The official distribution of olcConsoleGameEngine, a tool used in javidx9's YouTube videos and projects
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "olcConsoleGameEngineOOP.h"
#include "RPG_Assets.h"
#include "RPG_Maps.h"
#include "RPG_Dynamics.h"
#include "RPG_Commands.h"
#define X(n) m_script.AddCommand(new cCommand_ ## n)
class OneLoneCoder_RPG : public olcConsoleGameEngineOOP
m_sAppName = L"Top Down Role Playing Game";
cMap *m_pCurrentMap = nullptr;
cDynamic *m_pPlayer = nullptr;
vector<cDynamic*> m_vecDynamics;
cScriptProcessor m_script;
float fCameraPosX = 0.0f;
float fCameraPosY = 0.0f;
olcSprite *spriteTiles = nullptr;
olcSprite *spriteMan = nullptr;
olcSprite *m_sprFont = nullptr;
void DrawBigText(string sText, int x, int y)
int i = 0;
for (auto c : sText)
int sx = ((c - 32) % 16) * 8;
int sy = ((c - 32) / 16) * 8;
DrawPartialSprite(x + i * 8, y, m_sprFont, sx, sy, 8, 8);
virtual bool OnUserCreate()
cCommand::g_engine = this;
m_sprFont = RPG_Assets::get().GetSprite("font");
m_pCurrentMap = new cMap_Village1();
m_pPlayer = new cDynamic_Creature("player", RPG_Assets::get().GetSprite("player"));
m_pPlayer->px = 5.0f;
m_pPlayer->py = 5.0f;
cDynamic* ob1 = new cDynamic_Creature("skelly1", RPG_Assets::get().GetSprite("skelly"));
ob1->px = 12.0f;
ob1->py = 12.0f;
cDynamic* ob2 = new cDynamic_Creature("skelly2", RPG_Assets::get().GetSprite("skelly"));
ob2->px = 5.0f;
ob2->py = 8.0f;
return true;
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime)
// Update script
if (m_script.bUserControlEnabled)
m_pPlayer->vx = 0.0f;
m_pPlayer->vy = 0.0f;
// Handle Input
if (IsFocused())
if (GetKey(VK_UP).bHeld)
m_pPlayer->vy = -4.0f;
if (GetKey(VK_DOWN).bHeld)
m_pPlayer->vy = 4.0f;
if (GetKey(VK_LEFT).bHeld)
m_pPlayer->vx = -4.0f;
if (GetKey(VK_RIGHT).bHeld)
m_pPlayer->vx = 4.0f;
if (GetKey(L'Z').bReleased)
X(MoveTo(m_pPlayer, 10, 10, 3.0f));
X(MoveTo(m_pPlayer, 15, 10, 3.0f));
X(MoveTo(m_vecDynamics[1], 15, 12, 2.0f));
X(ShowDialog({ "Grrrrr!" }));
X(ShowDialog({ "I think OOP", "is really useful!" }));
X(MoveTo(m_pPlayer, 15, 15, 3.0f));
X(MoveTo(m_pPlayer, 10, 10, 3.0f));
// Scripting system is in control
if (m_bShowDialog)
if (GetKey(VK_SPACE).bReleased)
m_bShowDialog = false;
for (auto &object : m_vecDynamics)
float fNewObjectPosX = object->px + object->vx * fElapsedTime;
float fNewObjectPosY = object->py + object->vy * fElapsedTime;
// Collision
if (object->vx <= 0)
if (m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 0.0f, object->py + 0.0f) || m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 0.0f, object->py + 0.9f))
fNewObjectPosX = (int)fNewObjectPosX + 1;
object->vx = 0;
if (m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 1.0f, object->py + 0.0f) || m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 1.0f, object->py + 0.9f))
fNewObjectPosX = (int)fNewObjectPosX;
object->vx = 0;
if (object->vy <= 0)
