Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_LEFT.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.x<0&&KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L.Analog()>-0.2f;//Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
returnKEY_RIGHT.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_RIGHT.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.x>0&&KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L.Analog()<0.2f;//Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
returnKEY_UP.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_UP.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.y<0&&KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()>-0.2f;//Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.
returnKEY_DOWN.Released()||Input::UsingGamepad()&&!KEY_DOWN.Held()&&player->movementVelocity.y>0&&KEY_SCROLLVERT_L.Analog()<0.2f;//Since controller players have the option of using the Left Analog stick or the dpad for movement, we have to make sure both are not being utilized while moving before we can consider an input released.