The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
sigonasr2 7608e9dfe2 Fix crash when a removed map unlock condition is loaded from a save file and saving to a save file. Move world rendering into each individual state draw method to prevent dividing by zero for invalid maps being loaded in. Loaded up new Overworld song. Added extra flower indicator under the bridge of 1-1. Fix 1-5 tree tiles. Make current map name / level name functinos return the proper story level name if we are in a story level to avoid programmer confusion / provide more flexible functions. Both Blacksmith story and chapter 1 bonus boss remove the visited flag from the camp, notifying the player visually on the world map that they need to revisit it. Move Blacksmith Tutorial trigger from requiring you to visit the camp via the world map to when you enter the camp regardless if you did it from completing a level or doing it from the world map. Release Build 8187. 1 year ago
audio.txt Audio casting sound volume did not respect SFX option setting. 1 year ago
bgm.txt Fix crash when a removed map unlock condition is loaded from a save file and saving to a save file. Move world rendering into each individual state draw method to prevent dividing by zero for invalid maps being loaded in. Loaded up new Overworld song. Added extra flower indicator under the bridge of 1-1. Fix 1-5 tree tiles. Make current map name / level name functinos return the proper story level name if we are in a story level to avoid programmer confusion / provide more flexible functions. Both Blacksmith story and chapter 1 bonus boss remove the visited flag from the camp, notifying the player visually on the world map that they need to revisit it. Move Blacksmith Tutorial trigger from requiring you to visit the camp via the world map to when you enter the camp regardless if you did it from completing a level or doing it from the world map. Release Build 8187. 1 year ago
environmentalaudio.txt Button clicks for offline/online character buttons. Added campfire sound effect. Added tile collisions to hub. Added NPC spawn points, setup NPC objects, added NPC sprites, setup event flags on map. 1 year ago
events.txt Added low health warning visuals and sound effect. Release Build 8145. 1 year ago