The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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#pragma once
#include "olcUTIL_Animate2D.h"
#include "Animation.h"
#include "Monster.h"
#include "State.h"
#include "Ability.h"
#include "Class.h"
#include "Buff.h"
#include "Pathfinding.h"
struct Player{
friend class Crawler;
friend class sig::Animation;
int hp=100,maxhp=hp;
int mana=100,maxmana=mana;
int atk=10;
vf2d pos;
float friction=400;
float z=0;
float moveSpd=1.0f;
float size=1.0f;
float spin_attack_timer=0;
float spin_spd=0;
float spin_angle=0;
float lastAnimationFlip=0;
float manaTickTimer=0;
std::pair<std::string,float> notEnoughManaDisplay={"",0};
float teleportAttemptWaitTime=0; //If a teleport fails, we wait awhile before trying again, it's expensive.
State state=State::NORMAL;
Animate2D::AnimationState internal_animState;
Key lastReleasedMovementKey;
void AddAnimation(AnimationState state);
void Update(float fElapsedTime);
const float ATTACK_COOLDOWN=0.35f;
const float MAGIC_ATTACK_COOLDOWN=0.85f;
void SetSwordSwingTimer(float val);
void SetState(State newState);
void SetFacingDirection(Key direction);
void SetLastReleasedMovementKey(Key k);
void Spin(float duration,float spinSpd);
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
bool SetX(float x);
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
bool SetY(float y);
void SetZ(float z);
//Returns true if the move was valid and successful.
bool SetPos(vf2d pos);
float attack_cooldown_timer=0;
float iframe_time=0;
float teleportAnimationTimer=0;
vf2d teleportTarget={};
vf2d teleportStartPosition={};
std::pair<std::string,float> notificationDisplay={"",0};
bool upperLevel=false;
vf2d vel={0,0};
float attack_range=1.5f;
Key facingDirection;
float swordSwingTimer=0;
const static float GROUND_SLAM_SPIN_TIME;
float GetX();
float GetY();
float GetZ();
int GetHealth();
int GetMaxHealth();
int GetMana();
int GetMaxMana();
int GetAttack();
float GetMoveSpdMult();
float GetSizeMult();
float GetAttackRangeMult();
float GetSpinAngle();
State GetState();
Key GetFacingDirection();
vf2d GetVelocity();
bool HasIframes();
void UpdateWalkingAnimation(Key direction);
void UpdateIdleAnimation(Key direction);
//The range is the search range in tiles.
bool CanPathfindTo(vf2d pos,vf2d targetPos,float range=8);
bool CanMove();
void AddBuff(BuffType type,float duration,float intensity);
std::vector<Buff>GetBuffs(BuffType buff);
bool Hurt(int damage);
void UpdateAnimation(AnimationState animState);
Animate2D::Frame GetFrame();
Key GetLastReleasedMovementKey();
float GetSwordSwingTimer();
bool OnUpperLevel();
//Triggers when the player has moved.
void Moved();
virtual ~Player()=default;
virtual Class GetClass()=0;
virtual bool AutoAttack()=0;
virtual void InitializeClassAbilities()=0;
virtual std::string GetClassName()=0;
virtual Ability&GetRightClickAbility()=0;
virtual Ability&GetAbility1()=0;
virtual Ability&GetAbility2()=0;
virtual Ability&GetAbility3()=0;
virtual Ability&GetAbility4()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetWalkNAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetWalkEAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetWalkSAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetWalkWAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetIdleNAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetIdleEAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetIdleSAnimation()=0;
virtual AnimationState GetIdleWAnimation()=0;
struct Warrior:Player{
static std::string name;
static Class cl;
static Ability rightClickAbility,ability1,ability2,ability3,ability4;
static AnimationState walk_n,walk_e,walk_s,walk_w,idle_n,idle_e,idle_s,idle_w;
Class GetClass()override;
bool AutoAttack()override;
void InitializeClassAbilities()override;
std::string GetClassName()override;
AnimationState GetWalkNAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetWalkEAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetWalkSAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetWalkWAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetIdleNAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetIdleEAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetIdleSAnimation()override;
AnimationState GetIdleWAnimation()override;