@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private MainContext mainContext ;
private MainContext mainContext ;
private RabiRibiDisplay rabiRibiDisplay ;
private DebugContext debugContext ;
private DebugContext debugContext ;
private static TcpClient tcpclient ;
private static TcpClient tcpclient ;
private static NetworkStream networkStream ;
private static NetworkStream networkStream ;
private readonly Regex titleReg = new Regex ( @"ver.*?(\d+\.?\d+.*)$" ) ;
private readonly Regex titleReg = new Regex ( @"ver.*?(\d+\.?\d+.*)$" ) ;
private readonly Thread memoryThread ;
private readonly Thread memoryThread ;
private void ReadMemory ( )
private void ReadMemory ( )
var processlist = Process . GetProcessesByName ( "rabiribi" ) ;
var processlist = Process . GetProcessesByName ( "rabiribi" ) ;
if ( processlist . Length > 0 )
if ( processlist . Length > 0 )
Process process = processlist [ 0 ] ;
Process process = processlist [ 0 ] ;
if ( process . MainWindowTitle ! = mainContext . oldtitle )
if ( process . MainWindowTitle ! = mainContext . oldtitle )
@ -44,393 +44,37 @@ namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
string rabiver ;
string rabiver ;
if ( result . Success )
if ( result . Success )
rabiver = result . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ;
rabiver = result . Groups [ 1 ] . Value ;
mainContext . veridx = Array . IndexOf ( StaticData . VerNames , rabiver ) ;
mainContext . veridx = Array . IndexOf ( StaticData . VerNames , rabiver ) ;
if ( mainContext . veridx < 0 )
if ( mainContext . veridx < 0 )
mainContext . GameVer = rabiver + " Running (not support)" ;
mainContext . GameVer = rabiver + " Running (not supported)" ;
return ;
return ;
mainContext . veridx = - 1 ;
mainContext . veridx = - 1 ;
mainContext . GameVer = "Running (Unknown version)" ;
mainContext . GameVer = "Running (Unknown version)" ;
return ;
return ;
mainContext . GameVer = rabiver + " Running" ;
mainContext . GameVer = rabiver + " Running" ;
mainContext . oldtitle = process . MainWindowTitle ;
mainContext . oldtitle = process . MainWindowTitle ;
if ( mainContext . veridx < 0 ) return ;
if ( mainContext . veridx < 0 ) return ;
rabiRibiDisplay . ReadMemory ( process ) ;
#region read igt
int igt = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . IGTAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
if ( igt > 0 & & mainContext . Igt )
sendigt ( ( float ) igt / 6 0 ) ;
# endregion
#region Detect Reload
bool reloaded = false ;
int playtime = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . PlaytimeAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
reloaded = playtime ! = 0 & & playtime < mainContext . lastplaytime ;
if ( reloaded ) DebugLog ( "Reload Game!" ) ;
mainContext . lastplaytime = playtime ;
# endregion
#region Detect Start Game
int blackness = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . BlacknessAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
if ( mainContext . previousBlackness = = 0 & & blackness > = 1 0 0 0 0 0 )
// Sudden increase by 100000
// Have to be careful, though. I don't know whether anything else causes blackness to increase by 100000
if ( mainContext . AutoStart ) sendstarttimer ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "Start Game!" ) ;
mainContext . previousBlackness = blackness ;
# endregion
#region CheckMoney
if ( mainContext . Computer )
var newmoney = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . MoneyAddress [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
if ( newmoney - mainContext . lastmoney = = 1 7 5 0 0 )
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "get 17500 en, split" ) ;
mainContext . lastmoney = newmoney ;
# endregion
int mapid = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . MapAddress [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
if ( mainContext . lastmapid ! = mapid )
DebugLog ( "newmap: " + mapid + ":" + StaticData . MapNames [ mapid ] ) ;
