# Custom Events

These are events defined by GemaYue specifically for the map editor. These events only work in the beta version 1.8e or 1.85 onwards.

**Note:** If there are no modifier events (5000+) at position X+1 (1 tile right of the custom event), the custom events will then search upward for modifier events instead (Y-1 instead of X+1, Y-2 instead of X+2, etc.)

- **522 EV_NOPFLAG0**

    Disables effect of EV_NOPFLAG1 523

- **523 EV_NOPFLAG1**

    If Erina passes this event, other event tile will always trigger even if the required flag(s) are not set.

- **524 EV_NOEVENT0**

    Disable effect of  EVE_NOEVENT1 525 and EV_NOEVENT2 526

- **525 EV_NOEVENT1**

    If Erina passes this event, other event tiles will just set the event flag instead of starting the event.

- **526 EV_NOEVENT2**

    If Erina passes this event, other event tiles will just unset the event flag instead of starting the event.

- **527 EV_ITEMGETLV1**
- **528 EV_ITEMGETLV2**
- **529 EV_ITEMGETLV3**
- **530 EV_ITEMGETLV4**

    If Erina passes these events, it changes the levels of all uncollected items on the map.

- **531 EV_RESETFLAG**

    If Erina passes this event, it sets all event flags to 0.


    If Erina passes this event, it gives her buff ID m for n seconds.
    - m is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + m)
    - n is the value of the X+2 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + n)
    - A list of buff IDs can be found in [buff_ids.csv](./buff_ids.csv)
    - n can be set to 0 to make this event remove the buff.

- **533 EV_NOSPAWN0**

    Disables the effect of EV_NOSPAWN1 534 and EV_NOSPAWN2 535

- **534 EV_NOSPAWN1**

    If Erina passes this event, disable any entities from respawning.

- **535 EV_NOSPAWN2**

    If Erina passes this event, replace any future spawned entity with entity ID k
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile + 1000 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k - 1000).
    - (for example, for entity ID 1096, the value of the X+1 tile is 5096)

- **536 EV_GAMESPEED**

    If Erina passes this event, change the game speed to k.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k)
    - If k=1, then 1x speed. If k=2, 2x speed, and so on.
    - If k>100, the game slows down instead

- **537 EV_STORYMODE**
- **538 EV_SPEEDRUN**
- **539 EV_STANDARD**
- **542 EV_BUNNYHELL**

    If Erina passes these events, change game mode / rule


    If Erina passes this event, change game difficulty to k.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000+k)
    5000: Casual
    5001: Novice
    5002: Normal
    5003: Hard
    5004: Hell
    5005: Bunny Extinction
    5006: Unknown
    5007: Impossible
    5008+: Extra

- **544 EV_BOSSMODE**

    If Erina passes this event, force boss mode to true.


    If Erina passes this event, disable boss mode and remove screen scroll lock.

- **546 EV_NOBOSSMODE2**
    If Erina passed this event, remove screen scroll lock.

    Disable effect of EV_DISABLEEVENT1 548

    If Erina passed this event, disable any event start (to prevent event  that unrelated to event tile 
    from starting, for example Cicini's dialog after Erina pick up Air Jump) 

    disable the effect of EV_NOENDBOSSEVENT1 550

    If Erina passed this event, any town member boss will just teleport and leave after defeated by Erina. 
    Instead of using the end boss cutscene. 

    IF Erina passed these events, change music speed to k%.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k).
    - Music speed for each sound test icon:
    Halloween:      38.5 %
    Instant Death:  50.0 %
    Chaos Rod:      66.7 %
    Giant:          85.0 %
    No water orb:   90.0 %
    Default:       100.0 %
    Speed Up:      112.5 %
    Shrink:        120.0 %
    Miru:          130.0 %
    Cocoa Bomb:    150.0 %
    Boss defeat:   170.0 %
- **552 EV_FULLAP**

   If Erina passes this event, see amulet charge to full.

- **553 EV_FULLBPMP**

   If Erina passes this event, see Ribbon boost and mp to full.

- **554 EV_MOVEDOWN**

    if Erina passes this event, start a event that increase Erina's yaxis position by 720x4px. (i.e. move 4 screens down)
    - this event is repeatable
    - if the game can't move the player 4 screens down, this event does nothing.
    - the screen fades out and fades back in like a map transition. Erina has time to fall about 4 screens during the transition cutscene.

- **555 EV_MOVEUP**

    if Erina passes this event, start a event that decrease Erina's yaxis position by 720x4px. (i.e. move 4 screens up)
    - this event is repeatable.
    - if the game can't move the player 4 screens up, this event does nothing.
    - the screen fades out and fades back in like a map transition. Erina has time to fall about 4 screens during the transition cutscene.
    - **warning**: If there is nothing for erina to fall on after transitioning 4 screens up, she falls back onto the event before the transition cutscene ends, softlocking the game.


    IF Erina passes this event, set all spikes damage to k.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k)
    - If k = 0, disable this effect.

- **557 EV_PLAYMUSIC**

    IF Erina passes this event, play music ID k. (useful for playing music with ID>31)
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k)


    IF Erina passes this event, set item ID k's Level to n. 
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k)
    - n is the value of the X+2 tile. (i.e. eventID: 5000 + n)
    - (If n is 0, remove the item)
    - This can be used to set the levels of plus necklace(23), bunny amulet(33), donuts(37), cakes(38), golden carrots(39), and cocoa bombs(40) above their normal values.
    IF Erina passes this event, set hammer exp to k.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile * 100 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k/100)

    IF Erina passes this event, set Ribbon relationship exp to k.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile * 100 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k/100)

    IF Erina passes this event, set carrot bomb exp to k.
    - k is the value of the X+1 tile * 100 (i.e. eventID: 5000 + k/100)
- **562 EV_SETUPWIND0**
    IF Erina passes this event, turn off upward wind (status will not save to save file)

- **563 EV_SETUPWIND1**

    IF Erina passes this event, turn on upward wind (status will not save to save file)
    - Upward wind is the effect during the Pixie & Lilli boss fight