if (m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 0.0f, fNewObjectPosY) || m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 0.9f, fNewObjectPosY))
fNewObjectPosY = (int)fNewObjectPosY + 1;
object->vy = 0;
if (m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 0.0f, fNewObjectPosY + 1.0f) || m_pCurrentMap->GetSolid(fNewObjectPosX + 0.9f, fNewObjectPosY + 1.0f))
fNewObjectPosY = (int)fNewObjectPosY;
object->vy = 0;
object->px = fNewObjectPosX;
object->py = fNewObjectPosY;
fCameraPosX = m_pPlayer->px;
fCameraPosY = m_pPlayer->py;
// Draw Level
int nTileWidth = 16;
int nTileHeight = 16;
int nVisibleTilesX = ScreenWidth() / nTileWidth;
int nVisibleTilesY = ScreenHeight() / nTileHeight;
// Calculate Top-Leftmost visible tile
float fOffsetX = fCameraPosX - (float)nVisibleTilesX / 2.0f;
float fOffsetY = fCameraPosY - (float)nVisibleTilesY / 2.0f;
// Clamp camera to game boundaries
if (fOffsetX < 0) fOffsetX = 0;
if (fOffsetY < 0) fOffsetY = 0;
if (fOffsetX > m_pCurrentMap->nWidth - nVisibleTilesX) fOffsetX = m_pCurrentMap->nWidth - nVisibleTilesX;
if (fOffsetY > m_pCurrentMap->nHeight - nVisibleTilesY) fOffsetY = m_pCurrentMap->nHeight - nVisibleTilesY;
// Get offsets for smooth movement
float fTileOffsetX = (fOffsetX - (int)fOffsetX) * nTileWidth;
float fTileOffsetY = (fOffsetY - (int)fOffsetY) * nTileHeight;
// Draw visible tile map
for (int x = -1; x < nVisibleTilesX + 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y < nVisibleTilesY + 1; y++)
int idx = m_pCurrentMap->GetIndex(x + fOffsetX, y + fOffsetY);
int sx = idx % 10;
int sy = idx / 10;
DrawPartialSprite(x * nTileWidth - fTileOffsetX, y * nTileHeight - fTileOffsetY, m_pCurrentMap->pSprite, sx * nTileWidth, sy * nTileHeight, nTileWidth, nTileHeight);
// Draw Object
for (auto &object : m_vecDynamics)
object->DrawSelf(this, fOffsetX, fOffsetY);
m_pPlayer->DrawSelf(this, fOffsetX, fOffsetY);
// Draw any dialog being displayed
if (m_bShowDialog)
DisplayDialog(m_vecDialogToShow, 20, 20);
return true;
vector<string> m_vecDialogToShow;
bool m_bShowDialog = false;
float m_fDialogX = 0.0f;
float m_fDialogY = 0.0f;
void ShowDialog(vector<string> vecLines)
m_vecDialogToShow = vecLines;
m_bShowDialog = true;
void DisplayDialog(vector<string> vecText, int x, int y)
int nMaxLineLength = 0;
int nLines = vecText.size();
for (auto l : vecText) if (l.size() > nMaxLineLength) nMaxLineLength = l.size();
// Draw Box
Fill(x - 1, y - 1, x + nMaxLineLength * 8 + 1, y + nLines * 8 + 1, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_DARK_BLUE);
DrawLine(x - 2, y - 2, x - 2, y + nLines * 8 + 1);
DrawLine(x + nMaxLineLength * 8 + 1, y - 2, x + nMaxLineLength * 8 + 1, y + nLines * 8 + 1);
DrawLine(x - 2, y - 2, x + nMaxLineLength * 8 + 1, y - 2);
DrawLine(x - 2, y + nLines * 8 + 1, x + nMaxLineLength * 8 + 1, y + nLines * 8 + 1);
for (int l = 0; l<vecText.size(); l++)
DrawBigText(vecText[l], x, y + l * 8);