/* OneLoneCoder.com - Sprite Editor "Stop Crying about Paint ya big baby" - @Javidx9 License ~~~~~~~ Copyright (C) 2018 Javidx9 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; See license for details. Original works located at: https://www.github.com/onelonecoder https://www.onelonecoder.com https://www.youtube.com/javidx9 GNU GPLv3 https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/videos/blob/master/LICENSE From Javidx9 :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! Ultimately I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be educational, and perhaps to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun. Please hack this, change it and use it in any way you see fit. You acknowledge that I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of your actions. However this code is protected by GNU GPLv3, see the license in the github repo. This means you must attribute me if you use it. You can view this license here: https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/videos/blob/master/LICENSE Cheers! Background ~~~~~~~~~~ Editing ASCII is not a simple as it should be, especially if you want to include all the weird characters Controls ~~~~~~~~ Author ~~~~~~ Twitter: @javidx9 Blog: www.onelonecoder.com Video: ~~~~~~ Several... Last Updated: */ #include #include using namespace std; #include "olcConsoleGameEngine.h" class OneLoneCoder_SpriteEditor : public olcConsoleGameEngine { public: OneLoneCoder_SpriteEditor() { m_sAppName = L"Sprite Editor"; } private: int nPosX = 0; int nPosY = 0; int nOffsetX = 0; int nOffsetY = 0; int nZoom = 4; int nCurrentGlyph = PIXEL_SOLID; int nCurrentColourFG = FG_RED; int nCurrentColourBG = FG_BLACK; olcSprite *sprite = nullptr; wstring sCurrentSpriteFile; protected: // Called by olcConsoleGameEngine virtual bool OnUserCreate() { sprite = new olcSprite(8, 32); sCurrentSpriteFile = L"fps_fireball1.spr"; return true; } // Called by olcConsoleGameEngine virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) { // Zooming if (m_keys[VK_PRIOR].bReleased) nZoom <<= 1; if (m_keys[VK_NEXT].bReleased) nZoom >>= 1; if (nZoom > 32) nZoom = 32; if (nZoom < 2) nZoom = 2; // Brushes if (m_keys[VK_F1].bReleased) nCurrentGlyph = PIXEL_SOLID; if (m_keys[VK_F2].bReleased) nCurrentGlyph = PIXEL_THREEQUARTERS; if (m_keys[VK_F3].bReleased) nCurrentGlyph = PIXEL_HALF; if (m_keys[VK_F4].bReleased) nCurrentGlyph = PIXEL_QUARTER; // Colours for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (m_keys[L"01234567"[i]].bReleased) if (m_keys[VK_SHIFT].bHeld) nCurrentColourFG = i + 8; else nCurrentColourFG = i; if (m_keys[VK_F7].bReleased) nCurrentColourBG--; if (m_keys[VK_F8].bReleased) nCurrentColourBG++; if (nCurrentColourBG < 0) nCurrentColourBG = 15; if (nCurrentColourBG > 15) nCurrentColourBG = 0; // Cursing :-) if (m_keys[VK_SHIFT].bHeld) { if (m_keys[VK_UP].bReleased) nOffsetY++; if (m_keys[VK_DOWN].bReleased) nOffsetY--; if (m_keys[VK_LEFT].bReleased) nOffsetX++; if (m_keys[VK_RIGHT].bReleased) nOffsetX--; } else { if (m_keys[VK_UP].bReleased) nPosY--; if (m_keys[VK_DOWN].bReleased) nPosY++; if (m_keys[VK_LEFT].bReleased) nPosX--; if (m_keys[VK_RIGHT].bReleased) nPosX++; } if (sprite != nullptr) { if (nPosX < 0) nPosX = 0; if (nPosX >= sprite->nWidth) nPosX = sprite->nWidth - 1; if (nPosY < 0) nPosY = 0; if (nPosY >= sprite->nHeight) nPosY = sprite->nHeight - 1; if (m_keys[VK_SPACE].bReleased) { sprite->SetGlyph(nPosX - 0, nPosY - 0, nCurrentGlyph); sprite->SetColour(nPosX - 0, nPosY - 0, nCurrentColourFG | (nCurrentColourBG << 4)); } if (m_keys[VK_DELETE].bReleased) { sprite->SetGlyph(nPosX - 0, nPosY - 0, L' '); sprite->SetColour(nPosX - 0, nPosY - 0, 0); } if (m_keys[VK_F9].bReleased) { sprite->Load(sCurrentSpriteFile); } if (m_keys[VK_F10].bReleased) { sprite->Save(sCurrentSpriteFile); } } // Erase All Fill(0, 0, ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight(), L' ', 0); // Draw Menu DrawString(1, 1, L"F1 = 100% F2 = 75% F3 = 50% F4 = 25% F9 = Load File F10 = Save File"); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { DrawString(1 + 6 * i, 3, to_wstring(i) + L" = "); if (m_keys[VK_SHIFT].bHeld) Draw(1 + 6 * i + 4, 3, PIXEL_SOLID, (i + 8)); else Draw(1 + 6 * i + 4, 3, PIXEL_SOLID, (i)); } DrawString(1, 5, L"Current Brush = "); Draw(18, 5, nCurrentGlyph, nCurrentColourFG | (nCurrentColourBG << 4)); // Draw Canvas for (int x = 9; x < 138; x++) { Draw(x, 9); Draw(x, 74); } for (int y = 9; y < 75; y++) { Draw(9, y); Draw(138, y); } // Draw Visible Sprite if (sprite != nullptr) { int nVisiblePixelsX = 128 / nZoom; int nVisiblePixelsY = 64 / nZoom; for (int x = 0; x < nVisiblePixelsX; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nVisiblePixelsY; y++) { if (x - nOffsetX < sprite->nWidth && y - nOffsetY < sprite->nHeight && x - nOffsetX >= 0 && y - nOffsetY >= 0) { // Draw Sprite Fill(x * nZoom + 10, y*nZoom + 10, (x + 1)*nZoom + 10, (y + 1)*nZoom + 10, sprite->GetGlyph(x - nOffsetX, y - nOffsetY), sprite->GetColour(x - nOffsetX, y - nOffsetY)); // Draw Pixel Markers if (sprite->GetGlyph(x - nOffsetX, y - nOffsetY) == L' ') Draw((x)* nZoom + 10, (y)* nZoom + 10, L'.'); } if (x - nOffsetX == nPosX && y - nOffsetY == nPosY) Draw((x)* nZoom + 10, (y)* nZoom + 10, L'O'); } } // Draw Actual Sprite for (int x = 0; x < sprite->nWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < sprite->nHeight; y++) Draw(x + 10, y + 80, sprite->GetGlyph(x, y), sprite->GetColour(x, y)); return true; } }; int main() { // Use olcConsoleGameEngine derived app OneLoneCoder_SpriteEditor game; game.ConstructConsole(160, 100, 8, 8); game.Start(); return 0; }