Fix wind speed to check for bullet collisions via microsteps like regular bullets do. Fix bug with danger area color for second chapter boss' shockwave attack not matching config color. Add in new spell descriptions and config variables for the new classes. Release Build 10044.

sigonasr2 9 months ago
parent 7086a8807b
commit ad1dafa0b4
  1. 1
      Adventures in Lestoria/Adventures in Lestoria.vcxproj
  2. 3
      Adventures in Lestoria/Adventures in Lestoria.vcxproj.filters
  3. 1
      Adventures in Lestoria/Bullet.cpp
  4. 171
      Adventures in Lestoria/Crawler_Trapper_Witch_thief.txt
  5. 2
      Adventures in Lestoria/StoneGolem.cpp
  6. 2
      Adventures in Lestoria/TODO.txt
  7. 2
      Adventures in Lestoria/Version.h
  8. 2
      Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/MonsterStrategies.txt
  9. 72
      Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/classes/Thief.txt
  10. 92
      Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/classes/Trapper.txt
  11. 91
      Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/classes/Witch.txt
  12. BIN
      x64/Release/Adventures in Lestoria.exe

@ -1130,6 +1130,7 @@
<Text Include="characters.txt" />
<Text Include="Crawler_2_Bonus_Boss.txt" />
<Text Include="Crawler_System_Overview.txt" />
<Text Include="Crawler_Trapper_Witch_thief.txt" />
<Text Include="debug.log" />
<Text Include="Merchant%27s Items.txt" />
<Text Include="NewClasses.txt" />

@ -1301,6 +1301,9 @@
<Text Include="Chapter_3_Monsters.txt">
<Text Include="Crawler_Trapper_Witch_thief.txt">
<Image Include="assets\heart.ico">

@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ void Bullet::_Update(const float fElapsedTime){
int iterations=int(std::max(1.f,(vel*fElapsedTime).mag()));
int totalIterations=iterations;
vf2d finalBulletPos=pos+vel*fElapsedTime;
const auto CollisionCheck=[&](){
if(simulated)return true;

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Autohit: Sword Slash (0.35 sec cd)
Rightclick - Roll
Dodgeroll that gives an iframe and 2 sec of move spd buff afterwards.
Range: 250
Movespd buff: 30%
cd: 8 sec
1 - Hidden Dagger
Backwards Jump while Throwing a Dagger infront
Jump-Range: 200
Damage: 2x Atk
cd: 8 sec.
20 Mana
2 - deadly Dash
Dashes to Target location
Damages everything the Thief goes through.
iframe lasting additional 0.5 sec after skill ends.
Damage: 4x Atk
Range: 450
cd: 15 sec.
Mana 45
3 - Adrenaline Rush
30% Attack Speed and 10% Movementspeed buff
Duration: 8 seconds
Cd: 37 sec.
Mana 75
Autohit: Same as Ranger
Rightclick - Sprint
3 sec / 60% movespeed buff
cd: 7 sec.
1 - Mark Target
Range: Screenwide
Cd: 12 sec.
25 Mana
Target receives addition 0.6x Atk dmg every time the target get hit by any auto attack or ability.
7 sec Duration or 5 triggers
NOTE: Ranger abilities can proc this too, due to 4th ability sharing.
2 - Bear Trap
Lays down a trap on Players position.
Damage: 2.5x Attack
Cd: 15 sec
If Target is marked the mark gets reset to 7 seconds with 5 stacks.
If Target was marked the enemy gets a bleed debuff dealing 0.1x Attack every second for 10 seconds.
3 - Explosive Trap
Trap takes 1.5 sec until its active until it gets thrown somewhere.
Trap explodes either if an enemy touches it or with a 5 second delay.
Damage: 5.5x Attack
If anyone inside the explosion is marget, Target Triggers 2 Marks at once.
Anyone who is not marked inside the explosion gets 1 Stack of mark with 7 sec duration.
Autohit: Hooming Dark/Purple Energy Bolt. only starts hooming if it gets really close to an enemy. (0.85 sec cd)
Righclick - Transform
Transforms to a Cat Leaps for 400 Range and transforms back (iFrame during move)
cd: 8 sec.
1 Curse of Pain
Single Target dot Target on Mouse location. 6 seconds
Range: 700
35 Mana
1x attack every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Last Tick does double damage.
8 sec Cd
2 Throw Poison
Throws a poison bottle like a grenate. Massive aoe dmg and low dmg ticking dot over long time.
Range: 700
AoE: 350 Range
Damage: 5x Atk Poisons over 30 seconds (does every 3 secs 0.5x Atk dmg)
40 Mana
16 sec cd
3 Curse of Death
Curses Target to receive double dmg for next 7 seconds. Target with Mouse location
Range: 700
cd: 35 sec
35 Mana

