Added operator< for Pixel class to allow sets of pixels to be used. Add fragment item default description. Generate fragment images that randomly sample from the source ring's colors. Add base fragment item icon. Release Build 10443.
autoinventoryLabel=artificerRefineWindow->ADD("Accessory List Label",MenuLabel)(geom2d::rect<float>{{},{180.f,12.f}},"Choose Accessory:",1.f,ComponentAttr::SHADOW|ComponentAttr::LEFT_ALIGN)END;
constuint8_tresetStackCount{uint8_t("Trapper.Ability 2.Marked Target Stack Count Reset"_I)+1U};//Add an additional stack because we know the target hit is about to lose one stack.
constuint8_tresetStackCount{uint8_t("Trapper.Ability 2.Marked Target Stack Count Reset"_I+1U)};//Add an additional stack because we know the target hit is about to lose one stack.
if(it.Category()=="Accessories"&&it.IsWeapon())ERR(std::format("WARNING! {} is in the Accessories Category, but is considered a Weapon!",it.Name()))
if(it.Category()=="Accessories"&&it.IsArmor())ERR(std::format("WARNING! {} is in the Accessories Category, but is considered Armor!",it.Name()))
if(it.Category()=="Accessories"&&!it.IsAccessory())ERR(std::format("WARNING! {} is in the Accessories Category, but not considered an Accessory!",it.Name()))
if(it.IsAccessory()&&!it.fragmentName.has_value())ERR(std::format("WARNING! Accessory {} does not have a \"Fragment Name\" set!",it.Name()));
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Equipment Sort Rules Verification Tests