visit the camp via the world map to when you enter the camp regardless if you did it from completing a level or doing it from the world map. Release Build 8187. 1 year ago
classes Warrior sword swing now lingers for the entirety of the animation instead of only applying damage immediately on use. Release Build 8451. 12 months ago
gfx Modified pixel font to incorporate a copyright symbol. Removed copyright unicode character from credits file to avoid out-of-bounds check. Added copyright symbols to credits and splash screen. 1 year ago
items Fix crash when a removed map unlock condition is loaded from a save file and saving to a save file. Move world rendering into each individual state draw method to prevent dividing by zero for invalid maps being loaded in. Loaded up new Overworld song. Added extra flower indicator under the bridge of 1-1. Fix 1-5 tree tiles. Make current map name / level name functinos return the proper story level name if we are in a story level to avoid programmer confusion / provide more flexible functions. Both Blacksmith story and chapter 1 bonus boss remove the visited flag from the camp, notifying the player visually on the world map that they need to revisit it. Move Blacksmith Tutorial trigger from requiring you to visit the camp via the world map to when you enter the camp regardless if you did it from completing a level or doing it from the world map. Release Build 8187. 1 year ago
settings Moved settings related to the game itself into its own settings save file. Emscripten build also saves a separate system settings file in indexeddb. Added checks to prevent menu sounds from playing when the menu is not currently open, but adjusted in a different location in the game. Implemented different button icon sets and a setting to toggle between them. Removed the double button display (caused more confusion and took up more room). Fixed a bug with iterating through navigation groups when a button was removed/disabled from the list. Removed iconscaling dependency based on MenuIconButton sizes. 1 year ago
shops Traveling merchant randomized data is now saved 1 year ago
story Include new story art. 1 year ago
Interface.txt Remove debug keys for changing class, spawning items, adding xp, and opening the consumables window. Fix XP progress bar so it doesn't loop the sound if the menu is closed early. Pause menu now pauses the game during gameplay. Release Build 7895. 1 year ago
MonsterStrategies.txt Add in lockin target time property to regular run towards monster strategy. Yellow Slime Jump target speed increased from 70 -> 90. Yellow Slime Jump lock-in target time increased from 0.0s -> 0.2s. Release Build 8087. 1 year ago
Monsters.txt Lock icons implemented in equip menu. When a piece of gear is already equipped, prevent equip sounds/re-equipping of the same exact piece. Release Build 8105. 1 year ago
NPCs.txt Fix crash when a removed map unlock condition is loaded from a save file and saving to a save file. Move world rendering into each individual state draw method to prevent dividing by zero for invalid maps being loaded in. Loaded up new Overworld song. Added extra flower indicator under the bridge of 1-1. Fix 1-5 tree tiles. Make current map name / level name functinos return the proper story level name if we are in a story level to avoid programmer confusion / provide more flexible functions. Both Blacksmith story and chapter 1 bonus boss remove the visited flag from the camp, notifying the player visually on the world map that they need to revisit it. Move Blacksmith Tutorial trigger from requiring you to visit the camp via the world map to when you enter the camp regardless if you did it from completing a level or doing it from the world map. Release Build 8187. 1 year ago
Player.txt All Warrior abilities now cancel casts. Added in a small velocity threshold where the player can regain control via movement after getting bumped around. Release Version 8193. 1 year ago
configuration.txt Remove Resume input helper on the death menu. Add multi-line centering label support. Add credits configuration and credits menu to the game. Release Build 7841. Push game Version to 0.4. 1 year ago
credits.txt Fixed icon sizes on Blacksmith crafting window and consumable crafting windows being too small. Added attribution for Animated Slime sprite. Release Build 8369. 12 months ago
levels.txt Fix crash when a removed map unlock condition is loaded from a save file and saving to a save file. Move world rendering into each individual state draw method to prevent dividing by zero for invalid maps being loaded in. Loaded up new Overworld song. Added extra flower indicator under the bridge of 1-1. Fix 1-5 tree tiles. Make current map name / level name functinos return the proper story level name if we are in a story level to avoid programmer confusion / provide more flexible functions. Both Blacksmith story and chapter 1 bonus boss remove the visited flag from the camp, notifying the player visually on the world map that they need to revisit it. Move Blacksmith Tutorial trigger from requiring you to visit the camp via the world map to when you enter the camp regardless if you did it from completing a level or doing it from the world map. Release Build 8187. 1 year ago
richpresence.txt Add in Steam Rich Presence. Fix Display names of stage plates to be consistent with original naming conventions. Release Build 8226. 12 months ago