'use strict'

var dns = require('dns')

var defaults = require('./defaults')

var parse = require('pg-connection-string').parse // parses a connection string

var val = function (key, config, envVar) {
  if (envVar === undefined) {
    envVar = process.env['PG' + key.toUpperCase()]
  } else if (envVar === false) {
    // do nothing ... use false
  } else {
    envVar = process.env[envVar]

  return config[key] || envVar || defaults[key]

var readSSLConfigFromEnvironment = function () {
  switch (process.env.PGSSLMODE) {
    case 'disable':
      return false
    case 'prefer':
    case 'require':
    case 'verify-ca':
    case 'verify-full':
      return true
    case 'no-verify':
      return { rejectUnauthorized: false }
  return defaults.ssl

// Convert arg to a string, surround in single quotes, and escape single quotes and backslashes
var quoteParamValue = function (value) {
  return "'" + ('' + value).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'"

var add = function (params, config, paramName) {
  var value = config[paramName]
  if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {
    params.push(paramName + '=' + quoteParamValue(value))

class ConnectionParameters {
  constructor(config) {
    // if a string is passed, it is a raw connection string so we parse it into a config
    config = typeof config === 'string' ? parse(config) : config || {}

    // if the config has a connectionString defined, parse IT into the config we use
    // this will override other default values with what is stored in connectionString
    if (config.connectionString) {
      config = Object.assign({}, config, parse(config.connectionString))

    this.user = val('user', config)
    this.database = val('database', config)

    if (this.database === undefined) {
      this.database = this.user

    this.port = parseInt(val('port', config), 10)
    this.host = val('host', config)

    // "hiding" the password so it doesn't show up in stack traces
    // or if the client is console.logged
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'password', {
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: false,
      writable: true,
      value: val('password', config),

    this.binary = val('binary', config)
    this.options = val('options', config)

    this.ssl = typeof config.ssl === 'undefined' ? readSSLConfigFromEnvironment() : config.ssl

    if (typeof this.ssl === 'string') {
      if (this.ssl === 'true') {
        this.ssl = true
    // support passing in ssl=no-verify via connection string
    if (this.ssl === 'no-verify') {
      this.ssl = { rejectUnauthorized: false }
    if (this.ssl && this.ssl.key) {
      Object.defineProperty(this.ssl, 'key', {
        enumerable: false,

    this.client_encoding = val('client_encoding', config)
    this.replication = val('replication', config)
    // a domain socket begins with '/'
    this.isDomainSocket = !(this.host || '').indexOf('/')

    this.application_name = val('application_name', config, 'PGAPPNAME')
    this.fallback_application_name = val('fallback_application_name', config, false)
    this.statement_timeout = val('statement_timeout', config, false)
    this.idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = val('idle_in_transaction_session_timeout', config, false)
    this.query_timeout = val('query_timeout', config, false)

    if (config.connectionTimeoutMillis === undefined) {
      this.connect_timeout = process.env.PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT || 0
    } else {
      this.connect_timeout = Math.floor(config.connectionTimeoutMillis / 1000)

    if (config.keepAlive === false) {
      this.keepalives = 0
    } else if (config.keepAlive === true) {
      this.keepalives = 1

    if (typeof config.keepAliveInitialDelayMillis === 'number') {
      this.keepalives_idle = Math.floor(config.keepAliveInitialDelayMillis / 1000)

  getLibpqConnectionString(cb) {
    var params = []
    add(params, this, 'user')
    add(params, this, 'password')
    add(params, this, 'port')
    add(params, this, 'application_name')
    add(params, this, 'fallback_application_name')
    add(params, this, 'connect_timeout')
    add(params, this, 'options')

    var ssl = typeof this.ssl === 'object' ? this.ssl : this.ssl ? { sslmode: this.ssl } : {}
    add(params, ssl, 'sslmode')
    add(params, ssl, 'sslca')
    add(params, ssl, 'sslkey')
    add(params, ssl, 'sslcert')
    add(params, ssl, 'sslrootcert')

    if (this.database) {
      params.push('dbname=' + quoteParamValue(this.database))
    if (this.replication) {
      params.push('replication=' + quoteParamValue(this.replication))
    if (this.host) {
      params.push('host=' + quoteParamValue(this.host))
    if (this.isDomainSocket) {
      return cb(null, params.join(' '))
    if (this.client_encoding) {
      params.push('client_encoding=' + quoteParamValue(this.client_encoding))
    dns.lookup(this.host, function (err, address) {
      if (err) return cb(err, null)
      params.push('hostaddr=' + quoteParamValue(address))
      return cb(null, params.join(' '))

module.exports = ConnectionParameters