/* OneLoneCoder.com - PathFinding A* "No more getting lost..." - @Javidx9 Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be educational, and perhaps to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun. Please hack this, change it and use it in any way you see fit. BUT, you acknowledge that I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of your actions. However, if good stuff happens, I would appreciate a shout out, or at least give the blog some publicity for me. Cheers! Background ~~~~~~~~~~ The A* path finding algorithm is a widely used and powerful shortest path finding node traversal algorithm. A heuristic is used to bias the algorithm towards success. This code is probably more interesting than the video. :-/ Author ~~~~~~ Twitter: @javidx9 Blog: www.onelonecoder.com Video: ~~~~~~ https://youtu.be/icZj67PTFhc Last Updated: 08/10/2017 */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #include "olcConsoleGameEngine.h" class OneLoneCoder_PathFinding : public olcConsoleGameEngine { public: OneLoneCoder_PathFinding() { m_sAppName = L"Path Finding"; } private: struct sNode { bool bObstacle = false; // Is the node an obstruction? bool bVisited = false; // Have we searched this node before? float fGlobalGoal; // Distance to goal so far float fLocalGoal; // Distance to goal if we took the alternative route int x; // Nodes position in 2D space int y; vector<sNode*> vecNeighbours; // Connections to neighbours sNode* parent; // Node connecting to this node that offers shortest parent }; sNode *nodes = nullptr; int nMapWidth = 16; int nMapHeight = 16; sNode *nodeStart = nullptr; sNode *nodeEnd = nullptr; protected: virtual bool OnUserCreate() { // Create a 2D array of nodes - this is for convenience of rendering and construction // and is not required for the algorithm to work - the nodes could be placed anywhere // in any space, in multiple dimensions... nodes = new sNode[nMapWidth * nMapHeight]; for (int x = 0; x < nMapWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nMapHeight; y++) { nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].x = x; // ...because we give each node its own coordinates nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].y = y; nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].bObstacle = false; nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].parent = nullptr; nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].bVisited = false; } // Create connections - in this case nodes are on a regular grid for (int x = 0; x < nMapWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nMapHeight; y++) { if(y>0) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y - 1) * nMapWidth + (x + 0)]); if(y<nMapHeight-1) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 1) * nMapWidth + (x + 0)]); if (x>0) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 0) * nMapWidth + (x - 1)]); if(x<nMapWidth-1) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 0) * nMapWidth + (x + 1)]); // We can also connect diagonally /*if (y>0 && x>0) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y - 1) * nMapWidth + (x - 1)]); if (y<nMapHeight-1 && x>0) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 1) * nMapWidth + (x - 1)]); if (y>0 && x<nMapWidth-1) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y - 1) * nMapWidth + (x + 1)]); if (y<nMapHeight - 1 && x<nMapWidth-1) nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 1) * nMapWidth + (x + 1)]); */ } // Manually positio the start and end markers so they are not nullptr nodeStart = &nodes[(nMapHeight / 2) * nMapWidth + 1]; nodeEnd = &nodes[(nMapHeight / 2) * nMapWidth + nMapWidth-2]; return true; } bool Solve_AStar() { // Reset Navigation Graph - default all node states for (int x = 0; x < nMapWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nMapHeight; y++) { nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].bVisited = false; nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].fGlobalGoal = INFINITY; nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].fLocalGoal = INFINITY; nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].parent = nullptr; // No parents } auto distance = [](sNode* a, sNode* b) // For convenience { return sqrtf((a->x - b->x)*(a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y)*(a->y - b->y)); }; auto heuristic = [distance](sNode* a, sNode* b) // So we can experiment with heuristic { return distance(a, b); }; // Setup starting conditions sNode *nodeCurrent = nodeStart; nodeStart->fLocalGoal = 0.0f; nodeStart->fGlobalGoal = heuristic(nodeStart, nodeEnd); // Add start node to not tested list - this will ensure it gets tested. // As the algorithm progresses, newly discovered nodes get added to this // list, and will themselves be tested later list<sNode*> listNotTestedNodes; listNotTestedNodes.push_back(nodeStart); // if the not tested list contains nodes, there may be better paths // which have not yet been explored. However, we will also stop // searching when we reach the target - there may well be better // paths but this one will do - it wont be the longest. while (!listNotTestedNodes.empty() && nodeCurrent != nodeEnd)// Find absolutely shortest path // && nodeCurrent != nodeEnd) { // Sort Untested nodes by global goal, so lowest is