Experimental stuff for now. Don't think too much about it. Branched off Rabi-Ribi Autosplitter.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace rabi_splitter_WPF
public static partial class BossFightIdentifier
private static ILookup<Tuple<Music, Map>, BossFight> _matchMusicAndMap;
private static ILookup<Music, BossFight> _matchMusic;
private static ILookup<Map, BossFight> _matchMap;
private static BossFight[] _remainingDescriptions;
static BossFightIdentifier()
// Build dictionaries here.
var specifiedMusicAndMap = new List<BossFight>();
var specifiedMusicOnly = new List<BossFight>();
var specifiedMapOnly = new List<BossFight>();
var specifiedNeither = new List<BossFight>();
foreach (var bossFight in BossFight.GetBossFights())
//if (bossFight == null) continue;
if (bossFight.music != null)
if (bossFight.map != null) specifiedMusicAndMap.Add(bossFight);
else specifiedMusicOnly.Add(bossFight);
if (bossFight.map != null) specifiedMapOnly.Add(bossFight);
else specifiedNeither.Add(bossFight);
_matchMusicAndMap = specifiedMusicAndMap.ToLookup(bossFight => new Tuple<Music, Map>(bossFight.music.Value, bossFight.map.Value), bossFight => bossFight);
_matchMusic = specifiedMusicOnly.ToLookup(bossFight => bossFight.music.Value, bossFight => bossFight);
_matchMap = specifiedMapOnly.ToLookup(bossFight => bossFight.map.Value, bossFight => bossFight);
_remainingDescriptions = specifiedNeither.ToArray();
private static bool Matches(BossFight bossFight, HashSet<Boss> startingBosses, Music music, Map map)
if (bossFight.startingBosses != null && !bossFight.startingBosses.SetEquals(startingBosses)) return false;
if (bossFight.extraCondition == null) return true;
return bossFight.extraCondition(startingBosses, music, map);
public static BossFight IdentifyBossFight(MemorySnapshot snapshot)
Music? music_ = StaticData.GetMusic(snapshot.musicid);
Map? map_ = StaticData.GetMap(snapshot.mapid);
if (music_ == null || map_ == null) return BossFight.UNKNOWN;
var music = music_.Value;
var map = map_.Value;
var startingBosses = new HashSet<Boss>(snapshot.bossList
.Select(bossStats => StaticData.GetBoss(bossStats.id))
.Where(boss => boss != null)
.Select(boss => boss.Value)
foreach (var bossFight in _matchMusicAndMap[new Tuple<Music, Map>(music, map)])
if (Matches(bossFight, startingBosses, music, map)) return bossFight;
foreach (var bossFight in _matchMusic[music])
if (Matches(bossFight, startingBosses, music, map)) return bossFight;
foreach (var bossFight in _matchMap[map])
if (Matches(bossFight, startingBosses, music, map)) return bossFight;
return _remainingDescriptions.FirstOrDefault(bossFight => Matches(bossFight, startingBosses, music, map)) ?? BossFight.UNKNOWN;