/* OneLoneCoder.com - Command Line Game Engine "Who needs a frame buffer?" - @Javidx9 Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be educational, and perhaps to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun. Please hack this, change it and use it in any way you see fit. BUT, you acknowledge that I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of your actions. However, if good stuff happens, I would appreciate a shout out, or at least give the blog some publicity for me. Cheers! Background ~~~~~~~~~~ If you've seen any of my videos - I like to do things using the windows console. It's quick and easy, and allows you to focus on just the code that matters - ideal when you're experimenting. Thing is, I have to keep doing the same initialisation and display code each time, so this class wraps that up. Author ~~~~~~ Twitter: @javidx9 http://twitter.com/javidx9 Blog: http://www.onelonecoder.com YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/javidx9 Videos: ~~~~~~ Original: https://youtu.be/cWc0hgYwZyc Added mouse support: https://youtu.be/tdqc9hZhHxM Beginners Guide: https://youtu.be/u5BhrA8ED0o Shout Outs! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to cool people who helped with testing, bug-finding and fixing! YouTube: wowLinh, JavaJack59, idkwid, kingtatgi Last Updated: 04/02/2018 Usage: ~~~~~~ This class is abstract, so you must inherit from it. Override the OnUserCreate() function with all the stuff you need for your application (for thready reasons it's best to do this in this function and not your class constructor). Override the OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) function with the good stuff, it gives you the elapsed time since the last call so you can modify your stuff dynamically. Both functions should return true, unless you need the application to close. int main() { // Use olcConsoleGameEngine derived app OneLoneCoder_Example game; // Create a console with resolution 160x100 characters // Each character occupies 8x8 pixels game.ConstructConsole(160, 100, 8, 8); // Start the engine! game.Start(); return 0; } Input is also handled for you - interrogate the m_keys[] array with the virtual keycode you want to know about. bPressed is set for the frame the key is pressed down in, bHeld is set if the key is held down, bReleased is set for the frame the key is released in. The same applies to mouse! m_mousePosX and Y can be used to get the current cursor position, and m_mouse[1..5] returns the mouse buttons. The draw routines treat characters like pixels. By default they are set to white solid blocks - but you can draw any unicode character, using any of the colours listed below. There may be bugs! See my other videos for examples! http://www.youtube.com/javidx9 Lots of programs to try: http://www.github.com/OneLoneCoder/videos Chat on the Discord server: https://discord.gg/WhwHUMV Be bored by Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/javidx9 */ #pragma once #ifndef UNICODE #error Please enable UNICODE for your compiler! VS: Project Properties -> General -> \ Character Set -> Use Unicode. Thanks! - Javidx9 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include enum COLOUR { FG_BLACK = 0x0000, FG_DARK_BLUE = 0x0001, FG_DARK_GREEN = 0x0002, FG_DARK_CYAN = 0x0003, FG_DARK_RED = 0x0004, FG_DARK_MAGENTA = 0x0005, FG_DARK_YELLOW = 0x0006, FG_GREY = 0x0007, // Thanks MS :-/ FG_DARK_GREY = 0x0008, FG_BLUE = 0x0009, FG_GREEN = 0x000A, FG_CYAN = 0x000B, FG_RED = 0x000C, FG_MAGENTA = 0x000D, FG_YELLOW = 0x000E, FG_WHITE = 0x000F, BG_BLACK = 0x0000, BG_DARK_BLUE = 0x0010, BG_DARK_GREEN = 0x0020, BG_DARK_CYAN = 0x0030, BG_DARK_RED = 0x0040, BG_DARK_MAGENTA = 0x0050, BG_DARK_YELLOW = 0x0060, BG_GREY = 0x0070, BG_DARK_GREY = 0x0080, BG_BLUE = 0x0090, BG_GREEN = 0x00A0, BG_CYAN = 0x00B0, BG_RED = 0x00C0, BG_MAGENTA = 0x00D0, BG_YELLOW = 0x00E0, BG_WHITE = 0x00F0, }; enum PIXEL_TYPE { PIXEL_SOLID = 0x2588, PIXEL_THREEQUARTERS = 0x2593, PIXEL_HALF = 0x2592, PIXEL_QUARTER = 0x2591, }; class olcSprite { public: olcSprite() { } olcSprite(int w, int h) { Create(w, h); } olcSprite(wstring