@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ void Monster::STRATEGY::STONE_GOLEM(Monster&m,float fElapsedTime,std::string str
Pixel newCol{PixelLerp(VERY_DARK_BLUE,BLACK,sin(geom2d::pi*game->GetRunTime()*2)/2.f+0.5f)};
Pixel newCol{PixelLerp(m.I(A::SHOCKWAVE_COLOR),BLACK,sin(geom2d::pi*game->GetRunTime()*2)/2.f+0.5f)};

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Add rectangular hitbox posssibility to the game for monsters. (specifically for
Add Spell Names on info screen.
PGETinker notes

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ All rights reserved.
#define VERSION_BUILD 10039
#define VERSION_BUILD 10044
#define stringify(a) stringify_(a)
#define stringify_(a) #a

@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ MonsterStrategy
Knockback Amount = 450
Shockwave Screen Shake Time = 0.75s
Danger Area Color = 64 red, 0 green, 0 blue, 255 alpha
Danger Area Color = 128 red, 0 green, 0 blue, 255 alpha
Ring Expand Speed = 5.0/s
Shockwave Ring Lifetime = 2.5s

@ -6,22 +6,39 @@ Thief
BaseAtk = 10
# Amount of health gained per level.
HealthGrowthRate = 5
HealthGrowthRate = 9
# Amount of attack gained per level.
AtkGrowthRate = 0.2
AtkGrowthRate = 2
FullRender = unknown_full_render.png
Auto Attack
DamageMult = 1x
Range = 150
Cooldown = 0.35
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 1
SwordAnimationSwingTime = 0.2s
SwordSlashLingerTime = 0.125s
#Sweep angle of the sword slash (in both directions)
SwordSlashSweepAngle = 45°
Right Click Ability
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Roll
Short Name = ROLL
Description = Roll in a direction and gain increased movement speed for 2 seconds.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 8
Mana Cost = 5
Mana Cost = 0
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
CancelCast = 1
# % speed increase, duration
Movespeed Buff = 30%, 2s
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 192
@ -33,14 +50,17 @@ Thief
Ability 1
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Hidden Dagger
Short Name = DAGGER
Description = Jump backwards while throwing a dagger.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 30
Cooldown = 8
Mana Cost = 20
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
CancelCast = 1
Jump Range = 200
Damage = 2x
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
@ -52,14 +72,17 @@ Thief
Ability 2
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Deadly Dash
Short Name = DASH
Description = Dash to target location becoming invulnerable and damaging everything in the Thief's path.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 25
Cooldown = 15
Mana Cost = 45
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
CancelCast = 1
Damage = 4x
Range = 450
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
@ -71,15 +94,18 @@ Thief
Ability 3
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Adrenaline Rush
Short Name = RUSH
Description = Gain 30% increased attack speed and 10% increased movement speed for 8 seconds.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 40
Cooldown = 37
Mana Cost = 75
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
Attack Speed Increase = 30%
Movement Speed Increase = 10%
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192

