The official distribution of olcConsoleGameEngine, a tool used in javidx9's YouTube videos and projects
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/* - Augmenting Reality #1 - Optical Flow
"My arms are tired now." - @Javidx9
I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be educational, and perhaps
to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun. Please hack this, change it and use it
in any way you see fit. BUT, you acknowledge that I am not responsible for anything
bad that happens as a result of your actions. However, if good stuff happens, I
would appreciate a shout out, or at least give the blog some publicity for me.
Optical flow is the determination of motion in a video stream at the pixel level.
Each pixel is associated with a motion vector that is used to create a map of
velocity vectors which are then used to interact with a virtual object superimposed
on the video stream.
You will need to have watched my webcam video for this one to make sense!
Twitter: @javidx9
Last Updated: 15/11/2017
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#include "olcConsoleGameEngine.h"
#include "escapi.h"
class OneLoneCoder_AROpticFlow : public olcConsoleGameEngine
m_sAppName = L"Augmented Reality Part #1 - Optic Flow";
union RGBint
int rgb;
unsigned char c[4];
int nCameras = 0;
SimpleCapParams capture;
// 2D Maps for image processing
float *fOldCamera = nullptr; // Previous raw frame from camera
float *fNewCamera = nullptr; // Recent raw frame from camera
float *fFilteredCamera = nullptr; // low-pass filtered image
float *fOldFilteredCamera = nullptr; // low-pass filtered image
float *fOldMotionImage = nullptr; // previous motion image
float *fMotionImage = nullptr; // recent motion image
float *fFlowX = nullptr; // x-component of flow field vector
float *fFlowY = nullptr; // y-component of flow field vector
// Object Physics Variables
float fBallX = 0.0f; // Ball position 2D
float fBallY = 0.0f;
float fBallVX = 0.0f; // Ball Velocity 2D
float fBallVY = 0.0f;
virtual bool OnUserCreate()
// Initialise webcam to console dimensions
nCameras = setupESCAPI();
if (nCameras == 0) return false;
capture.mWidth = ScreenWidth();
capture.mHeight = ScreenHeight();
capture.mTargetBuf = new int[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
if (initCapture(0, &capture) == 0) return false;
// Allocate memory for images
fOldCamera = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fNewCamera = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fFilteredCamera = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fOldFilteredCamera = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fFlowX = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fFlowY = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fOldMotionImage = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
fMotionImage = new float[ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()];
// Initialise images to 0
memset(fOldCamera, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fNewCamera, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fFilteredCamera, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fOldFilteredCamera, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fFlowX, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fFlowY, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fOldMotionImage, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
memset(fMotionImage, 0, sizeof(float) * ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight());
// Set ball position to middle of frame
fBallX = ScreenWidth() / 2.0f;
fBallY = ScreenHeight() / 2.0f;
return true;
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime)
// Lambda function to draw "image" in greyscale
auto draw_image = [&](float *image)
for (int x = 0; x < capture.mWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < capture.mHeight; y++)
wchar_t sym = 0;
short bg_col = 0;
short fg_col = 0;
int pixel_bw = (int)(image[y*ScreenWidth() + x] * 13.0f);
switch (pixel_bw)
case 0: bg_col = BG_BLACK; fg_col = FG_BLACK; sym = PIXEL_SOLID; break;
case 1: bg_col = BG_BLACK; fg_col = FG_DARK_GREY; sym = PIXEL_QUARTER; break;
case 2: bg_col = BG_BLACK; fg_col = FG_DARK_GREY; sym = PIXEL_HALF; break;
case 3: bg_col = BG_BLACK; fg_col = FG_DARK_GREY; sym = PIXEL_THREEQUARTERS; break;
case 4: bg_col = BG_BLACK; fg_col = FG_DARK_GREY; sym = PIXEL_SOLID; break;
case 5: bg_col = BG_DARK_GREY; fg_col = FG_GREY; sym = PIXEL_QUARTER; break;
case 6: bg_col = BG_DARK_GREY; fg_col = FG_GREY; sym = PIXEL_HALF; break;
case 7: bg_col = BG_DARK_GREY; fg_col = FG_GREY; sym = PIXEL_THREEQUARTERS; break;
case 8: bg_col = BG_DARK_GREY; fg_col = FG_GREY; sym = PIXEL_SOLID; break;
case 9: bg_col = BG_GREY; fg_col = FG_WHITE; sym = PIXEL_QUARTER; break;
case 10: bg_col = BG_GREY; fg_col = FG_WHITE; sym = PIXEL_HALF; break;
case 11: bg_col = BG_GREY; fg_col = FG_WHITE; sym = PIXEL_THREEQUARTERS; break;
case 12: bg_col = BG_GREY; fg_col = FG_WHITE; sym = PIXEL_SOLID; break;
Draw(x, y, sym, bg_col | fg_col);
// Lambda function to read from a 2D array without error
auto get_pixel = [&](float* image, int x, int y)
