For this exercise, you will be creating a web page that looks like a stoplight with buttons that make changes to the light. Open up `script.js` in your editor for the directions. Once completed, try out the challenges and the bonus below.
## Part 1
#### Challenge One: Group "Hover" Handler
Add DOM event listeners to toggle the on/off state of three bulbs.
* Add a event listeners on each of your buttons that log `"Entered <textContent> button"` when a user mouses over a button.
- When a user clicks on the "Stop" button, the top bulb should turn `red`.
- When a user clicks on the "Slow" button, the middle bulb should turn `orange`.
- When a user clicks on the "Go" button, the bottom bulb should turn `green`.
* Add new event listeners on each of your buttons that log `"Left <textContent> button"` when a user mouses out.
**TIP**: All three bulbs can be on/off independently of one another.
* Add a single event listener on all three buttons as a group. In your group event handler, log the `textContent` of each button when a user clicks the button.