using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Timers; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace rabiribi_splitter { public partial class Form1 : Form { private static TcpClient tcpclient; private static NetworkStream networkStream; private static System.Timers.Timer timer; private bool bossbattle = false; private int lastmusicid; private Regex titleReg = new Regex(@"ver.*?(\d+\.?\d+.*)$"); private Thread memoryThread; private int lastmoney; private bool rabiribiready; private string rabiribititle; private string rabiver; private int veridx; private List lastbosslist = new List(); private int lastnoah3hp = -1; private int lastmapid; private int lastTM; private DateTime LastTMAddTime=DateTime.MinValue; void DebugLog(string log) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { this.debugLog.AppendText(log + "\r\n"); })); } else { this.debugLog.AppendText(log + "\r\n"); } } public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); LinkLabel.Link link = new LinkLabel.Link(); link.LinkData = ""; linkLabel1.Links.Add(link); linkLabel1.LinkClicked += LinkLabel1_LinkClicked; memoryThread = new Thread(() => { while (true) { readmemory(); Thread.Sleep(10); } }); memoryThread.IsBackground = true; memoryThread.Start(); } private void LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { // Send the URL to the operating system. Process.Start(e.Link.LinkData as string); } private void readmemory() { var processlist = Process.GetProcessesByName("rabiribi"); if (processlist.Length > 0) { Process process = processlist[0]; if (process.MainWindowTitle != rabiribititle) { var result = titleReg.Match(process.MainWindowTitle); if (result.Success) { rabiver = result.Groups[1].Value; veridx = Array.IndexOf(StaticData.VerNames, rabiver); if (veridx < 0) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbStatus.Text = rabiver + " Running (not support)"; this.musicLabel.Text = "N/A"; })); return; } } else { veridx = -1; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbStatus.Text = rabiver + " Running (not support)"; this.musicLabel.Text = "N/A"; })); return; } this.Invoke(new Action(() => rbStatus.Text = rabiver + " Running")); rabiribititle = process.MainWindowTitle; } if (veridx < 0) return; #region CheckMoney if (cbComputer.Checked) { var newmoney = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, StaticData.MoneyAddress[veridx]); if (newmoney - lastmoney == 17500) { sendsplit(); DebugLog("get 17500 en, split"); } lastmoney = newmoney; } #endregion int mapid = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, StaticData.MapAddress[veridx]); if (lastmapid != mapid) { DebugLog("newmap: "+mapid+":"+StaticData.MapNames[mapid]); lastmapid = mapid; } #region checkTM #endregion #region Music int musicaddr = StaticData.MusicAddr[veridx]; int musicid = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, musicaddr); if (musicid > 0 && musicid < StaticData.MusicNames.Length) { if (lastmusicid != musicid) { DebugLog("new music:"+musicid+":"+StaticData.MusicNames[musicid]); this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.musicLabel.Text = StaticData.MusicNames[musicid])); var bossmusicflag = StaticData.BossMusics.Contains(musicid); if (bossmusicflag) { if (bossbattle) { //直接换boss曲 if (cbBossStart.Checked || cbBossEnd.Checked) { sendsplit(); DebugLog("new boss music, split"); } this.Invoke(new Action(() => cbBoss.Checked = bossbattle)); lastmusicid = musicid; return; } } if (!bossbattle) { if (cbASG.Checked && musicid == 54) { bossbattle = false; DebugLog("Alius music, ignore once"); this.Invoke(new Action(() => cbASG.Checked = false)); } else { if (bossmusicflag) { if (mapid == 5 && musicid == 44 && cbSideCh.Checked ) { bossbattle = false; DebugLog("sidechapter, ignore"); } else { bossbattle = true; lastbosslist = new List(); lastnoah3hp = -1; if (cbBossStart.Checked) { sendsplit(); DebugLog("music start, split"); } } } } } else { if (!bossmusicflag) //boss music end! { bossbattle = false; if (cbBossEnd.Checked) { sendsplit(); DebugLog("music end, split"); } } } lastmusicid = musicid; } } else { this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.musicLabel.Text = "N/A")); } #endregion Music #region SpecialBOSS if (bossbattle) { if (cbBoss1.Checked || cbBoss3.Checked) { int Noah3HP = -1; if (mapid >= 0 && mapid < StaticData.MapNames.Length) { int ptr = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, StaticData.EnenyPtrAddr[veridx]); List bosses = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { ptr = ptr + StaticData.EnenyEntitySize[veridx]; var emyid = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, ptr + StaticData.EnenyEnitiyIDOffset[veridx], false); if (StaticData.BossNames.ContainsKey(emyid)) { bosses.Add(emyid); if (emyid == 1053) { Noah3HP = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, ptr + StaticData.EnenyEnitiyHPOffset[veridx], false); } } } if (cbBoss1.Checked) { foreach (var boss in lastbosslist) { if (boss == 1043) { if (!bosses.Contains(boss)) //despawn { sendsplit(); DebugLog("miru despawn, split"); bossbattle = false; } } } } if (cbBoss3.Checked) { if (bosses.Contains(1053) && Noah3HP < lastnoah3hp && Noah3HP == 1) { sendsplit(); DebugLog("noah3 hp 1, split"); bossbattle = false; } } if (cbTM.Checked && musicid==8) { bool f = true; foreach (var boss in lastbosslist) { if (boss == 1024) { if (!bosses.Contains(boss)) //despawn { sendsplit(); DebugLog("nixie despawn, split"); bossbattle = false; f = false; break; } } } int newTM = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, StaticData.TownMemberAddr[veridx]); if (newTM - lastTM == 1 && f) //for after 1.71 , 1.71 isn't TM+2 at once when skip Nixie, it's TM+1 twice { if (DateTime.Now- LastTMAddTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) { var d = DateTime.Now - LastTMAddTime; bossbattle = false; sendsplit(); DebugLog("TM+2 in "+d.TotalMilliseconds+" ms, split"); } LastTMAddTime = DateTime.Now; } else if (newTM - lastTM == 2 && f)//for 1.65-1.70 { bossbattle = false; sendsplit(); DebugLog("TM+2, split"); } lastTM = newTM; } lastbosslist = bosses; lastnoah3hp = Noah3HP; } } } #endregion SpecialBOSS if (debugArea.Checked) { int ptr = MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, StaticData.EnenyPtrAddr[veridx]); List bosses = new List(); List HPS = new List(); ptr += StaticData.EnenyEntitySize[veridx]*3; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ptr += StaticData.EnenyEntitySize[veridx]; bosses.Add(MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, ptr + StaticData.EnenyEnitiyIDOffset[veridx], false)); HPS.Add(MemoryHelper.GetMemoryValue(process, ptr + StaticData.EnenyEnitiyHPOffset[veridx], false)); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { t1.Text = string.Join("\n", bosses); t2.Text = string.Join("\n", HPS); })); } } this.Invoke(new Action(() => cbBoss.Checked = bossbattle)); } else { rabiribititle = ""; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { rbStatus.Text = "Not Found"; this.musicLabel.Text = "N/A"; })); } } void sendsplit() { if (tcpclient != null && tcpclient.Connected) { try { var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("split\r\n"); networkStream.Write(b, 0, b.Length); } catch (Exception) { disconnect(); } } } void disconnect() { tcpclient = null; connectBtn.Enabled = true; } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tcpclient != null && tcpclient.Connected) return; try { tcpclient = new TcpClient("", Convert.ToInt32(portNum.Value)); networkStream = tcpclient.GetStream(); connectBtn.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception) { tcpclient = null; networkStream = null; MessageBox.Show(this, "Connect Failed"); } } } }