A suite to track Project Diva score statistics and ratings / D4DJ event data.

95 lines
2.0 KiB

// A reader for when we don't yet know what kind of thing
// the thing is.
module.exports = ProxyReader
var Reader = require('./reader.js')
var getType = require('./get-type.js')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
inherits(ProxyReader, Reader)
function ProxyReader (props) {
var self = this
if (!(self instanceof ProxyReader)) {
throw new Error('ProxyReader must be called as constructor.')
self.props = props
self._buffer = []
self.ready = false
Reader.call(self, props)
ProxyReader.prototype._stat = function () {
var self = this
var props = self.props
// stat the thing to see what the proxy should be.
var stat = props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
fs[stat](props.path, function (er, current) {
var type
if (er || !current) {
type = 'File'
} else {
type = getType(current)
props[type] = true
props.type = self.type = type
self._old = current
self._addProxy(Reader(props, current))
ProxyReader.prototype._addProxy = function (proxy) {
var self = this
if (self._proxyTarget) {
return self.error('proxy already set')
self._proxyTarget = proxy
proxy._proxy = self
].forEach(function (ev) {
// console.error('~~ proxy event', ev, self.path)
proxy.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev))
self.emit('proxy', proxy)
proxy.on('ready', function () {
// console.error("~~ proxy is ready!", self.path)
self.ready = true
var calls = self._buffer
self._buffer.length = 0
calls.forEach(function (c) {
proxy[c[0]].apply(proxy, c[1])
ProxyReader.prototype.pause = function () {
return this._proxyTarget ? this._proxyTarget.pause() : false
ProxyReader.prototype.resume = function () {
return this._proxyTarget ? this._proxyTarget.resume() : false