package sig; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import sig.skills.BasicSynthesis; import sig.skills.BasicTouch; import sig.skills.BrandOfTheElements; import sig.skills.GreatStrides; import sig.skills.HastyTouch; import sig.skills.InnerQuiet; import sig.skills.Innovation; import sig.skills.MastersMend; import sig.skills.NameOfTheElements; import sig.skills.Observe; import sig.skills.RapidSynthesis; import sig.skills.StandardTouch; import sig.skills.TricksOfTheTrade; import sig.skills.Veneration; import sig.skills.WasteNot; import sig.skills.WasteNotII; public class SigCraft { public static int LEVEL = 48; public static int RECIPE_LEVEL = 45; public static int CP = 282; public static int BASE_PROGRESS = 51; public static int CONTROL = 185; public static int PROGRESS_GOAL = 158; public static int QUALITY_GOAL = 2309; public static boolean GUARANTEED = true; public static int DURABILITY = 80; public static List BUFFLIST = new ArrayList(); public static List SKILLLIST = new ArrayList(); public static int CRAFT_PROGRESS = 0; public static int CRAFT_QUALITY = 0; public static int CRAFT_DURABILITY = 0; public static int CRAFT_CP = 0; public static Craft BEST_CRAFT; //Quality = (0.37 * Control + 32.6) * (1 - 0.05 * min(max(Recipe Level - Character Level, 0), 5)) //Good +50%, Excellent +300% //Fail conditions: Progress does not reach 100% when durability reaches 0 public static ArrayList SucceededCrafts = new ArrayList(); public static void main(String[] args) { SKILLLIST.add(new RapidSynthesis("Rapid Synthesis",0,false,9)); SKILLLIST.add(new BasicSynthesis("Basic Synthesis",0,true,1)); SKILLLIST.add(new BrandOfTheElements("Brand of the Elements",6,true,37)); SKILLLIST.add(new BasicTouch("Basic Touch",18,true,5)); SKILLLIST.add(new HastyTouch("Hasty Touch",0,false,9)); SKILLLIST.add(new StandardTouch("Standard Touch",32,true,18)); //SKILLLIST.add(new Skill("Byregot's Blessing",24,true,50)); //TODO We don't know how this works yet. SKILLLIST.add(new TricksOfTheTrade("Tricks of the Trade",0,true,13)); SKILLLIST.add(new MastersMend("Master's Mend",88,true,7)); SKILLLIST.add(new WasteNot("Waste Not",56,true,15)); SKILLLIST.add(new WasteNotII("Waste Not II",98,true,47)); SKILLLIST.add(new InnerQuiet("Inner Quiet",18,true,11)); SKILLLIST.add(new Veneration("Veneration",18,true,15)); SKILLLIST.add(new GreatStrides("Great Strides",32,true,21)); SKILLLIST.add(new Innovation("Innovation",18,true,26)); SKILLLIST.add(new NameOfTheElements("Name of the Elements",30,true,37)); SKILLLIST.add(new Observe("Observe",7,true,13)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Inner Quiet",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Veneration",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Great Strides",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Innovation",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Name of the Elements",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Name of the Elements Has Been Used",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Inner Quiet", 0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Waste Not",0)); BUFFLIST.add(new Buff("Waste Not II",0)); SetupCraft(); } public static void SetupCraft() { List skills = new ArrayList(); skills.addAll(SKILLLIST); skills.removeIf((skill)->{return skill.lvReq>LEVEL;}); for (Skill s : skills) { Craft c = new Craft(CONTROL,LEVEL,CP,BASE_PROGRESS,PROGRESS_GOAL,QUALITY_GOAL,GUARANTEED,DURABILITY,CRAFT_PROGRESS,CRAFT_QUALITY,DURABILITY,CP,1,1,1,RECIPE_LEVEL,Status.NORMAL); for (Buff b : BUFFLIST) { c.BuffList.put(,new Buff(,b.stackCount)); } if (s.canBeUsed(c)) {s.useSkill(c);} if (c.craftSucceeded()) {SucceededCrafts.add(c);} System.out.println(c); } System.out.println(SucceededCrafts); } }