sFile) { if (!Load(sFile)) Create(8, 8); } int nWidth = 0; int nHeight = 0; private: wchar_t *m_Glyphs = nullptr; short *m_Colours = nullptr; void Create(int w, int h) { nWidth = w; nHeight = h; m_Glyphs = new wchar_t[w*h]; m_Colours = new short[w*h]; for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) { m_Glyphs[i] = L' '; m_Colours[i] = FG_BLACK; } } public: void SetGlyph(int x, int y, wchar_t c) { if (x <0 || x >= nWidth || y < 0 || y >= nHeight) return; else m_Glyphs[y * nWidth + x] = c; } void SetColour(int x, int y, short c) { if (x <0 || x >= nWidth || y < 0 || y >= nHeight) return; else m_Colours[y * nWidth + x] = c; } wchar_t GetGlyph(int x, int y) { if (x <0 || x >= nWidth || y < 0 || y >= nHeight) return L' '; else return m_Glyphs[y * nWidth + x]; } short GetColour(int x, int y) { if (x <0 || x >= nWidth || y < 0 || y >= nHeight) return FG_BLACK; else return m_Colours[y * nWidth + x]; } wchar_t SampleGlyph(float x, float y) { int sx = (int)(x * (float)nWidth); int sy = (int)(y * (float)nHeight-1.0f); if (sx <0 || sx >= nWidth || sy < 0 || sy >= nHeight) return L' '; else return m_Glyphs[sy * nWidth + sx]; } short SampleColour(float x, float y) { int sx = (int)(x * (float)nWidth); int sy = (int)(y * (float)nHeight-1.0f); if (sx <0 || sx >= nWidth || sy < 0 || sy >= nHeight) return FG_BLACK; else return m_Colours[sy * nWidth + sx]; } bool Save(wstring sFile) { FILE *f = nullptr; _wfopen_s(&f, sFile.c_str(), L"wb"); if (f == nullptr) return false; fwrite(&nWidth, sizeof(int), 1, f); fwrite(&nHeight, sizeof(int), 1, f); fwrite(m_Colours, sizeof(short), nWidth * nHeight, f); fwrite(m_Glyphs, sizeof(wchar_t), nWidth * nHeight, f); fclose(f); return true; } bool Load(wstring sFile) { delete[] m_Glyphs; delete[] m_Colours; nWidth = 0; nHeight = 0; FILE *f = nullptr; _wfopen_s(&f, sFile.c_str(), L"rb"); if (f == nullptr) return false; fread(&nWidth, sizeof(int), 1, f); fread(&nHeight, sizeof(int), 1, f); Create(nWidth, nHeight); fread(m_Colours, sizeof(short), nWidth * nHeight, f); fread(m_Glyphs, sizeof(wchar_t), nWidth * nHeight, f); fclose(f); return true; } }; class olcConsoleGameEngine { public: olcConsoleGameEngine() { m_nScreenWidth = 80; m_nScreenHeight = 30; m_hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); m_hConsoleIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); memset(m_keyNewState, 0, 256 * sizeof(short)); memset(m_keyOldState, 0, 256 * sizeof(short)); memset(m_keys, 0, 256 * sizeof(sKeyState)); m_mousePosX = 0; m_mousePosY = 0; m_sAppName = L"Default"; } int ConstructConsole(int width, int height, int fontw, int fonth) { if (m_hConsole == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return Error(L"Bad Handle"); m_nScreenWidth = width; m_nScreenHeight = height; // Update 13/09/2017 - It seems that the console behaves differently on some systems // and I'm unsure why this is. It could be to do with windows default settings, or // screen resolutions, or system languages. Unfortunately, MSDN does not offer much // by way of useful information, and so the resulting sequence is the reult of experiment // that seems to work in multiple cases. // // The problem seems to be that the SetConsoleXXX functions are somewhat circular and // fail depending on the state of the current console properties, i.e. you can't set // the buffer size until you set the screen size, but you can't change the screen size // until the buffer size is correct. This coupled with a precise ordering of calls // makes this procedure seem a little mystical :-P. Thanks to wowLinh for helping - Jx9 // Change console visual size to a minimum so ScreenBuffer can shrink // below the actual visual size m_rectWindow = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }; SetConsoleWindowInfo(m_hConsole, TRUE, &m_rectWindow); // Set the size of the screen buffer COORD coord = { (short)m_nScreenWidth, (short)m_nScreenHeight }; if (!SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(m_hConsole, coord)) Error(L"SetConsoleScreenBufferSize"); // Assign screen buffer to the console if (!SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(m_hConsole)) return