* an event ID in the target map to mark the destination (228 .. )
When the player hits a transition trigger (event 200+), it warps the player to the map specified by the last "set target map" event (event 161+), and tries to find the corresponding destination marker (event 228+). Note that the player continues walking as they go through the transition, so they won't end up exactly where the destination marker is.
**If the target event is not found, the player will end up at a similar location as where they warped from, but on the target map.**
### Target Map Events ###
These events set the target map to transition to when the player next hits a map transition event.
| Event ID | Target Map File |
| --- | --- |
| 161 | area0 |
| 162 | area1 |
| 163 | area2 |
| 164 | area3 |
| 165 | area4 |
| 166 | area5 |
| 168 | area7 |
Note: the actual game does not have any map transitions going to area6, area8 or area9. Testing is needed as to whether transitions to these maps exist
### Map Transition Triggers and Targets ###
The trigger event IDs trigger the transition; the player will end up at the corresponding target event.
| Trigger Event ID | Target Event ID |
| --- | --- |
| 200 | 227 |
| 201 | 228 |
| 202 | 229 |
| 203 | 230 |
| 204 | 231 |
| 205 | 232 |
| 206 | 176 |
| 207 | 177 |
Note: 206 and 176 don't appear to be used in the official maps, but appear to be functional regardless.