Fix a bug with stone elemental burrow rise bullet ring color not respecting the configuration value. Add bullet rings to chapter 2 boss pillars when they are broken. Release Build 9678.
for(inti=0;i<ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Count");i++){
constfloatbulletAngle=((2*PI)/ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Count"))*i+bulletAngRandomOffset;
CreateBullet(Bullet)(m.GetPos(),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Speed"),bulletAngle}.cart(),ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size"),ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Damage"),m.OnUpperLevel(),false,ConfigPixel("Death Ring Bullet Color"),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size")/3,ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size")/3})EndBullet;
@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ The Boss continues with its normal behaviour while the pillars are getting caste
every Pillar that breaks Casts a ring of projectiles on death (15 dmg)
>every Pillar that breaks Casts a ring of projectiles on death (15 dmg)
The golem attacks similar like bear boss but with half the radius on the attack. (35 dmg)
>The golem attacks similar like bear boss but with half the radius on the attack. (35 dmg)
after every attack there is a 25% chance The Stone golem targets the Player. the targeting gets Indicated around the player.
>after every attack there is a 25% chance The Stone golem targets the Player. the targeting gets Indicated around the player.
after 2.5 seconds the golems throws a giant rock with 250 radius on the players position. Damaging the player and destroying Pillars hit. (55 dmg)
>after 2.5 seconds the golems throws a giant rock with 250 radius on the players position. Damaging the player and destroying Pillars hit. (55 dmg)
Stone Throw cant overlap with shockwave. when a 10% mark is reached while a rock is targeting the player, Shockwave cast starts after the rock was thrown.
Stone Throw cant overlap with shockwave. when a 10% mark is reached while a rock is targeting the player, Shockwave cast starts after the rock was thrown.
for(inti=0;i<ConfigInt("Burrow Ring Bullet Count");i++){
for(inti=0;i<ConfigInt("Burrow Ring Bullet Count");i++){
constfloatbulletAngle=((2*PI)/ConfigInt("Burrow Ring Bullet Count"))*i+bulletAngRandomOffset;
constfloatbulletAngle=((2*PI)/ConfigInt("Burrow Ring Bullet Count"))*i+bulletAngRandomOffset;
CreateBullet(Bullet)(m.GetPos(),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Speed"),bulletAngle}.cart(),ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Size"),ConfigInt("Burrow Ring Bullet Damage"),m.OnUpperLevel(),false,{96,0,120},vf2d{ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Size")/3,ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Size")/3})EndBullet;
CreateBullet(Bullet)(m.GetPos(),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Speed"),bulletAngle}.cart(),ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Size"),ConfigInt("Burrow Ring Bullet Damage"),m.OnUpperLevel(),false,ConfigPixel("Burrow Ring Bullet Color"),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Size")/3,ConfigFloat("Burrow Ring Bullet Size")/3})EndBullet;