@ -2,27 +2,43 @@ Trapper
ClassName = Trapper
BaseHealth = 100
BaseAtk = 10
BaseHealth = 90
BaseAtk = 13
# Amount of health gained per level.
HealthGrowthRate = 5
HealthGrowthRate = 7
# Amount of attack gained per level.
AtkGrowthRate = 0.2
AtkGrowthRate = 3
FullRender = characters/commercial_assets/Trapper_F_NoOutline.png
Auto Attack
DamageMult = 1x
Radius = 12
Cooldown = 0.6
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
ArrowSpd = 275
Sound = Ranger Auto Attack
Right Click Ability
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Sprint
Short Name = SPRINT
Description = Gain 60% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 8
Mana Cost = 5
Cooldown = 7
Mana Cost = 0
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
# Movement speed increase, duration
Movement Speed Buff = 60%, 3s
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128, 192
@ -33,58 +49,78 @@ Trapper
Ability 1
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Mark Target
Short Name = MARK
Description = Marks an enemy. Lasts 7 seconds/5 hits. Marks detonate for 60% of ATK from every hit/ability.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 30
Cooldown = 12
Mana Cost = 25
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
Duration = 7s
Hit Count = 5
Damage Increase Bonus = 60%
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Casting Range = 1200
Casting Size = 100
Ability 2
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Bear Trap
Short Name = TRAP
Description = Sets down a trap. If caught target is already marked, reapplies the mark and causes bleeding.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 25
Cooldown = 15
Mana Cost = 0
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
Marked Target Reset Time = 7s
Marked Target Hit Count Reset = 5
Marked Target Bleed = 10%, 10s
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Precast Time = 0.5s
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Ability 3
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Explosive Trap
Short Name = EXTRAP
Description = A trap exploding on touch/5 seconds, applying marks to targets hit. Already marked targets trigger 2 marks.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 40
Mana Cost = 75
Cooldown = 0
Mana Cost = 0
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
Damage = 5.5x
Explosion Radius = 200
Trap Activation Time = 1.5s
Trap Auto Detonate Time = 5s
# Number of Mark triggers that activate from getting hit.
Trap Mark Trigger Count = 2
# Number of mark stacks to add to any targets caught by the explosion.
Explosion Mark Stack Increase = 1
Explosion Knockup Amount = 20
Explosion Knockback Amount = 250
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Precast Time = 0.5s
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0

@ -2,90 +2,119 @@ Witch
ClassName = Witch
BaseHealth = 100
BaseAtk = 10
BaseHealth = 80
BaseAtk = 15
# Amount of health gained per level.
HealthGrowthRate = 5
# Amount of attack gained per level.
AtkGrowthRate = 0.2
AtkGrowthRate = 4
FullRender = characters/commercial_assets/Witch_F_NoOutline.png
Auto Attack
DamageMult = 1x
Homing Range = 100
Radius = 50
Speed = 175
Cooldown = 0.85
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
# Maximum distance this attack will travel before it becomes deactivated.
Max Range = 1200
# When bullet makes contact, how fast the bullet will fade out.
BulletHitFadeoutTime = 0.2s
SplashEffectFadeoutTime = 0.25s
Right Click Ability
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Transform
Short Name = CAT
Description = Transform into a cat, leaping to target position while avoiding attacks, then transform back.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 8
Mana Cost = 5
Mana Cost = 0
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
CancelCast = 1
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Casting Range = 400
Casting Size = 100
Ability 1
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Curse of Pain
Short Name = PAIN
Description = Apply a curse on a target dealing damage over time.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 30
Cooldown = 8
Mana Cost = 35
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
# Damage per tick, time between ticks, total curse duration
Curse Debuff = 1x, 2s, 8s
Final Tick Damage = 2x
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Casting Range = 700
Casting Size = 100
Ability 2
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Throw Poison
Short Name = POISON
Description = Throw a poison bottle at target location. All targets caught in the range take poison damage over time.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 6
Mana Cost = 25
Cooldown = 16
Mana Cost = 40
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
# Damage per tick, time between ticks, total debuff time
Poison Debuff = 0.5x, 3s, 30s
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Casting Range = 700
Casting Size = 350
Ability 3
Name = ???
Short Name = ???
Description = ???
Name = Curse of Death
Short Name = DEATH
Description = Target is cursed with a debilitating spell, taking double damage for 7 seconds.
Icon = block.png
Cooldown = 40
Mana Cost = 75
Cooldown = 35
Mana Cost = 35
# Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
CancelCast = 0
Damage Amplification = 2x
Curse Duration = 7s
#RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192
Precast Time = 0
Casting Range = 0
Casting Size = 0
Casting Range = 700
Casting Size = 100