@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ eventid, in-game event, function |
464, EV_SAYAEX, Triggers SP Saya boss fight. Only works if Background 128 is used and if chapter 9 is set. Needs DLC 2 installed. |
465, EV_CATSEX, Triggers Halloween Cats boss fight. Requires event 496. |
481, EV_PLAYDLCBGM1, Music trigger for track "Plan B" |
482, EV_PLAYDLCBGM2, Music trigger for track "Rabi Rabi Ravine ver.2" |
481, EV_PLAYDLCBGM1, Music trigger for track Plan B. |
482, EV_PLAYDLCBGM2, Music trigger for track Rabi Rabi Ravine ver.2. |
483, EV_FALLHILL, Erina takes fall damage and her position is reset to the edge of the screen. Works outside of DLC 2. |
484, EV_PIXIELILLI, Triggers Lilli and Pixie boss fight. |
485, EV_ESCAPE, Triggers the escape event. Wind appears and all blocks with event 160 on them turn solid until event 486 is reached. |