/* +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | OneLoneCoder RPG Game Engine | | "The Legend of WittyBit, Fantasy Quest VI" - javidx9 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ What is this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the code I created as part of my "Code-It-Yourself! Role Playing Game" series on YouTube. This is NOT a game. The project will compile and demonstrate several systems developed as part of that series. My original intention was to develop a small yet complete RPG, alas real life got in the way. After several months, I've decided to just open the source "as is", so it will contain bugs, be confusing and all round not up to the usual "quality" I strive for. Part 1: https://youtu.be/xXXt3htgDok Part 2: https://youtu.be/AWY_ITpldRk Part 3: https://youtu.be/UcNSb-m4YQU Part 4: https://youtu.be/AnyoUfeNZ1Y License (OLC-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2018, 2019 OneLoneCoder.com Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Links ~~~~~ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/javidx9 Discord: https://discord.gg/WhwHUMV Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/javidx9 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/javidx9 GitHub: https://www.github.com/onelonecoder Homepage: https://www.onelonecoder.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/javidx9 Author ~~~~~~ David Barr, aka javidx9, ŠOneLoneCoder 2018, 2019 */ #include "RPG_Dynamics.h" #include "RPG_Engine.h" RPG_Engine* cDynamic::g_engine = nullptr; cDynamic::cDynamic(string n) { sName = n; px = 0.0f; py = 0.0f; vx = 0.0f; vy = 0.0f; bSolidVsMap = true; bSolidVsDyn = true; bFriendly = true; bRedundant = false; bIsAttackable = false; bIsProjectile = false; } cDynamic::~cDynamic() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cDynamic_Creature::cDynamic_Creature(string name, olcSprite *sprite) : cDynamic(name) { m_pSprite = sprite; nHealth = 10; nHealthMax = 10; m_nFacingDirection = SOUTH; m_nGraphicState = STANDING; m_nGraphicCounter = 0; m_fTimer = 0.0f; bIsAttackable = true; } void cDynamic_Creature::Update(float fElapsedTime, cDynamic* player) { if (m_fKnockBackTimer > 0.0f) { vx = m_fKnockBackDX * 10.0f; vy = m_fKnockBackDY * 10.0f; bIsAttackable = false; m_fKnockBackTimer -= fElapsedTime; if (m_fKnockBackTimer <= 0.0f) { m_fStateTick = 0.0f; bControllable = true; bIsAttackable = true; } } else { bSolidVsDyn = true; m_fTimer += fElapsedTime; if (m_fTimer >= 0.2f) { m_fTimer -= 0.2f; m_nGraphicCounter++; m_nGraphicCounter %= 2; } if (fabs(vx) > 0 || fabs(vy) > 0) m_nGraphicState = WALKING; else m_nGraphicState = STANDING; if (nHealth <= 0) m_nGraphicState = DEAD; if (vx < 0.0f) m_nFacingDirection = WEST; if (vx > 0.0f) m_nFacingDirection = EAST; if (vy < -0.0f) m_nFacingDirection = NORTH; if (vy > 0.0f) m_nFacingDirection = SOUTH; Behaviour(fElapsedTime, player); } } void cDynamic_Creature::KnockBack(float dx, float dy, float dist) { m_fKnockBackDX = dx; m_fKnockBackDY = dy; m_fKnockBackTimer = dist; bSolidVsDyn = false; bControllable = false; bIsAttackable = false; } void cDynamic_Creature::DrawSelf(olcConsoleGameEngineOOP *gfx, float ox, float oy) { int nSheetOffsetX = 0; int nSheetOffsetY = 0; switch (m_nGraphicState) { case STANDING: nSheetOffsetX = m_nFacingDirection * 16; break; case WALKING: nSheetOffsetX = m_nFacingDirection * 16; nSheetOffsetY = m_nGraphicCounter * 16; break; case CELEBRATING: nSheetOffsetX = 4 * 16; break; case DEAD: nSheetOffsetX = 4 * 16; nSheetOffsetY = 1 * 16; break; } gfx->DrawPartialSprite((px - ox) * 16.0f, (py - oy)*16.0f, m_pSprite, nSheetOffsetX, nSheetOffsetY, 16, 16); } void cDynamic_Creature::Behaviour(float fElapsedTime, cDynamic* player) { // No default behaviour } cDynamic_Creature_Witty::cDynamic_Creature_Witty() : cDynamic_Creature("witty", RPG_Assets::get().GetSprite("player")) { bFriendly = true; nHealth = 9; nHealthMax = 10; m_fStateTick = 2.0f; pEquipedWeapon = (cWeapon*)RPG_Assets::get().GetItem("Basic Sword"); } void cDynamic_Creature_Witty::PerformAttack() { if (pEquipedWeapon == nullptr) return; pEquipedWeapon->OnUse(this); } cDynamic_Creature_Skelly::cDynamic_Creature_Skelly() : cDynamic_Creature("Skelly", RPG_Assets::get().GetSprite("skelly")) { bFriendly = false; nHealth = 10; nHealthMax = 10; m_fStateTick = 2.0f; pEquipedWeapon = (cWeapon*)RPG_Assets::get().GetItem("Basic Sword"); } void cDynamic_Creature_Skelly::Behaviour(float fElapsedTime, cDynamic* player) { if (nHealth <= 0) { vx = 0; vy = 0; bSolidVsDyn = false; bIsAttackable = false; return; } // Check if player is nearby float fTargetX = player->px - px; float fTargetY = player->py - py; float fDistance = sqrtf(fTargetX*fTargetX + fTargetY * fTargetY); m_fStateTick -= fElapsedTime; if (m_fStateTick <= 0.0f) { if (fDistance < 6.0f) { vx = (fTargetX / fDistance) * 2.0f; vy = (fTargetY / fDistance) * 2.0f; if (fDistance < 1.5f) PerformAttack(); } else { vx = 0; vy = 0; } m_fStateTick += 1.0f; } } void cDynamic_Creature_Skelly::PerformAttack() { if (pEquipedWeapon == nullptr) return; pEquipedWeapon->OnUse(this); } cDynamic_Teleport::cDynamic_Teleport(float x, float y, string mapName, float tx, float ty) : cDynamic("Teleport") { px = x; py = y; fMapPosX = tx; fMapPosY = ty; sMapName = mapName; bSolidVsDyn = false; bSolidVsMap = false; } void cDynamic_Teleport::DrawSelf(olcConsoleGameEngineOOP *gfx, float ox, float oy) { // Does Nothing gfx->DrawCircle(((px + 0.5f) - ox) * 16.0f, ((py + 0.5f) - oy) * 16.0f, 0.5f * 16.0f); // For debugging } void cDynamic_Teleport::Update(float fElapsedTime, cDynamic* player) { // Does Nothing } cDynamic_Item::cDynamic_Item(float x, float y, cItem* i) : cDynamic("pickup") { px = x; py = y; bSolidVsDyn = false; bSolidVsMap = false; bFriendly = true; bCollected = false; item = i; } void cDynamic_Item::DrawSelf(olcConsoleGameEngineOOP *gfx, float ox, float oy) { if (bCollected) return; gfx->DrawPartialSprite((px - ox) * 16.0f, (py - oy)*16.0f, item->pSprite, 0, 0, 16, 16); } void cDynamic_Item::OnInteract(cDynamic* player) { if (bCollected) return; if (item->OnInteract(player)) { // Add item to inventory g_engine->GiveItem(item); } bCollected = true; } cDynamic_Projectile::cDynamic_Projectile(float ox, float oy, bool bFriend, float velx, float vely, float duration, olcSprite *sprite, float tx, float ty) : cDynamic("projectile") { pSprite = sprite; fSpriteX = tx; fSpriteY = ty; fDuration = duration; px = ox; py = oy; vx = velx; vy = vely; bSolidVsDyn = false; bSolidVsMap = true; bIsProjectile = true; bIsAttackable = false; bFriendly = bFriend; } void cDynamic_Projectile::DrawSelf(olcConsoleGameEngineOOP *gfx, float ox, float oy) { gfx->DrawPartialSprite((px - ox) * 16, (py - oy) * 16, pSprite, fSpriteX * 16, fSpriteY * 16, 16, 16); } void cDynamic_Projectile::Update(float fElapsedTime, cDynamic* player) { fDuration -= fElapsedTime; if (fDuration <= 0.0f) bRedundant = true; }