Error(L"SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer"); // Set the font size now that the screen buffer has been assigned to the console CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX cfi; cfi.cbSize = sizeof(cfi); cfi.nFont = 0; cfi.dwFontSize.X = fontw; cfi.dwFontSize.Y = fonth; cfi.FontFamily = FF_DONTCARE; cfi.FontWeight = FW_NORMAL; //wcscpy_s(cfi.FaceName, L"Liberation Mono"); wcscpy_s(cfi.FaceName, L"Consolas"); if (!SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(m_hConsole, false, &cfi)) return Error(L"SetCurrentConsoleFontEx"); // Get screen buffer info and check the maximum allowed window size. Return // error if exceeded, so user knows their dimensions/fontsize are too large CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(m_hConsole, &csbi)) return Error(L"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo"); if (m_nScreenHeight > csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y) return Error(L"Screen Height / Font Height Too Big"); if (m_nScreenWidth > csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.X) return Error(L"Screen Width / Font Width Too Big"); // Set Physical Console Window Size m_rectWindow = { 0, 0, (short)m_nScreenWidth - 1, (short)m_nScreenHeight - 1 }; if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(m_hConsole, TRUE, &m_rectWindow)) return Error(L"SetConsoleWindowInfo"); // Set flags to allow mouse input if (!SetConsoleMode(m_hConsoleIn, ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS | ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT | ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT)) return Error(L"SetConsoleMode"); // Allocate memory for screen buffer m_bufScreen = new CHAR_INFO[m_nScreenWidth*m_nScreenHeight]; memset(m_bufScreen, 0, sizeof(CHAR_INFO) * m_nScreenWidth * m_nScreenHeight); return 1; } virtual void Draw(int x, int y, wchar_t c = 0x2588, short col = 0x000F) { if (x >= 0 && x < m_nScreenWidth && y >= 0 && y < m_nScreenHeight) { m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x].Char.UnicodeChar = c; m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x].Attributes = col; } } void Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, wchar_t c = 0x2588, short col = 0x000F) { Clip(x1, y1); Clip(x2, y2); for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) Draw(x, y, c, col); } void DrawString(int x, int y, wstring c, short col = 0x000F) { for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) { m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x + i].Char.UnicodeChar = c[i]; m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x + i].Attributes = col; } } void DrawStringAlpha(int x, int y, wstring c, short col = 0x000F) { for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) { if (c[i] != L' ') { m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x + i].Char.UnicodeChar = c[i]; m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x + i].Attributes = col; } } } void Clip(int &x, int &y) { if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x >= m_nScreenWidth) x = m_nScreenWidth; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y >= m_nScreenHeight) y = m_nScreenHeight; } void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, wchar_t c = 0x2588, short col = 0x000F) { int x, y, dx, dy, dx1, dy1, px, py, xe, ye, i; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; dx1 = abs(dx); dy1 = abs(dy); px = 2 * dy1 - dx1; py = 2 * dx1 - dy1; if (dy1 <= dx1) { if (dx >= 0) { x = x1; y = y1; xe = x2; } else { x = x2; y = y2; xe = x1; } Draw(x, y, c, col); for (i = 0; x0 && dy>0)) y = y + 1; else y = y - 1; px = px + 2 * (dy1 - dx1); } Draw(x, y, c, col); } } else { if (dy >= 0) { x = x1; y = y1; ye = y2; } else { x = x2; y = y2; ye = y1; } Draw(x, y, c, col); for (i = 0; y0 && dy>0)) x = x + 1; else x = x - 1; py = py + 2 * (dx1 - dy1); } Draw(x, y, c, col); } } } void DrawCircle(int xc, int yc, int r, wchar_t c = 0x2588, short col = 0x000F) { int x = 0; int y = r; int p = 3 - 2 * r; if (!r) return; while (y >= x) // only formulate 1/8 of circle { Draw(xc - x, yc - y, c, col);//upper