# Background Images
If it isn't listed here as notes, it hasn't been tested.
Note: Backgrounds were tested live by changing memory. Certain backgrounds may not work this way. Many backgrounds with blank images are also simply unused backgrounds.
## 0
- Copies background from previous room.
## 1
- Clouds near top slowly scroll right.

## 2

## 3

## 4

## 5

## 6

## 7

## 8

## 9

## 10

## 11

## 12

## 13

## 14

## 15
- Lava is animated.

## 16

## 17

## 18

## 19

## 20

## 21

## 22

## 23

## 24

## 25

## 26

## 27

## 28
- Adds vehicle noises and has spawning cars. Cars will get stuck on solid walls.

## 29

## 30

## 31

## 32

## 33

## 34

## 35

## 36
- Generates a layer of water that covers tiles.

## 37
- Hides layers 1, 4, 3, and 0. Tiles on layer 2 will have a rainbow effect applied to them.

## 38

## 39

## 40

## 41

## 42

## 43

## 44

## 45

## 46

## 47

## 48

## 49
- Scrolls left across three different layers.

## 50

## 51

## 52

## 53

## 54

## 55

## 56
- Turns all tiles and entities on the map black.

## 57
- Turns all tiles on the map black and makes entity palettes darker. A soft mechanical hum plays.

## 58

## 59

## 60
- Entity palettes flash slightly. All tiles on the map become black. A soft mechanical hum plays.

## 61

## 62

## 63

## 64
- Slows down any music playing at the moment.

## 65
- Two effects based on location. In most sectors of the map, this is the System Interior background.

- If placed in rows 7~13 on column 9 in a map, significantly slows down Erina's fall speed. A glowing white layer covers tiles, more drastically affecting tiles on layers 2 and 6.

## 66
- Same as 65, except it's System Interior II.

- If placed in rows 7~13 on column 9 etc. Layer glows red instead of white.

## 67

## 68

## 69

## 70

## 71

## 72

## 73

## 74

## 75

## 76

## 77

## 78

## 79
- Bubbles appear at the bottom and rise to the top.

## 80
- Same as 37, but the rainbow effect applies to layer 5 as well as layer 2.

## 81
- No immediately obvious background, but applies a white glow to tiles on layers 5, 1, 4, 3, and 0.

## 82
- Clouds scroll upwards, giving the illusion that you are falling.

## 83
- Apparently the first Library background, but nothing comes up.

## 84
- The lights turn on and off, hiding and revealing tiles. Library tiles are still somewhat visible when the lights are out. The animated Library background is activated through event 346 (Enter Library), but activating it without recruiting all town members or passing through event 525 (NO EVENT 1) will warp the player to area 5. If area 5 does not exist, the player will be ejected into the death barrier.

## 85

## 86

## 87

## 88
- Applies a white glowing to all tiles. Tiles on layers5, 1, 4, 3, and 0 shine brighter.

## 89
- All notes for 84 apply here, including event restrictions and requirements.

## 90

## 91
- Background scrolls southwest.

## 92

## 93

## 94

## 95

## 96

## 97

## 98
- Changes to the corrupt playroom if event 370 (Miru's battle) is activated before entering.

## 99
- Bubbles appear at the bottom and rise to the top.

## 100

## 101
- Forgotten Cave II background. Slightly tints all tiles. Tiles on layers 2 and 6 become transparent.

## 102

## 103
- Hides tiles on layers 2, 6, and 5. Stars move upwards.

## 104
- Tiles glow.

## 105

## 106

## 107
- Lava is animated.

## 108
- Psychadelic lines change color based on grid position.

## 109

## 110
- Immediately hides tiles on layers 5, 1, 4, 3, and 0. After a brief moment, hides tiles on layers 2 and 6 along with most event entities.

## 111

## 112

## 113

## 114

## 115

## 116

## 117
- A layer above the background shifts through all colors of the rainbow.

## 118

## 119

## 120, 121
- Harsh winds blow in the background, slowly pushing Erina east. A windstorm sound effect plays.

## 122
- The winds are even stronger. Any music playing slows down. A more violent windstorm sound effect plays.

## 123
- Boss entities will behave like illusions in the Hall of Memory, attacking Erina.

## 124

## 125
- Halloween DLC background. Camera will zoom in when near boss entities regardless of being in a boss battle or not.

## 126+
- Crash. Too lazy to continue testing past 130