Experimental stuff for now. Don't think too much about it. Branched off Rabi-Ribi Autosplitter.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
// The descriptions of all the boss fights are listed here.
// Fields can be omitted to keep them unspecified.
public partial class BossFight
public static BossFight UNKNOWN =
new BossFight (
displayName: "UNKNOWN"
public static BossFight Cocoa1 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Cocoa1",
music: Music.GET_ON_WITH_IT,
map: Map.SouthernWoodland,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Cocoa}
public static BossFight Ribbon =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Ribbon",
music: Music.GET_ON_WITH_IT,
map: Map.SouthernWoodland,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Ribbon}
public static BossFight Ashuri1 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Ashuri1",
music: Music.GET_ON_WITH_IT,
map: Map.WesternCoast,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Ashuri}
public static BossFight Ashuri2 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Ashuri2",
music: Music.BRAWL_BREAKS_VER_2,
map: Map.EasternHighlands,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Ashuri}
public static BossFight BigBox =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Big Box",
music: Music.MIDBOSS_BATTLE,
map: Map.EasternHighlands,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.BigBox}
public static BossFight RainbowMaid =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Rainbow Maid",
music: Music.MIDBOSS_BATTLE,
map: Map.EasternHighlands,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.RainbowMaid}
public static BossFight Seana1 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Seana1",
music: Music.KITTY_ATTACK,
map: Map.NorthernTundra,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Seana}
public static BossFight Seana2 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Seana2",
music: Music.BOUNCE_BOUNCE,
map: Map.IslandCore,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Seana}
public static BossFight Kotri1 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Kotri1",
music: Music.BRAWL_BREAKS,
map: Map.IslandCore,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Kotri}
public static BossFight Kotri2 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Kotri2",
music: Music.BRAWL_BREAKS,
map: Map.WesternCoast,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Kotri}
public static BossFight Kotri3 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Kotri3",
music: Music.BRAWL_BREAKS_VER_2,
map: Map.SubterraneanArea,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Kotri}
public static BossFight Alius1 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Alius1",
music: Music.SUDDEN_DEATH,
map: Map.WarpDestination,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.IllusionAlius}
public static BossFight Alius2 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Alius2",
music: Music.SUDDEN_DEATH,
map: Map.WarpDestination,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Noah1, Boss.IllusionAlius}
public static BossFight Alius3 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Alius3",
music: Music.SUDDEN_DEATH,
map: Map.WarpDestination,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Noah1}
public static BossFight Miru =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Miru",
music: Music.M_R_,
map: Map.WarpDestination,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Miru}
public static BossFight Noah1 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Noah1",
map: Map.WarpDestination,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Noah1}
public static BossFight Noah3 =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Noah3",
music: Music.RFN_III,
map: Map.WarpDestination,
startingBosses: new[] {Boss.Noah3}
public static BossFight SideChapter =
new BossFight (
displayName: "Side Chapter",
music: Music.GET_ON_WITH_IT,
map: Map.RabiRabiTown,
extraCondition: (startingBosses, music, map) => {
return startingBosses.Count == 3;