A suite to track Project Diva score statistics and ratings / D4DJ event data.

51 lines
1.4 KiB

// Definitions by: Carlos Ballesteros Velasco <https://github.com/soywiz>
// Leon Yu <https://github.com/leonyu>
// BendingBender <https://github.com/BendingBender>
// Maple Miao <https://github.com/mapleeit>
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as stream from 'stream';
import * as http from 'http';
export = FormData;
interface Options {
writable?: boolean;
readable?: boolean;
dataSize?: number;
maxDataSize?: number;
pauseStreams?: boolean;
declare class FormData extends stream.Readable {
constructor(options?: Options);
append(key: string, value: any, options?: FormData.AppendOptions | string): void;
getHeaders(): FormData.Headers;
params: string | FormData.SubmitOptions,
callback?: (error: Error | null, response: http.IncomingMessage) => void
): http.ClientRequest;
getBuffer(): Buffer;
getBoundary(): string;
getLength(callback: (err: Error | null, length: number) => void): void;
getLengthSync(): number;
hasKnownLength(): boolean;
declare namespace FormData {
interface Headers {
[key: string]: any;
interface AppendOptions {
header?: string | Headers;
knownLength?: number;
filename?: string;
filepath?: string;
contentType?: string;
interface SubmitOptions extends http.RequestOptions {
protocol?: 'https:' | 'http:';