for(std::weak_ptr<MenuComponent>component:data.parentComponent.lock()->GetComponents()){//HACK ALERT! If we are accessing a parent component, it's because we are dealing with a scrolling window component, which has sub-components. So this should be a safe cast to make.
std::weak_ptr<MenuItemButton>button2=DYNAMIC_POINTER_CAST<MenuItemButton>(component.lock());//HACK ALERT! This is probably an item since we populated item lists using this name for the components. So we assume these are MenuItemButton classes.
//We don't have to actually populate the inventory list because now when an item gets added, it will automatically add the correct component in for us.
inventoryWindow->ADD("Inventory Type Label",MenuLabel)(geom2d::rect<float>{{0,-5},{windowSize.x-1,18}},"Consumables",2,ComponentAttr::SHADOW|ComponentAttr::BACKGROUND|ComponentAttr::OUTLINE)END;
intnewRowIndex=selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex-invWidth;//Moving up moves the cursor up an entire row.
//This means we have to wrap around.
if(newRowIndex<0||newRowIndex>=itemsList.size())ERR(std::format("New Row Index ended up out-of-bounds! newRowIndex={}. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
//Select the component that matches this new number.
if(component==itemsList.end())ERR(std::format("WARNING! Could not find row index {} in items list while navigating! THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
intnewRowIndex=std::clamp(selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex+1,(selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex/invWidth)*invWidth,std::min(itemsList.size(),(selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex/invWidth+1)*invWidth-1));//Moving right, we need to wrap around if we get to the edge.
//This means we have to wrap around.
if(newRowIndex<0||newRowIndex>=itemsList.size())ERR(std::format("New Row Index ended up out-of-bounds! newRowIndex={}. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
//Select the component that matches this new number.
if(component==itemsList.end())ERR(std::format("WARNING! Could not find row index {} in items list while navigating! THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
intnewRowIndex=selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex+invWidth;//Moving down moves the cursor down an entire row.
//This means we have to wrap around.
if(newRowIndex<0||newRowIndex>=itemsList.size())ERR(std::format("New Row Index ended up out-of-bounds! newRowIndex={}. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
//Select the component that matches this new number.
if(component==itemsList.end())ERR(std::format("WARNING! Could not find row index {} in items list while navigating! THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
intnewRowIndex=std::clamp(selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex-1,(selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex/invWidth)*invWidth,std::min(itemsList.size(),(selectedButton.lock()->inventoryIndex/invWidth+1)*invWidth-1));//Moving left, we need to wrap around if we get to the edge.
//This means we have to wrap around.
if(newRowIndex<0||newRowIndex>=itemsList.size())ERR(std::format("New Row Index ended up out-of-bounds! newRowIndex={}. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));
//Select the component that matches this new number.
if(component==itemsList.end())ERR(std::format("WARNING! Could not find row index {} in items list while navigating! THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!",newRowIndex));