Move fadeouttimer for bullets to be private scope. Account for hits multiple flag for bullets that strike a player and adds them to the hit list. Coincidentally, this need also address Issue #17
An error occurred
. Fix a bug with multi-hit bullets not applying additional hit effects to monsters. Tornado Attack Implemented. Release Build 9473.
floatfadeInTime=0;//Setting the fade in time causes the bullet to be disabled and the bullet's alpha will fade in from zero to the actual alpha of the bullet. When the fade in timer reaches the fade in time automatically, the bullet will be enabled.
CreateBullet(Bullet)(m.GetPos()+vf2d{xOffset+util::random_range(-3.f,3.f),-util::random(10.f)-4.f},vf2d{0.f,ConfigFloat("Fly Across Attack.Attack Y Speed")},1,ConfigInt("Fly Across Attack.Poop Damage"),"birdpoop.png",m.OnUpperLevel(),false,INFINITY,false,false,WHITE,vf2d{util::random_range(0.2f,0.3f),util::random_range(0.2f,0.3f)},util::random(2*PI))
m.F(A::SHOOT_TIMER)=ConfigFloat("Fly Across Attack.Landing Area");
m.F(A::SHOOT_TIMER)=ConfigFloat("Fly Across Attack.Attack Frequency");