Fix Stage Plates 2-6,2-7,2-8, and 2-B to point to their respective stages. Move the additional pillar spawning code outside of the regular boss' phase cycle since it's supposed to happen while the boss does other things according to the original spec. When new pillars appear/disappear, recalculate the safe areas dynamically. Release Build 9974.
for(inti=0;i<ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Count");i++){
constfloatbulletAngle=((2*PI)/ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Count"))*i+bulletAngRandomOffset;
CreateBullet(Bullet)(m.GetPos(),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Speed"),bulletAngle}.cart(),ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size"),ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Damage"),m.OnUpperLevel(),false,ConfigPixel("Death Ring Bullet Color"),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size")/3,ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size")/3})EndBullet;
for(inti=0;i<ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Count");i++){
constfloatbulletAngle=((2*PI)/ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Count"))*i+bulletAngRandomOffset;
CreateBullet(Bullet)(m.GetPos(),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Speed"),bulletAngle}.cart(),ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size"),ConfigInt("Death Ring Bullet Damage"),m.OnUpperLevel(),false,ConfigPixel("Death Ring Bullet Color"),vf2d{ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size")/3,ConfigFloat("Death Ring Bullet Size")/3})EndBullet;
if(GetSizeT(Attribute::RESPAWN_LOOPING_SOUND_ID)!=std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()){//Just make sure on death any looping sound effect has been discarded proper.
RESPAWN_LOOPING_SOUND_ID,//NOTE: Store looping sound IDs temporarily with this value. The game automatically cleans this up in Monster::OnDestroy() if you don't, since a monster that dies should not have their looping sound still playing.
Monster&badPillar{game->SpawnMonster(m.V(A::RESPAWN_LOCKON_POS),"Breaking Stone Golem Pillar"),m.OnUpperLevel())};
game->Hurt(m.V(A::RESPAWN_LOCKON_POS),"Breaking Stone Golem Pillar").GetCollisionRadius()*"Breaking Stone Golem Pillar").GetSizeMult(),"Breaking Stone Golem Pillar").GetAttack(),m.OnUpperLevel(),0.f,HurtType::PLAYER);
badPillar._DealTrueDamage(badPillar.GetMaxHealth()-1U);//Force the health to be 1.
if(m.SIZET(A::PREVIOUS_MONSTER_COUNT)!=MONSTER_LIST.size()){//The monster list has changed...Whether it's a pillar getting added or removed, it's important we recalculate safe areas proper.
m.phase=FIX_SAFE_AREAS;//HACK ALERT! Since spawning/removing monsters doesn't immediately occur in the MONSTER_LIST structure, we must defer the safe areas until the next tick and then recalculate them. To do this, we put the monster into another state and pause the shockwave attack for a frame to fix the new spawn areas on the next tick.