package sig ;
import java.awt.Component ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import ;
import ;
import java.util.Calendar ;
import org.json.JSONException ;
import org.json.JSONObject ;
import sig.utils.FileUtils ;
public class UpdateEvent implements ActionListener {
final static int MSGTIMER = 300 ;
final static int AUTOSAVETIMER = 600 ;
int last_authentication_msg = MSGTIMER ;
int last_autosave = AUTOSAVETIMER ;
long lasttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
int avgfps = 30 ;
int counter = 0 ;
int windowUpdateCounter = 30 ;
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent ev ) {
if ( ev ! = null ) {
UpdateScrollingText ( ) ;
UpdateAuthenticationCountdownMessage ( ) ;
UpdateWindowPosition ( ) ;
UpdateSubEmoticons ( ) ;
private void UpdateSubEmoticons ( ) {
if ( ! sigIRC . downloadedSubEmotes & &
sigIRC . subchannelCount = = sigIRC . subchannelIds . size ( ) ) {
Thread downloadThread = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
JSONObject data = GetSubEmoteJson ( ) ;
sigIRC . downloadSubEmotes ( data ) ;
} ;
downloadThread . start ( ) ;
sigIRC . downloadedSubEmotes = true ;
private JSONObject GetSubEmoteJson ( ) {
JSONObject subemotes = null ;
try {
File filer = new File ( sigIRC . SUBEMOTELISTFILE ) ;
if ( ! filer . exists ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Local copy of Sub emotes not found. Downloading in background..." ) ;
subemotes = FileUtils . readJsonFromUrlWithFilter ( "" , sigIRC . subchannelIds , sigIRC . SUBEMOTELISTFILE , true ) ;
} else {
if ( sigIRC . lastSubEmoteUpdate = = Calendar . getInstance ( ) . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_YEAR ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Using local copy of Sub emote JSON." ) ;
subemotes = FileUtils . readJsonFromFileWithFilter ( sigIRC . SUBEMOTELISTFILE , sigIRC . subchannelIds ) ;
} else {
System . out . println ( "Local copy of Sub emote JSON out-of-date! Re-downloading in background..." ) ;
subemotes = FileUtils . readJsonFromFileWithFilter ( sigIRC . SUBEMOTELISTFILE , sigIRC . subchannelIds ) ;
new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
try {
FileUtils . readJsonFromUrlWithFilter ( "" , sigIRC . subchannelIds , sigIRC . SUBEMOTELISTFILE , true ) ;
} catch ( JSONException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} . start ( ) ;
} catch ( JSONException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
sigIRC . lastSubEmoteUpdate = Calendar . getInstance ( ) . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_YEAR ) ;
sigIRC . config . setInteger ( "lastSubEmote_APIUpdate" , sigIRC . lastSubEmoteUpdate ) ;
return subemotes ;
private void UpdateWindowPosition ( ) {
if ( windowUpdateCounter - - < = 0 ) {
if ( sigIRC . lastWindowX ! = ( int ) sigIRC . window . getLocationOnScreen ( ) . getX ( ) | |
sigIRC . lastWindowY ! = ( int ) sigIRC . window . getLocationOnScreen ( ) . getY ( ) ) {
sigIRC . lastWindowX = ( int ) sigIRC . window . getLocationOnScreen ( ) . getX ( ) ;
sigIRC . lastWindowY = ( int ) sigIRC . window . getLocationOnScreen ( ) . getY ( ) ;
//Trigger Window Update.
for ( Component c : sigIRC . window . getComponents ( ) ) {
MyPanel . UpdateComponent ( c ) ;
windowUpdateCounter = 30 ;
private void UpdateAuthenticationCountdownMessage ( ) {
if ( sigIRC . downloadsComplete ) {
if ( ( ! sigIRC . authenticated | | sigIRC . testMode ) & & last_authentication_msg < MSGTIMER ) {
last_authentication_msg + + ;
} else
if ( ( ! sigIRC . authenticated | | sigIRC . testMode ) & & last_authentication_msg > = MSGTIMER ) {
last_authentication_msg = 0 ;
if ( ! sigIRC . authenticated & & ! sigIRC . testMode ) {
sigIRC . panel . addMessage ( "SYSTEM: Your oauthToken was not successful. Please go to the sigIRC folder and make sure your oauthToken.txt file is correct!!! SwiftRage" , ! sigIRC . playedoAuthSoundOnce ) ;
if ( ! sigIRC . playedoAuthSoundOnce ) {
sigIRC . playedoAuthSoundOnce = true ;
} else {
sigIRC . panel . addMessage ( "SYSTEM: This is a test message for your testing convenience. mikansBox" , ! sigIRC . playedoAuthSoundOnce ) ;
if ( last_autosave < AUTOSAVETIMER ) {
last_authentication_msg + + ;
} else
if ( last_autosave > = AUTOSAVETIMER ) {
last_autosave = 0 ;
sigIRC . windowX = ( int ) sigIRC . window . getLocationOnScreen ( ) . getX ( ) ;
sigIRC . windowY = ( int ) sigIRC . window . getLocationOnScreen ( ) . getY ( ) ;
sigIRC . windowWidth = sigIRC . window . getWidth ( ) ;
sigIRC . windowHeight = sigIRC . window . getHeight ( ) ;
sigIRC . config . setInteger ( "windowX" , sigIRC . windowX ) ;
sigIRC . config . setInteger ( "windowY" , sigIRC . windowY ) ;
sigIRC . config . setInteger ( "windowWidth" , sigIRC . windowWidth ) ;
sigIRC . config . setInteger ( "windowHeight" , sigIRC . windowHeight ) ;
sigIRC . config . saveProperties ( ) ;
if ( sigIRC . lastPlayedDing > 0 ) {
sigIRC . lastPlayedDing - - ;
updateFPSCounter ( ) ;
sigIRC . window . setTitle ( "sigIRCv2 - " + ( avgfps ) + " FPS" ) ;
lasttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
public void updateFPSCounter ( ) {
if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - lasttime > 1000 / avgfps ) {
//System.out.println("WARNING! Last update took "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-lasttime)+"ms! Lagging?");
if ( counter < 30 ) {
counter + + ;
} else {
counter = 0 ;
avgfps - - ;
} else {
if ( counter > - 30 ) {
counter - - ;
} else {
counter = 0 ;
avgfps + + ;
public void UpdateScrollingText ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sigIRC . twitchemoticons . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
boolean keep = sigIRC . twitchemoticons . get ( i ) . run ( ) ;
if ( ! keep ) {
sigIRC . twitchemoticons . remove ( i - - ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sigIRC . textobj . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
boolean keep = sigIRC . textobj . get ( i ) . run ( ) ;
if ( ! keep ) {
sigIRC . textobj . remove ( i - - ) ;
ProcessTextRows ( ) ;
for ( CustomSound cs : sigIRC . customsounds ) {
if ( ! cs . isSoundAvailable ( ) ) {
cs . decreaseCooldown ( 1 ) ;
Module . inDragZone = false ;
for ( Module m : sigIRC . modules ) {
m . moduleRun ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sigIRC . chatlogtwitchemoticons . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
boolean keep = sigIRC . chatlogtwitchemoticons . get ( i ) . run ( ) ;
if ( ! keep ) {
sigIRC . chatlogtwitchemoticons . remove ( i - - ) ;
private void ProcessTextRows ( ) {
for ( TextRow tr : sigIRC . rowobj ) {
tr . update ( ) ;
sigIRC . dingEnabled = ( sigIRC . textobj . size ( ) < = sigIRC . dingThreshold ) ;