A suite to track Project Diva score statistics and ratings / D4DJ event data.

31 lines
823 B

'use strict'
module.exports = function parseBytea (input) {
if (/^\\x/.test(input)) {
// new 'hex' style response (pg >9.0)
return new Buffer(input.substr(2), 'hex')
var output = ''
var i = 0
while (i < input.length) {
if (input[i] !== '\\') {
output += input[i]
} else {
if (/[0-7]{3}/.test(input.substr(i + 1, 3))) {
output += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(input.substr(i + 1, 3), 8))
i += 4
} else {
var backslashes = 1
while (i + backslashes < input.length && input[i + backslashes] === '\\') {
for (var k = 0; k < Math.floor(backslashes / 2); ++k) {
output += '\\'
i += Math.floor(backslashes / 2) * 2
return new Buffer(output, 'binary')