# Custom Events These are events defined by GemaYue specifically for the map editor. These events only work in the beta version 1.8e or 1.85 onwards. **Note:** If there are no modifier events (5000+) at position X+1 (1 tile right of the custom event), the custom events will then search upward for modifier events instead (Y-1 instead of X+1, Y-2 instead of X+2, etc.) - **522 EV_NOPFLAG0** Disables effect of EV_NOPFLAG1 523 - **523 EV_NOPFLAG1** If Erina passes this event, other event tile will always trigger even if the required flag(s) are not set. - **524 EV_NOEVENT0** Disable effect of EVE_NOEVENT1 525 and EV_NOEVENT2 526 - **525 EV_NOEVENT1** If Erina passes this event, other event tiles will just set the event flag instead of starting the event. - **526 EV_NOEVENT2** If Erina passes this event, other event tiles will just unset the event flag instead of starting the event. - **527 EV_ITEMGETLV1** - **528 EV_ITEMGETLV2** - **529 EV_ITEMGETLV3** - **530 EV_ITEMGETLV4** If Erina passes these events, it changes the levels of all uncollected items on the map. - **531 EV_RESETFLAG** If Erina passes this event, it sets all event flags to 0. - **532 EV_GIVESTATUS** If Erina passes this event, it gives her buff ID m for n seconds. - m is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + m) - n is the value of the X+2 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + n) - A list of buff IDs can be found in [buff_ids.csv](./buff_ids.csv) - n can be set to 0 to make this event remove the buff. - **533 EV_NOSPAWN0** Disables the effect of EV_NOSPAWN1 534 and EV_NOSPAWN2 535 - **534 EV_NOSPAWN1** If Erina passes this event, disable any entities from respawning. - **535 EV_NOSPAWN2** If Erina passes this event, replace any future spawned entity with entity ID k - k is the value of the X+1 tile + 1000 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k - 1000). - (for example, for entity ID 1096, the value of the X+1 tile is 5096) - **536 EV_GAMESPEED** If Erina passes this event, change the game speed to k. - k is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k) - If k=1, then 1x speed. If k=2, 2x speed, and so on. - If k>100, the game slows down instead - **537 EV_STORYMODE** - **538 EV_SPEEDRUN** - **539 EV_STANDARD** - **540 EV_ALTERNATIVE** - **541 EV_BUNNYHEAVEN** - **542 EV_BUNNYHELL** If Erina passes these events, change game mode / rule - **543 EV_SETDIFFICULTY** If Erina passes this event, change game difficulty to k. - k is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000+k) ``` 5000: Casual 5001: Novice 5002: Normal 5003: Hard 5004: Hell 5005: Bunny Extinction 5006: Unknown 5007: Impossible 5008+: Extra ``` - **544 EV_BOSSMODE** If Erina passes this event, force boss mode to true. - **545 EV_NOBOSSMODE** If Erina passes this event, disable boss mode and remove screen scroll lock. - **546 EV_NOBOSSMODE2** If Erina passed this event, remove screen scroll lock. - **547 EV_DISABLEEVENT0** Disable effect of EV_DISABLEEVENT1 548 - **548 EV_DISABLEEVENT1** If Erina passed this event, disable any event start (to prevent event that unrelated to event tile from starting, for example Cicini's dialog after Erina pick up Air Jump) - **549 EV_NOENDBOSSEVENT0** disable the effect of EV_NOENDBOSSEVENT1 550 - **550 EV_NOENDBOSSEVENT1** If Erina passed this event, any town member boss will just teleport and leave after defeated by Erina. Instead of using the end boss cutscene. - **551 EV_SETMUSICSPEED** IF Erina passed these events, change music speed to k%. - k is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k). - Music speed for each sound test icon: ``` Halloween: 38.5 % Instant Death: 50.0 % Chaos Rod: 66.7 % Giant: 85.0 % No water orb: 90.0 % Default: 100.0 % Speed Up: 112.5 % Shrink: 120.0 % Miru: 130.0 % Cocoa Bomb: 150.0 % Boss defeat: 170.0 % ``` - **552 EV_FULLAP** If Erina passes this event, see amulet charge to full. - **553 EV_FULLBPMP** If Erina passes this event, see Ribbon boost and mp to full. - **554 EV_MOVEDOWN** if Erina passes this event, start a event that increase Erina's yaxis position by 720x4px. (i.e. move 4 screens down) - this event is repeatable - if the game can't move the player 4 screens down, this event does nothing. - the screen fades out and fades back in like a map transition. Erina has time to fall about 4 screens during the transition