Fix DPad on controllers causing animations to lock up when pressing two or more directions at the same time. Release Build 7896.

sigonasr2 1 year ago
parent 7cd91e96e1
commit 6a5e36b8da
  1. 9
      Adventures in Lestoria/AdventuresInLestoria.cpp
  2. 2
      Adventures in Lestoria/Version.h
  3. BIN
      x64/Release/Adventures in Lestoria.exe

@ -380,16 +380,17 @@ bool AiL::DownHeld(){
return KEY_DOWN.Held()||KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()>=0.2f;
bool AiL::LeftReleased(){
return KEY_LEFT.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&player->movementVelocity.x<0&&KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L.Analog()>-0.2f;
return KEY_LEFT.Released()||
Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_LEFT.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.x<0&&KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L.Analog()>-0.2f; //Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
bool AiL::RightReleased(){
return KEY_RIGHT.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&player->movementVelocity.x>0&&KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L.Analog()<0.2f;
return KEY_RIGHT.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_RIGHT.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.x>0&&KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L.Analog()<0.2f; //Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
bool AiL::UpReleased(){
return KEY_UP.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&player->movementVelocity.y<0&&KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()>-0.2f;
return KEY_UP.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_UP.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.y<0&&KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()>-0.2f; //Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
bool AiL::DownReleased(){
return KEY_DOWN.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&player->movementVelocity.y>0&&KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()<0.2f;
return KEY_DOWN.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_DOWN.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.y>0&&KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()<0.2f; //Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
bool AiL::LeftPressed(){
return KEY_LEFT.Pressed();

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ All rights reserved.
#define VERSION_BUILD 7895
#define VERSION_BUILD 7896
#define stringify(a) stringify_(a)
#define stringify_(a) #a