left left Draw(xc - y, yc - x, c, col);//upper upper left Draw(xc + y, yc - x, c, col);//upper upper right Draw(xc + x, yc - y, c, col);//upper right right Draw(xc - x, yc + y, c, col);//lower left left Draw(xc - y, yc + x, c, col);//lower lower left Draw(xc + y, yc + x, c, col);//lower lower right Draw(xc + x, yc + y, c, col);//lower right right if (p < 0) p += 4 * x++ + 6; else p += 4 * (x++ - y--) + 10; } } void FillCircle(int xc, int yc, int r, wchar_t c = 0x2588, short col = 0x000F) { // Taken from wikipedia int x = 0; int y = r; int p = 3 - 2 * r; if (!r) return; auto drawline = [&](int sx, int ex, int ny) { for (int i = sx; i < ex; i++) Draw(i, ny, c, col); }; while (y >= x) { // Modified to draw scan-lines instead of edges drawline(xc - x, xc + x, yc - y); drawline(xc - y, xc + y, yc - x); drawline(xc - x, xc + x, yc + y); drawline(xc - y, xc + y, yc + x); if (p < 0) p += 4 * x++ + 6; else p += 4 * (x++ - y--) + 10; } }; void DrawSprite(int x, int y, olcSprite *sprite) { if (sprite == nullptr) return; for (int i = 0; i < sprite->nWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sprite->nHeight; j++) { if (sprite->GetGlyph(i, j) != L' ') Draw(x + i, y + j, sprite->GetGlyph(i, j), sprite->GetColour(i, j)); } } } void DrawPartialSprite(int x, int y, olcSprite *sprite, int ox, int oy, int w, int h) { if (sprite == nullptr) return; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { if (sprite->GetGlyph(i+ox, j+oy) != L' ') Draw(x + i, y + j, sprite->GetGlyph(i+ox, j+oy), sprite->GetColour(i+ox, j+oy)); } } } void DrawWireFrameModel(const vector> &vecModelCoordinates, float x, float y, float r = 0.0f, float s = 1.0f, short col = FG_WHITE) { // pair.first = x coordinate // pair.second = y coordinate // Create translated model vector of coordinate pairs vector> vecTransformedCoordinates; int verts = vecModelCoordinates.size(); vecTransformedCoordinates.resize(verts); // Rotate for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) { vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecModelCoordinates[i].first * cosf(r) - vecModelCoordinates[i].second * sinf(r); vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second = vecModelCoordinates[i].first * sinf(r) + vecModelCoordinates[i].second * cosf(r); } // Scale for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) { vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first * s; vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second * s; } // Translate for (int i = 0; i < verts; i++) { vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first + x; vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second = vecTransformedCoordinates[i].second + y; } // Draw Closed Polygon for (int i = 0; i < verts + 1; i++) { int j = (i + 1); DrawLine((int)vecTransformedCoordinates[i % verts].first, (int)vecTransformedCoordinates[i % verts].second, (int)vecTransformedCoordinates[j % verts].first, (int)vecTransformedCoordinates[j % verts].second, PIXEL_SOLID, col); } } ~olcConsoleGameEngine() { SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(m_hOriginalConsole); delete[] m_bufScreen; } public: void Start() { m_bAtomActive = true; // Star the thread thread t = thread(&olcConsoleGameEngine::GameThread, this); // Wait for thread to be exited t.join(); } int ScreenWidth() { return m_nScreenWidth; } int ScreenHeight() { return m_nScreenHeight; } private: void GameThread() { // Create user resources as part of this thread if (!OnUserCreate()) m_bAtomActive = false; auto tp1 = chrono::system_clock::now(); auto tp2 = chrono::system_clock::now(); while (m_bAtomActive) { // Run as fast as possible while (m_bAtomActive) { // Handle Timing tp2 = chrono::system_clock::now(); chrono::duration elapsedTime = tp2 - tp1; tp1 = tp2; float fElapsedTime = elapsedTime.count(); // Handle Keyboard Input for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { m_keyNewState[i] = GetAsyncKeyState(i); m_keys[i].bPressed = false; m_keys[i].bReleased = false; if (m_keyNewState[i] != m_keyOldState[i]) { if (m_keyNewState[i] & 0x8000) { m_keys[i].bPressed = !m_keys[i].bHeld; m_keys[i].bHeld = true; } else { m_keys[i].bReleased = true; m_keys[i].bHeld = false; } } m_keyOldState[i] = m_keyNewState[i]; } // Handle Mouse Input - Check for window events INPUT_RECORD inBuf[32]; DWORD events = 0; GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(m_hConsoleIn, &events); if (events > 0) ReadConsoleInput(m_hConsoleIn, inBuf, events, &events); // Handle events - we only care about mouse clicks and movement // for now for (DWORD i = 0; i < events; i++) { switch (inBuf[i].EventType) { case FOCUS_EVENT: { m_bConsoleInFocus = inBuf[i].Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus; } break; case MOUSE_EVENT: { switch (inBuf[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags) { case MOUSE_MOVED: { m_mousePosX = inBuf[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X; m_mousePosY = inBuf[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y; } break; case 0: { for (int m = 0; m < 5; m++) m_mouseNewState[m] = (inBuf[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState & (1 << m)) > 0; } break; default: break; } } break; default: break; // We don't care just at the moment } } for (int m = 0; m < 5; m++) { m_mouse[m].bPressed = false; m_mouse[m].bReleased = false; if (m_mouseNewState[m] != m_mouseOldState[m]) { if (m_mouseNewState[m]) { m_mouse[m].bPressed = true; m_mouse[m].bHeld = true; } else { m_mouse[m].bReleased = true; m_mouse[m].bHeld = false; } } m_mouseOldState[m] = m_mouseNewState[m]; } // Handle Frame Update if (!OnUserUpdate(fElapsedTime)) m_bAtomActive = false; // Update Title & Present Screen Buffer wchar_t s[256]; swprintf_s(s, 256, L"OneLoneCoder.com - Console Game Engine - %s - FPS: %3.2f - %d ", m_sAppName.c_str(), 1.0f / fElapsedTime, events); SetConsoleTitle(s); WriteConsoleOutput(m_hConsole, m_bufScreen, { (short)m_nScreenWidth, (short)m_nScreenHeight }, { 0,0 }, &m_rectWindow); } if (OnUserDestroy()) { // User has permitted destroy, so exit and clean up delete[] m_bufScreen; SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(m_hOriginalConsole); m_cvGameFinished.notify_one(); } else { // User denied destroy for some reason, so continue running m_bAtomActive = true; } } } public: // User MUST OVERRIDE THESE!! virtual bool OnUserCreate() = 0; virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) = 0; // Optional for clean up virtual bool OnUserDestroy() { return true; } protected: struct sKeyState { bool bPressed; bool bReleased; bool bHeld; } m_keys[256], m_mouse[5]; int m_mousePosX; int m_mousePosY; public: sKeyState GetKey(int nKeyID){ return m_keys[nKeyID]; } int GetMouseX() { return m_mousePosX; } int GetMouseY() { return m_mousePosY; } sKeyState GetMouse(int nMouseButtonID) { return m_mouse[nMouseButtonID]; } bool IsFocused() { return m_bConsoleInFocus; } protected: int Error(const wchar_t *msg) { wchar_t buf[256]; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, 256, NULL); SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(m_hOriginalConsole); wprintf(L"ERROR: %s\n\t%s\n", msg, buf); return 0; } static BOOL CloseHandler(DWORD evt) { // Note this gets called in a seperate OS thread, so it must // only exit when the game has finished cleaning up, or else // the process will be killed before OnUserDestroy() has finished if (evt == CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT) { m_bAtomActive = false; // Wait for thread to be exited unique_lock ul(m_muxGame); m_cvGameFinished.wait(ul); } return true; } protected: int m_nScreenWidth; int m_nScreenHeight; CHAR_INFO *m_bufScreen; wstring m_sAppName; HANDLE m_hOriginalConsole; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO m_OriginalConsoleInfo; HANDLE m_hConsole; HANDLE m_hConsoleIn; SMALL_RECT m_rectWindow; short m_keyOldState[256] = { 0 }; short m_keyNewState[256] = { 0 }; bool m_mouseOldState[5] = { 0 }; bool m_mouseNewState[5] = { 0 }; bool m_bConsoleInFocus = true; static atomic m_bAtomActive; static condition_variable m_cvGameFinished; static mutex m_muxGame; }; atomic olcConsoleGameEngine::m_bAtomActive = false; condition_variable olcConsoleGameEngine::m_cvGameFinished; mutex olcConsoleGameEngine::m_muxGame;