cutscene. - **555 EV_MOVEUP** if Erina passes this event, start a event that decrease Erina's yaxis position by 720x4px. (i.e. move 4 screens up) - this event is repeatable. - if the game can't move the player 4 screens up, this event does nothing. - the screen fades out and fades back in like a map transition. Erina has time to fall about 4 screens during the transition cutscene. - **warning**: If there is nothing for erina to fall on after transitioning 4 screens up, she falls back onto the event before the transition cutscene ends, softlocking the game. - **556 EV_SETSPIKEDMG** IF Erina passes this event, set all spikes damage to k. - k is the value of the X+1 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k) - If k = 0, disable this effect. - **557 EV_PLAYMUSIC** IF Erina passes this event, play music ID k. (useful for playing music with ID>31) - k is the value of the X+1 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k) - **558 EV_CHANGEITEM** IF Erina passes this event, set item ID k's Level to n. - k is the value of the X+1 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k) - n is the value of the X+2 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + n) - (If n is 0, remove the item) - This can be used to set the levels of plus necklace(23), bunny amulet(33), donuts(37), cakes(38), golden carrots(39), and cocoa bombs(40) above their normal values. - **559 EV_SETHAMMEREXP** IF Erina passes this event, set hammer exp to k. - k is the value of the X+1 tile * 100 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k/100) - **560 EV_SETFAIRYEXP** IF Erina passes this event, set Ribbon relationship exp to k. - k is the value of the X+1 tile * 100 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k/100) - **561 EV_SETBOMBEXP** IF Erina passes this event, set carrot bomb exp to k. - k is the value of the X+1 tile * 100 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k/100) - **562 EV_SETUPWIND0** IF Erina passes this event, turn off upward wind (status will not save to save file) - **563 EV_SETUPWIND1** IF Erina passes this event, turn on upward wind (status will not save to save file) - Upward wind is the effect during the Pixie & Lilli boss fight - **546 EV_CHANGECHARACTER** IF Erina passes this event, her sprite turns into that of entity N, where N is value of modifier. Modifier is 5000 + N and has to be set in the X+1 tile. e.g. Erina turns into Cicini when passing through a 564 event with 5018 modifier next to it. (18 being Cicini ID). IF no modifier is set, Erina will turn back to Erina again when crossing event 564. - **565 EV_CUSTOMTEXT** Displays custom text LINE N at this tile where N is value of modifier. Modifier is 5000 + N and has to be set in the X+1 tile.Custom text is stored in story_text.rbrb (a rbrb file start at line0, not 1). e.g. To display dialogue line 10 from story_text.rbrb you need event 565 and modifier 5009 next to it. - **573 EV_EGGBLOCK** This event has to be attached to a collision tile. The block breaks if egg collected >= N, Where N is value of modifier (For example , 5005 mean need 5 egg to break). - **574 EV_EVENTBLOCK** This event has to be attached to a collision tile. The block breaks if event N is flagged, Where N is value of modifier (for example Cocoa1 Battle is 256, so modifier is 5256) - **575 EV_EVENTBLOCKR** This event has to be attached to a collision tile. The block spawns if event N is flagged, where N is value of modifier (for example Cocoa1 Battle is 256, so modifier is 5256). - **576 EV_TRIGGERBLOCK1** - **577 EV_TRIGGERBLOCK2** - **578 EV_TRIGGERBLOCK3** - **579 EV_TRIGGERBLOCK4** - **580 EV_TRIGGERBLOCK5** These events have to be attached to collision tiles. They are similar to DLC 2 blocks in Hall of Mmemories II (events 512 to 515) except they work outside of DLCs. They work as switch and doors. They break if event N is not flagged, Where N is this event id. e.g. To break a block which has collision and event 576 attached, Erina needs to pass through a 576 event. - **581 EV_TRIGGERBLOCKR1** - **582 EV_TRIGGERBLOCKR2** - **583 EV_TRIGGERBLOCKR3** - **584 EV_TRIGGERBLOCKR4** - **585 EV_TRIGGERBLOCKR5** These events work in reverse. They spawn if event N is flagged, where N is this event id. e.g. To make a block which has collision and event 581 attached appear, Erina needs to pass through a 581 event.