using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace rabi_splitter_WPF { public enum Boss { Cocoa, Rumi, Ashuri, Rita, Ribbon, Cocoa2, Cicini, Cicini2, Saya, Syaro, Pandora, Nieve, Nixie, Aruraune, Seana, Lilith, Vanilla, Chocolate, IllusionAlius, Kotri, Noah1, Irisu, Miriam, Miru, Noah3, KekeBunny, Cats, BigBox, RainbowMaid, TreasureCrystal, } public enum Map { SouthernWoodland, WesternCoast, IslandCore, NorthernTundra, EasternHighlands, RabiRabiTown, Plurkwood, SubterraneanArea, WarpDestination, SystemInterior, } public enum Music { NO_MUSIC, ADVENTURE_STARTS_HERE, SPECTRAL_CAVE, FORGOTTEN_CAVE, UNDERWATER_AMBIENT, LIBRARY_AMBIENT, FORGOTTEN_CAVE_II, STARTING_FOREST_NIGHT, BOUNCE_BOUNCE, RABI_RABI_BEACH, PANDORAS_PALACE, RABI_RABI_RAVINE, HOME_SWEET_HOME, RABI_RABI_PARK, INSIDE_UPRPRC, SKY_ISLAND_TOWN, WINTER_WONDERLAND, CYBERSPACE_EXE, EVERNIGHT_PEAK, EXOTIC_LABORATORY, GOLDEN_RIVERBANK, FLOATING_GRAVEYARD, SYSTEM_INTERIOR_II, AURORA_PALACE, SPEICHER_GALERIE, DEEP_UNDER_THE_SEA, SKY_HIGH_BRIDGE, WARP_DESTINATION, VOLCANIC_CANERNS, PLURKWOOD, ANOTHER_D, ICY_SUMMIT, PREPARE_EVENT, MIDBOSS_BATTLE, MIDSTREAM_JAM, MIRIAMS_SHOP, BUNNY_PANIC, THE_TRUTH_NEVER_SPOKEN, BRAWL_BREAKS_VER_2, BRAWL_BREAKS, SANDBAG_MINI_GAME, STAFF_ROLL, RFN_III, NO_REMORSE, GET_ON_WITH_IT, THEME_OF_RABI_RIBI_8BIT, THEME_OF_RABI_RIBI, FULL_ON_COMBAT, HI_TECH_DUEL, UNFAMILIAR_PLACE, UNFAMILIAR_PLACE_AGAIN, KITTY_ATTACK, M_R_, MAIN_MENU, SUDDEN_DEATH, RABI_RABI_RAVINE_VER_2, WASTE, ARTBOOK_INTRO, RABI_RIBI_PIANO_TITLE, MISCHIEVOUS_MASQUERADE, } // A set of (id, enum, string) public class IdEnumAssociation : List> { public void Add(int id, EnumType value, string name) { Add(new Tuple(id, value, name)); } } // A set of (enum, string) public class IndexEnumAssociation : List> { public void Add(EnumType value, string name) { Add(new Tuple(value, name)); } } // A set of (exp, string) public class ExpDescriptions : List> { public void Add(int exp, string shortDescript, string description) { Add(new Tuple(exp, shortDescript, description)); } } public static partial class StaticData { private static readonly Dictionary _getBoss; private static readonly Dictionary _getBossName; private static readonly Dictionary _getBossFromType; private static readonly Map[] _getMap; private static readonly string[] _getMapName; private static readonly Dictionary _getMapFromType; private static readonly Music[] _getMusic; private static readonly string[] _getMusicName; private static readonly Dictionary _getMusicFromType; private static readonly bool[] _isBossMusic; static StaticData() { _getBoss = BossList.ToDictionary(t => t.Item1, t => t.Item2); _getBossName = BossList.ToDictionary(t => t.Item1, t => t.Item3); _getBossFromType = BossList.ToDictionary(t => t.Item2, t => t.Item3); _getMap = MapList.Select(t => t.Item1).ToArray(); _getMapName = MapList.Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray(); _getMapFromType = MapList.ToDictionary(t => t.Item1, t => t.Item2); _getMusic = MusicList.Select(t => t.Item1).ToArray(); _getMusicName = MusicList.Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray(); _getMusicFromType = MusicList.ToDictionary(t => t.Item1, t => t.Item2); _isBossMusic = Enumerable.Range(0, _getMusic.Length).Select(i => BossMusics.Contains(_getMusic[i])).ToArray(); } public static Boss? GetBoss(int id) { Boss value; if (_getBoss.TryGetValue(id, out value)) return value; return null; } public static string GetBossName(int id) { string value; if (_getBossName.TryGetValue(id, out value)) return value; return ""; } public static string GetBossName(Boss? boss) { string value; if (boss.HasValue && _getBossFromType.TryGetValue(boss.Value, out value)) return value; return ""; } public static bool IsBoss(int id) { return GetBoss(id).HasValue; } public static Map? GetMap(int id) { if (0 <= id && id < _getMap.Length) return _getMap[id]; return null; } public static string GetMapName(int id) { if (0 <= id && id < _getMapName.Length) return _getMapName[id]; return "Unknown ID " + id; } public static string GetMapName(Map? map) { string value; if (map.HasValue && _getMapFromType.TryGetValue(map.Value, out value)) return value; return ""; } public static Music? GetMusic(int id) { if (0 <= id && id < _getMusic.Length) return _getMusic[id]; return null; } public static string GetMusicName(int id) { if (0 <= id && id < _getMusicName.Length) return _getMusicName[id]; return "Unknown ID " + id; } public static string GetMusicName(Music? music) { string value; if (music.HasValue && _getMusicFromType.TryGetValue(music.Value, out value)) return value; return ""; } public static bool IsBossMusic(int musicId) { return musicId < _isBossMusic.Length && _isBossMusic[musicId]; } public static Tuple GetNextHammerLevel(int exp) { int index = 0; while (index < HammerLevels.Count && exp >= HammerLevels[index].Item1) ++index; return index < HammerLevels.Count ? HammerLevels[index] : null; } public static Tuple GetNextRibbonLevel(int exp) { int index = 0; while (index < RibbonLevels.Count && exp >= RibbonLevels[index].Item1) ++index; return index < RibbonLevels.Count ? RibbonLevels[index] : null; } public static Tuple GetNextCarrotLevel(int exp) { int index = 0; while (index < CarrotLevels.Count && exp >= CarrotLevels[index].Item1) ++index; return index < CarrotLevels.Count ? CarrotLevels[index] : null; } } }