Used for scheduling and check-in/check-out of patients to a facility under designated times.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.1 KiB

/// <reference types="node" />
import { TransformOptions } from 'stream';
import { Mode, BackendMessage } from './messages';
export declare type Packet = {
code: number;
packet: Buffer;
declare type StreamOptions = TransformOptions & {
mode: Mode;
export declare type MessageCallback = (msg: BackendMessage) => void;
export declare class Parser {
private buffer;
private bufferLength;
private bufferOffset;
private reader;
private mode;
constructor(opts?: StreamOptions);
parse(buffer: Buffer, callback: MessageCallback): void;
private mergeBuffer;
private handlePacket;
private parseReadyForQueryMessage;
private parseCommandCompleteMessage;
private parseCopyData;
private parseCopyInMessage;
private parseCopyOutMessage;
private parseCopyMessage;
private parseNotificationMessage;
private parseRowDescriptionMessage;
private parseField;
private parseDataRowMessage;
private parseParameterStatusMessage;
private parseBackendKeyData;
parseAuthenticationResponse(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer): any;
private parseErrorMessage;
export {};