mainContext . lastmapid = mapid ;
#region checkTM
# endregion
#region Music
int musicaddr = StaticData . MusicAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ;
int musicid = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , musicaddr ) ;
if ( musicid > 0 & & musicid < StaticData . MusicNames . Length )
if ( mainContext . lastmusicid ! = musicid )
DebugLog ( "new music:" + musicid + ":" + StaticData . MusicNames [ musicid ] ) ;
mainContext . GameMusic = StaticData . MusicNames [ musicid ] ;
if ( ( musicid = = 4 5 | | musicid = = 4 6 | | musicid = = 5 3 ) & & mainContext . AutoReset )
DebugLog ( "Title music, reset" ) ;
sendreset ( ) ;
mainContext . AliusI = true ;
mainContext . Noah1Reload = false ;
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
var bossmusicflag = StaticData . BossMusics . Contains ( musicid ) ;
if ( bossmusicflag )
if ( mainContext . bossbattle )
if ( mainContext . Noah1Reload & & ( mainContext . lastmusicid = = 5 2 | | musicid = = 5 2 ) )
DebugLog ( "noah 1 reload? ignore" ) ;
if ( mainContext . MusicStart | | mainContext . MusicEnd )
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "new boss music, split" ) ;
if ( musicid = = 3 7 )
mainContext . Noah1Reload = true ;
DebugLog ( "noah1 music start, ignore MR forever" ) ;
mainContext . lastmusicid = musicid ;
return ;
if ( ! mainContext . bossbattle )
if ( musicid = = 5 4 & & mainContext . AliusI )
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
mainContext . AliusI = false ;
DebugLog ( "Alius music, ignore once" ) ;
else if ( musicid = = 4 2 & & mapid = = 1 & & mainContext . Irisu1 )
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
DebugLog ( "Irisu P1, ignore" ) ;
if ( bossmusicflag )
if ( mapid = = 5 & & musicid = = 4 4 & & mainContext . SideCh )
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
DebugLog ( "sidechapter, ignore" ) ;
mainContext . bossbattle = true ;
mainContext . lastbosslist = new List < int > ( ) ;
mainContext . lastnoah3hp = - 1 ;
if ( musicid = = 3 7 )
mainContext . Noah1Reload = true ;
DebugLog ( "noah1 music start, ignore MR forever" ) ;
if ( mainContext . MusicStart )
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "music start, split" ) ;
if ( ! bossmusicflag ) //boss music end!
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
if ( mainContext . MusicEnd )
if ( ! mainContext . DontSplitOnReload | | ! reloaded ) sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( reloaded ? "music end, don't split (reload)" : "music end, split" ) ;
mainContext . lastmusicid = musicid ;
mainContext . GameMusic = "N/A" ;
#endregion Music
#region SpecialBOSS
if ( mainContext . bossbattle )
if ( mainContext . MiruDe | | false ) //todo noah3 option
int Noah3HP = - 1 ;
if ( mapid > = 0 & & mapid < StaticData . MapNames . Length )
int ptr = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . EnenyPtrAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
List < int > bosses = new List < int > ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 5 0 ; i + + )
ptr = ptr + StaticData . EnenyEntitySize [ mainContext . veridx ] ;
var emyid = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process ,
ptr + StaticData . EnenyEnitiyIDOffset [ mainContext . veridx ] , false ) ;
if ( StaticData . BossNames . ContainsKey ( emyid ) )
bosses . Add ( emyid ) ;
if ( emyid = = 1 0 5 3 )
Noah3HP = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process ,
ptr + StaticData . EnenyEnitiyHPOffset [ mainContext . veridx ] , false ) ;
if ( mainContext . MiruDe & & mapid = = 8 )
foreach ( var boss in mainContext . lastbosslist )
if ( boss = = 1 0 4 3 )
if ( ! bosses . Contains ( boss ) ) //despawn
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "miru despawn, split" ) ;
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
// if (cbBoss3.Checked)
// {
// if (bosses.Contains(1053) && Noah3HP < lastnoah3hp && Noah3HP == 1)
// {
// sendsplit();
