Nearby Enemies with size smaller or equal to 100% will receive a Movespd debuff of 30% for 5 seconds. (350 Range)
12sec. cd
40 mana
2 - Ground Slam
dmg: 4x Atk
15 sec. cd
50 Mana
3 - Sonic Slash
Shoots a half moon that damage everything it passes
Dmg: 8x Atk
60 Mana
Size of Projectile: 250
Range: 900
40 sec. cd
Warrior should not be able to run out of mana. Mana only stands in the way of using all 3 skills at the same time.
the Battlecry slow is primarly ment to make it easier to catch up with range units that run away, at the moment warrior probably has the hardest time dealing with mosnters that run.