Move the player outline repeating timer into a new OnLevelStart() callback for the player. Fixes a bug where the player outline will no longer update after the initial stage. Added more player timer helper functions for better control. Release Build 11031.
trap.MonsterHit(newMonster,1);//Simulate 1 mark stack on the monster to trigger the bleed.
Assert::AreEqual("Trapper.Ability 2.Marked Target Bleed"_f[1]+"Lingering Scent"_ENC["BLEED EXTRA DURATION"],newMonster.GetBuffs(BuffType::OVER_TIME)[0].duration,L"Bleed duration should be 10 seconds by default.");
void_SetCurrentLevel(constMapNamemap);//NOTE: This will modify the currentLevel variable without triggering anything else in-game, this will normally mess up the state in the game. Ideally this is only used when initializing a test level.
SELF_INFLICTED_SLOWDOWN,//Used for monsters and can't be applied by any player abilities.
ADRENALINE_RUSH,//Intensity indicates the stack count (used by the Bloodlust enchant) this buff gives which in turn increases attack.
SPECIAL_MARK,//The mark applied by the Opportunity Shot.
ONE_OFF,//This is used as a hack fix for the RestoreDuringCast Item script since they require us to restore 1 tick immediately. Over time buffs do not apply a tick immediately.
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ struct Buff{
std::variant<Player*,std::weak_ptr<Monster>>attachedTarget;//Who has this buff.
constboolHasEnchantWithAbilityAffected(conststd::string_viewabilityName)const;//Returns whether or not the player has an enchant that affects the provided name.
Description = "Every {MARK TIME} seconds a random enemy on screen gets {MARK AMOUNT} Mark. If a mark on that Target is triggered within {MARK TRIGGER TIME} seconds, your Mark Target's cooldown is reduced by {MARK COOLDOWN REDUCE} seconds."
Description = "Every {MARK TIME} seconds an enemy gets marked. If triggered within {MARK TRIGGER TIME} seconds, Mark Target's cooldown is reduced by {MARK COOLDOWN REDUCE} seconds."