// DebugLog("noah3 hp 1, split");
// bossbattle = false;
// }
// }
if ( mainContext . Tm2 & & musicid = = 8 )
bool f = true ;
foreach ( var boss in mainContext . lastbosslist )
if ( boss = = 1 0 2 4 )
if ( ! bosses . Contains ( boss ) ) //despawn
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "nixie despawn, split" ) ;
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
f = false ;
break ;
int newTM = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . TownMemberAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
if ( newTM - mainContext . lastTM = = 1 & & f ) //for after 1.71 , 1.71 isn't TM+2 at once when skip Nixie, it's TM+1 twice
if ( DateTime . Now - mainContext . LastTMAddTime < TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( 1 ) )
var d = DateTime . Now - mainContext . LastTMAddTime ;
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "TM+2 in " + d . TotalMilliseconds + " ms, split" ) ;
mainContext . LastTMAddTime = DateTime . Now ;
else if ( newTM - mainContext . lastTM = = 2 & & f ) //for 1.65-1.70
mainContext . bossbattle = false ;
sendsplit ( ) ;
DebugLog ( "TM+2, split" ) ;
mainContext . lastTM = newTM ;
mainContext . lastbosslist = bosses ;
mainContext . lastnoah3hp = Noah3HP ;
#endregion SpecialBOSS
if ( mainContext . DebugArea )
int ptr = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process , StaticData . EnenyPtrAddr [ mainContext . veridx ] ) ;
// List<int> bosses = new List<int>();
// List<int> HPS = new List<int>();
// this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => debugContext.BossList.Clear()));
// ptr += StaticData.EnenyEntitySize[mainContext.veridx] * 3;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 5 0 ; i + + )
ptr + = StaticData . EnenyEntitySize [ mainContext . veridx ] ;
debugContext . BossList [ i ] . BossID = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process ,
ptr + StaticData . EnenyEnitiyIDOffset [ mainContext . veridx ] , false ) ;
debugContext . BossList [ i ] . BossHP = MemoryHelper . GetMemoryValue < int > ( process ,
ptr + StaticData . EnenyEnitiyHPOffset [ mainContext . veridx ] , false ) ;
debugContext . BossEvent = mainContext . bossbattle ;
mainContext . oldtitle = "" ;
mainContext . oldtitle = "" ;
mainContext . GameVer = "Not Found" ;
mainContext . GameVer = "Not Found" ;
mainContext . GameMusic = "N/A" ;
mainContext . GameMusic = "N/A" ;
private void DebugLog ( string log )
this . debugContext . DebugLog + = log + "\n" ;
private void sendsplit ( )
SendMessage ( "split\r\n" ) ;
private void sendreset ( )
SendMessage ( "reset\r\n" ) ;
private void sendstarttimer ( )
SendMessage ( "starttimer\r\n" ) ;
private void sendigt ( float time )
SendMessage ( $"setgametime {time}\r\n" ) ;
private void SendMessage ( string message )
public void SendMessage ( string message )
if ( tcpclient ! = null & & tcpclient . Connected )
if ( tcpclient ! = null & & tcpclient . Connected )
@ -446,6 +90,7 @@ namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
void disconnect ( )
void disconnect ( )
tcpclient = null ;
tcpclient = null ;
@ -453,8 +98,11 @@ namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
BtnConnect . IsEnabled = true ;
BtnConnect . IsEnabled = true ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
private void DebugLog ( string log )
this . debugContext . Log ( log ) ;
public MainWindow ( )
public MainWindow ( )
@ -466,6 +114,7 @@ namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
DebugPanel . DataContext = debugContext ;
DebugPanel . DataContext = debugContext ;
this . Grid . ItemsSource = debugContext . BossList ;
this . Grid . ItemsSource = debugContext . BossList ;
BossEventDebug . DataContext = debugContext ;
BossEventDebug . DataContext = debugContext ;
rabiRibiDisplay = new RabiRibiDisplay ( mainContext , debugContext , this ) ;
memoryThread = new Thread ( ( ) = >
memoryThread = new Thread ( ( ) = >
while ( true )
while ( true )