The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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8 months ago
Autohit: Sword Slash (0.35 sec cd)
Rightclick - Roll
Dodgeroll that gives an iframe and 2 sec of move spd buff afterwards.
Range: 250
Movespd buff: 30%
cd: 8 sec
1 - Hidden Dagger
Backwards Jump while Throwing a Dagger infront
Jump-Range: 200
Damage: 2x Atk
cd: 8 sec.
20 Mana
2 - deadly Dash
Dashes to Target location
Damages everything the Thief goes through.
iframe lasting additional 0.5 sec after skill ends.
Damage: 4x Atk
Range: 450
cd: 15 sec.
Mana 45
3 - Adrenaline Rush
30% Attack Speed and 10% Movementspeed buff
Duration: 8 seconds
Cd: 37 sec.
Mana 75
Autohit: Same as Ranger
Rightclick - Sprint
3 sec / 60% movespeed buff
cd: 7 sec.
1 - Mark Target
Range: Screenwide
Cd: 12 sec.
25 Mana
Target receives addition 0.6x Atk dmg every time the target get hit by any auto attack or ability.
7 sec Duration or 5 triggers
NOTE: Ranger abilities can proc this too, due to 4th ability sharing.
2 - Bear Trap
Lays down a trap on Players position.
Damage: 2.5x Attack
Cd: 15 sec
If Target is marked the mark gets reset to 7 seconds with 5 stacks.
If Target was marked the enemy gets a bleed debuff dealing 0.1x Attack every second for 10 seconds.
3 - Explosive Trap
Trap takes 1.5 sec until its active until it gets thrown somewhere.
Trap explodes either if an enemy touches it or with a 5 second delay.
Damage: 5.5x Attack
If anyone inside the explosion is marget, Target Triggers 2 Marks at once.
Anyone who is not marked inside the explosion gets 1 Stack of mark with 7 sec duration.
Autohit: Hooming Dark/Purple Energy Bolt. only starts hooming if it gets really close to an enemy. (0.85 sec cd)
Righclick - Transform
Transforms to a Cat Leaps for 400 Range and transforms back (iFrame during move)
cd: 8 sec.
1 Curse of Pain
Single Target dot Target on Mouse location. 6 seconds
Range: 700
35 Mana
1x attack every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Last Tick does double damage.
8 sec Cd
2 Throw Poison
Throws a poison bottle like a grenate. Massive aoe dmg and low dmg ticking dot over long time.
Range: 700
AoE: 350 Range
Damage: 5x Atk Poisons over 30 seconds (does every 3 secs 0.5x Atk dmg)
40 Mana
16 sec cd
3 Curse of Death
Curses Target to receive double dmg for next 7 seconds. Target with Mouse location
Range: 700
cd: 35 sec
35 Mana