The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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AdventuresInLestoria/Adventures in Lestoria/TODO.txt

51 lines
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January 1st
The Hub / NPC Interactions
Settings Menu
- Any settings should be saved to the save file!
- Volume Controls
- Play Sound in Background
- Key Configuration
-Upon pressing a key, check if the key is bound to another option, if so,
remove that bind from the list. Up to two keys may be binded per action.
-We have to save keybinds to the save file.
- Initial Crafting of Gear.
- XP Bar
January 31st
When a boss dies, an exit ring should spawn at the death location.
Story proofreading/correcting/storyboarding
- Loading Screen
- Title Screen setpieces
- Emscripten saving/loading files locally or cloud, can choose at menu.
- Lock up unimplemented classes.
- Add Death screen (Zoom in on fatal blow, slow time down... Display some game over text... Allow retry or return to world map.)
A "Debug" version of the game that simply outputs all std::cout to a file as well (debug.log).
ERR messages become just output messages in release build and won't crash the game.
- Hide mouse cursor during controller play. Reveal it again during mouse play.
- Resource Packs
- Hold mouse down to increase quantity
- Icon displays / Proper key displays above skill keys
- Auto aim causes retreat-type moves to aim away from the auto target, and prefer the direction the player's moving in.
- Equipment purchase method changes:
ok equipment cant be sold currently anyway.
So i think the easiest solution would be making gear unique. buying and upgrading it could be at the exact same location then.
Only thing that needs to be changed in the ui would be removing the equipment tab in the vendor sell menu.
[12:07 AM]sigonasr2: So the process goes: See current list of gear, first you buy it, then you can choose it again to continuously upgrade it