first listNotTestedNodes.sort([](const sNode* lhs, const sNode* rhs){ return lhs->fGlobalGoal < rhs->fGlobalGoal; } ); // Front of listNotTestedNodes is potentially the lowest distance node. Our // list may also contain nodes that have been visited, so ditch these... while(!listNotTestedNodes.empty() && listNotTestedNodes.front()->bVisited) listNotTestedNodes.pop_front(); // ...or abort because there are no valid nodes left to test if (listNotTestedNodes.empty()) break; nodeCurrent = listNotTestedNodes.front(); nodeCurrent->bVisited = true; // We only explore a node once // Check each of this node's neighbours... for (auto nodeNeighbour : nodeCurrent->vecNeighbours) { // ... and only if the neighbour is not visited and is // not an obstacle, add it to NotTested List if (!nodeNeighbour->bVisited && nodeNeighbour->bObstacle == 0) listNotTestedNodes.push_back(nodeNeighbour); // Calculate the neighbours potential lowest parent distance float fPossiblyLowerGoal = nodeCurrent->fLocalGoal + distance(nodeCurrent, nodeNeighbour); // If choosing to path through this node is a lower distance than what // the neighbour currently has set, update the neighbour to use this node // as the path source, and set its distance scores as necessary if (fPossiblyLowerGoal < nodeNeighbour->fLocalGoal) { nodeNeighbour->parent = nodeCurrent; nodeNeighbour->fLocalGoal = fPossiblyLowerGoal; // The best path length to the neighbour being tested has changed, so // update the neighbour's score. The heuristic is used to globally bias // the path algorithm, so it knows if its getting better or worse. At some // point the algo will realise this path is worse and abandon it, and then go // and search along the next best path. nodeNeighbour->fGlobalGoal = nodeNeighbour->fLocalGoal + heuristic(nodeNeighbour, nodeEnd); } } } return true; } virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) { int nNodeSize = 9; int nNodeBorder = 2; // Use integer division to nicely get cursor position in node space int nSelectedNodeX = m_mousePosX / nNodeSize; int nSelectedNodeY = m_mousePosY / nNodeSize; if (m_mouse[0].bReleased) // Use mouse to draw maze, shift and ctrl to place start and end { if(nSelectedNodeX >=0 && nSelectedNodeX < nMapWidth) if (nSelectedNodeY >= 0 && nSelectedNodeY < nMapHeight) { if (m_keys[VK_SHIFT].bHeld) nodeStart = &nodes[nSelectedNodeY * nMapWidth + nSelectedNodeX]; else if (m_keys[VK_CONTROL].bHeld) nodeEnd = &nodes[nSelectedNodeY * nMapWidth + nSelectedNodeX]; else nodes[nSelectedNodeY * nMapWidth + nSelectedNodeX].bObstacle = !nodes[nSelectedNodeY * nMapWidth + nSelectedNodeX].bObstacle; Solve_AStar(); // Solve in "real-time" gives a nice effect } } // Draw Connections First - lines from this nodes position to its // connected neighbour node positions Fill(0, 0, ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight(), L' '); for (int x = 0; x < nMapWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nMapHeight; y++) { for (auto n : nodes[y*nMapWidth + x].vecNeighbours) { DrawLine(x*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, y*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, n->x*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, n->y*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_DARK_BLUE); } } // Draw Nodes on top for (int x = 0; x < nMapWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nMapHeight; y++) { Fill(x*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, y*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, (x + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, (y + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, PIXEL_HALF, nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].bObstacle ? FG_WHITE : FG_BLUE); if (nodes[y * nMapWidth + x].bVisited) Fill(x*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, y*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, (x + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, (y + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_BLUE); if(&nodes[y * nMapWidth + x] == nodeStart) Fill(x*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, y*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, (x + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, (y + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_GREEN); if(&nodes[y * nMapWidth + x] == nodeEnd) Fill(x*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, y*nNodeSize + nNodeBorder, (x + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, (y + 1)*nNodeSize - nNodeBorder, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_RED); } // Draw Path by starting ath the end, and following the parent node trail // back to the start - the start node will not have a parent path to follow if (nodeEnd != nullptr) { sNode *p = nodeEnd; while (p->parent != nullptr) { DrawLine(p->x*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, p->y*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, p->parent->x*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, p->parent->y*nNodeSize + nNodeSize / 2, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_YELLOW); // Set next node to this node's parent p = p->parent; } } return true; } }; int main() { OneLoneCoder_PathFinding game; game.ConstructConsole(160, 160, 6, 6); game.Start(); return 0; }