The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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ClassName = Wizard
Auto Attack
DamageMult = 1
Radius = 100
Speed = 200
Cooldown = 0.85
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
# When bullet makes contact, how fast the bullet will fade out.
BulletHitFadeoutTime = 0.2
# How much time passes before another particle spawns from the bullet.
ParticleFrequency = 0.03
# Specify a minimum and maximum range
ParticleLifetimeRange = 0,1
ParticleSizeRange = 0,2
ParticleFadeoutTime = 0.5
ParticleSpeedRange = -30,30
SplashEffectFadeoutTime = 0.25
Right Click Ability
Name = Teleport
Short Name = TELE
Cooldown = 8
Mana Cost = 5
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 1
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
TeleportRange = 650
AnimationTime = 0.35
IframeTime = 0.35
# The minimum tile range required for a teleport.
TilesMin = 1
# The maximum tile range a teleport is allowed to go.
TilesMax = 8
# Number of teleport particles to spawn.
ParticleCount = 16
ParticleRange = 33.33
ParticleLifetimeMin = 0
ParticleLifetimeMax = 0.3
ParticleSize = 0.3
ParticleFadetime = 0.2
ParticleSpeedMin = -5
ParticleSpeedMax = 5
ParticleColor = 0, 0, 0, 255
Ability 1
Name = Firebolt
Short Name = F.BOLT
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 30
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
# Damage multiplier of the initial hit.
InitialDamageMult = 1
BulletSpeed = 275
Radius = 100
#Coloring of the bullet.
BulletColor = 240, 120, 60, 255
# When bullet makes contact, how fast the bullet will fade out.
BulletHitFadeoutTime = 0.2
WorldShakeTime = 0.25
BulletHitExplosionRange = 250
# How much damage the explosion hit does to targets in range.
BulletHitExplosionDamageMult = 3
BulletHitExplosionFadeoutTime = 0.25
BulletHitExplosionColor = 240, 120, 60, 255
# The number of particles that spawn when a fire bolt explodes on contact.
BulletHitExplosionParticleCount = 72
BulletHitExplosionParticleLifetimeRange = 0,0.5
BulletHitExplosionParticleSizeRange = 0,2
BulletHitExplosionParticleFadeoutTimeRange = 0,0.4
BulletHitExplosionParticleSpeedRange = -150,150
# Specific color randomization ranges for the explosion particles.
BulletHitExplosionParticleRedRange = 255,255
BulletHitExplosionParticleGreenRange = 60,250
BulletHitExplosionParticleBlueRange = 60,60
BulletHitExplosionParticleAlphaRange = 255,255
# How much time passes before another particle spawns from the bullet.
ParticleFrequency = 0.03
# Specify a minimum and maximum range
ParticleLifetimeRange = 0,1
ParticleSizeRange = 0,2
ParticleFadeoutTime = 0.3
ParticleXSpeedRange = -60,60
ParticleYSpeedRange = -60,-60
# Specific color randomization ranges for the fire bolt particles.
ParticleRedRange = 255,255
ParticleGreenRange = 0,250
ParticleBlueRange = 0,0
ParticleAlphaRange = 255,255
Ability 2
Name = Lightning Bolt
Short Name = L.BOLT
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 25
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
# Damage multiplier of the initial hit.
DamageMult = 4
BulletSpeed = 230
Radius = 150
#Coloring of the bullet.
BulletColor = 255, 255, 255, 255
BulletFadeoutTime = 0.2
# How far away to look for nearby enemies to chain lightning to.
LightningChainRadius = 300
# Damage multiplier for enemies hit by lightning chain.
LightningChainDamageMult = 2
# How fast the chain lightning chases its target (Frequency updates in seconds).
LightningChainFrequency = 0.05
LightningChainLifetime = 0.25
LightningChainSplashLifetime = 0.5
LightningChainSplashFadeoutTime = 0.25
LightningChainSplashRotationRange = 0,6.28318
# How long the splash effect lasts.
SplashLifetime = 0.3
SplashFadeoutTime = 0.25
SplashRotationRange = 0,6.28318
# How much time passes before another particle spawns from the bullet.
ParticleFrequency = 0.01
# The darkest and brightest amount this particle will be colored (applied to R,G,and B components simultaneously)
ParticleColorRange = 150,250
ParticleSpawnRadiusRange = -24,24
ParticleLifetimeRange = 0,0.1
ParticleSizeRange = 1,1.5
ParticleFadeoutTime = 0.4
ParticleSpeedMultRange = 0.9,1
Ability 3
Name = Meteor
Short Name = METEOR
Cooldown = 40
Mana Cost = 75
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 1.5
Casting Range = 900
Casting Size = 400
MeteorFadeoutTime = 2
MeteorRadius = 400
MeteorDamageMult = 9
FireRingDamageMult = 1
# How often the fire ring deals damage to enemies inside of it.
FireRingDamageFreq = 1
FireRingLifetime = 4
WorldShakeTime = 2
# -1 = Moving Right, 0 = Stationary, 1 = Moving Left
MeteorXMovementMult = 1
# -1 = Moving Down, 0 = Stationary, 1 = Moving Up
MeteorYMovementMult = -1
# How far away the meteor is from its final landing location.
MeteorStartingDist = 320
# How far away the shadow is from its final landing location.
MeteorShadowStartingDist = 120
MeteorImpactParticles = 650
MeteorImpactParticleAngleRange = 0,6.28318
# How far the particles will stray from its outer edge. (1 = middle, 0 = outside)
MeteorImpactParticleRandomVariance = 0.25
MeteorImpactParticleColorGVariance = 0.5
# Red is always 255. Blue gets set using this range value.
MeteorImpactParticleColorBlueRange = 0,128
MeteorImpactParticleAlphaRange = 128,25
FireRingParticleSpawnAmtRange = 1,5
FireRingParticleFreqRange = 0.025,0.225
FireRingFadeoutTime = 1
FireRingParticleAngleRange = 0,6.28318
# How far the particles will stray from its outer edge. (1 = middle, 0 = outside)
FireRingParticleRandomVariance = 0.25
FireRingParticleColorGVariance = 0.5
# Red is always 128. Blue gets set using this range value.
FireRingParticleColorBlueRange = 0,16
FireRingParticleAlphaRange = 128,255
FireRingParticleXSizeRange = 1,3
FireRingParticleYSizeRange = 1,1
FireRingParticleFadeoutTimeRange = 2,6
FireRingParticleXSpeedRange = -5,5
FireRingParticleYSpeedRange = -20,-5
} |