if (x >= 0 && x < ScreenWidth() && y >= 0 && y < ScreenHeight())
return image[y*ScreenWidth() + x];
return 0.0f;
// === Capture & Filter New Input Image ==========================================
// Get Image from webcam
doCapture(0); while (isCaptureDone(0) == 0) {}
// Do Temporal Filtering per pixel
for (int y = 0; y < capture.mHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < capture.mWidth; x++)
RGBint col;
int id = y * capture.mWidth + x;
col.rgb = capture.mTargetBuf[id];
int r = col.c[2], g = col.c[1], b = col.c[0];
float fR = (float)r / 255.0f;
float fG = (float)g / 255.0f;
float fB = (float)b / 255.0f;
// Store previous camera frame for temporal processing
fOldCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = fNewCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x];
// Store previous camera frame for temporal processing
fOldFilteredCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = fFilteredCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x];
// Store previous motion only frame
fOldMotionImage[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = fMotionImage[y*ScreenWidth() + x];
// Calculate luminance (greyscale equivalent) of pixel
float fLuminance = 0.2987f * fR + 0.5870f * fG + 0.1140f * fB;
fNewCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = fLuminance;
// Low-Pass filter camera image, to remove pixel jitter
fFilteredCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x] += (fNewCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x] - fFilteredCamera[y*ScreenWidth() + x]) * 0.8f;
// Create motion image as difference between two successive camera frames
float fDiff = fabs(get_pixel(fFilteredCamera, x, y) - get_pixel(fOldFilteredCamera, x, y));
// Threshold motion image to remove filter out camera noise
fMotionImage[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = (fDiff >= 0.05f) ? fDiff : 0.0f;
// === Calculate Optic Flow Vector Map ==========================================
// Brute Force Local Spatial Pattern Matching
int nPatchSize = 9;
int nSearchSize = 7;
for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ScreenHeight(); y++)
// Initialise serach variables
float fPatchDifferenceMax = INFINITY;
float fPatchDifferenceX = 0.0f;
float fPatchDifferenceY = 0.0f;
fFlowX[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = 0.0f;
fFlowY[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = 0.0f;
// Search over a given rectangular area for a "patch" of old image
// that "resembles" a patch of the new image.
for (int sx = 0; sx < nSearchSize; sx++)
for (int sy = 0; sy < nSearchSize; sy++)
// Search vector is centre of patch test
int nSearchVectorX = x + (sx - nSearchSize / 2);
int nSearchVectorY = y + (sy - nSearchSize / 2);
float fAccumulatedDifference = 0.0f;
// For each pixel in search patch, accumulate difference with base patch
for (int px = 0; px < nPatchSize; px++)
for (int py = 0; py < nPatchSize; py++)
// Work out search patch offset indices
int nPatchPixelX = nSearchVectorX + (px - nPatchSize / 2);
int nPatchPixelY = nSearchVectorY + (py - nPatchSize / 2);
// Work out base patch indices
int nBasePixelX = x + (px - nPatchSize / 2);
int nBasePixelY = y + (py - nPatchSize / 2);
// Get adjacent values for each patch
float fPatchPixel = get_pixel(fNewCamera, nPatchPixelX, nPatchPixelY);
float fBasePixel = get_pixel(fOldCamera, nBasePixelX, nBasePixelY);
// Accumulate difference
fAccumulatedDifference += fabs(fPatchPixel - fBasePixel);
// Record the vector offset for the search patch that is the
// least different to the base patch
if (fAccumulatedDifference <= fPatchDifferenceMax)
fPatchDifferenceMax = fAccumulatedDifference;
fFlowX[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = (float)(nSearchVectorX - x);
fFlowY[y*ScreenWidth() + x] = (float)(nSearchVectorY - y);
// Modulate Optic Flow Vector Map with motion map, to remove vectors that
// errornously indicate large local motion
for (int i = 0; i < ScreenWidth()*ScreenHeight(); i++)
fFlowX[i] *= fMotionImage[i] > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
fFlowY[i] *= fMotionImage[i] > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// === Update Ball Physics ========================================================
// Ball velocity is updated by optic flow vector field
fBallVX += 100.0f * fFlowX[(int)fBallY * ScreenWidth() + (int)fBallX] * fElapsedTime;
fBallVY += 100.0f * fFlowY[(int)fBallY * ScreenWidth() + (int)fBallX] * fElapsedTime;
// Ball position is updated by velocity
fBallX += 1.0f * fBallVX * fElapsedTime;
fBallY += 1.0f * fBallVY * fElapsedTime;
// Add "drag" effect to ball velocity
fBallVX *= 0.85f;
fBallVY *= 0.85f;
// Wrap ball around screen
if (fBallX >= ScreenWidth()) fBallX -= (float)ScreenWidth();
if (fBallY >= ScreenHeight()) fBallY -= (float)ScreenHeight();
if (fBallX < 0) fBallX += (float)ScreenWidth();
if (fBallY < 0) fBallY += (float)ScreenHeight();
// === Update Screen =================================================================
// Draw Camera Image
// Draw "Ball"
Fill(fBallX - 4, fBallY - 4, fBallX + 4, fBallY + 4, PIXEL_SOLID, FG_RED);
return true;
int main()
OneLoneCoder_AROpticFlow game;
game.ConstructConsole(80, 60, 16, 16);
return 0;