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931 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Vitaly Tomilov
* See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution
* for licensing information.
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited.
const {assertOptions} = require(`assert-options`);
const npm = {
pgUtils: require(`pg/lib/utils`),
patterns: require(`./patterns`),
utils: require(`./utils`)
// Format Modification Flags;
const fmFlags = {
raw: 1, // Raw-Text variable
alias: 2, // SQL Alias
name: 4, // SQL Name/Identifier
json: 8, // JSON modifier
csv: 16, // CSV modifier
value: 32 // escaped, but without ''
// Format Modification Map;
const fmMap = {
'^': fmFlags.raw,
':raw': fmFlags.raw,
':alias': fmFlags.alias,
':json': fmFlags.json,
':csv': fmFlags.csv,
':list': fmFlags.csv,
':value': fmFlags.value,
'#': fmFlags.value
// Global symbols for Custom Type Formatting:
const ctfSymbols = {
toPostgres: Symbol.for(`ctf.toPostgres`),
rawType: Symbol.for(`ctf.rawType`)
const maxVariable = 100000; // maximum supported variable is '$100000'
// Converts a single value into its Postgres format.
function formatValue({value, fm, cc, options}) {
if (typeof value === `function`) {
return formatValue({value: resolveFunc(value, cc), fm, cc});
const ctf = getCTF(value); // Custom Type Formatting
if (ctf) {
fm |= ctf.rawType ? fmFlags.raw : 0;
return formatValue({value: resolveFunc(ctf.toPostgres, value), fm, cc});
const isRaw = !!(fm & fmFlags.raw);
fm &= ~fmFlags.raw;
switch (fm) {
case fmFlags.alias:
return $as.alias(value);
return $;
case fmFlags.json:
return $as.json(value, isRaw);
case fmFlags.csv:
return $to.csv(value, options);
case fmFlags.value:
return $as.value(value);
if (isNull(value)) {
return `null`;
switch (typeof value) {
case `string`:
return $to.text(value, isRaw);
case `boolean`:
return $to.bool(value);
case `number`:
case `bigint`:
return $to.number(value);
case `symbol`:
throw new TypeError(`Type Symbol has no meaning for PostgreSQL: ${value.toString()}`);
if (value instanceof Date) {
return $, isRaw);
if (value instanceof Array) {
return $to.array(value, options);
if (value instanceof Buffer) {
return $to.buffer(value, isRaw);
return $to.json(value, isRaw);
// Converts array of values into PostgreSQL Array Constructor: array[...], as per PostgreSQL documentation:
// Arrays of any depth/dimension are supported.
// Top-level empty arrays are formatted as literal '{}' to avoid the necessity of explicit type casting,
// as the server cannot automatically infer type of an empty non-literal array.
function formatArray(array, options) {
const loop = a => `[` + => value instanceof Array ? loop(value) : formatValue({
})).join() + `]`;
const prefix = options && options.capSQL ? `ARRAY` : `array`;
return array.length ? (prefix + loop(array)) : `'{}'`;
// Formats array/object/value as a list of comma-separated values.
function formatCSV(values, options) {
if (values instanceof Array) {
return => formatValue({value, options})).join();
if (typeof values === `object` && values !== null) {
return Object.keys(values).map(v => formatValue({value: values[v], options})).join();
return values === undefined ? `` : formatValue({value: values, options});
// Query formatting helpers;
const formatAs = {
object({query, obj, raw, options}) {
options = options && typeof options === `object` ? options : {};
return query.replace(npm.patterns.namedParameters, name => {
const v = formatAs.stripName(name.replace(/^\$[{(<[/]|[\s})>\]/]/g, ``), raw),
c = npm.utils.getIfHas(obj,;
if (!c.valid) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property name '${}'.`);
if (c.has) {
return formatValue({value: c.value, fm:, cc:, options});
if ( === `this`) {
return formatValue({value: obj, fm:, options});
if (`def` in options) {
const d = options.def, value = typeof d === `function` ?,, obj) : d;
return formatValue({value, fm:, cc: obj, options});
if (options.partial) {
return name;
// property must exist as the object's own or inherited;
throw new Error(`Property '${}' doesn't exist.`);
array({query, array, raw, options}) {
options = options && typeof options === `object` ? options : {};
return query.replace(npm.patterns.multipleValues, name => {
const v = formatAs.stripName(name.substr(1), raw);
const idx = - 1;
if (idx >= maxVariable) {
throw new RangeError(`Variable $${} exceeds supported maximum of $${maxVariable}`);
if (idx < array.length) {
return formatValue({value: array[idx], fm:, options});
if (`def` in options) {
const d = options.def, value = typeof d === `function` ?, idx, array) : d;
return formatValue({value, fm:, options});
if (options.partial) {
return name;
throw new RangeError(`Variable $${} out of range. Parameters array length: ${array.length}`);
value({query, value, raw, options}) {
return query.replace(npm.patterns.singleValue, name => {
const v = formatAs.stripName(name, raw);
return formatValue({value, fm:, options});
stripName(name, raw) {
const mod = name.match(npm.patterns.hasValidModifier);
if (mod) {
return {
name: name.substr(0, mod.index),
fm: fmMap[mod[0]] | (raw ? fmFlags.raw : 0)
return {
fm: raw ? fmFlags.raw : null
// Simpler check for null/undefined;
function isNull(value) {
return value === undefined || value === null;
// Checks if the value supports Custom Type Formatting,
// to return {toPostgres, rawType}, if it does, or null otherwise.
function getCTF(value) {
if (!isNull(value)) {
let toPostgres = value[ctfSymbols.toPostgres], rawType = !!value[ctfSymbols.rawType];
if (typeof toPostgres !== `function`) {
toPostgres = value.toPostgres;
rawType = !!value.rawType;
if (typeof toPostgres === `function`) {
if ( !== `Function`) {
throw new Error(`CTF does not support asynchronous toPostgres functions.`);
return {toPostgres, rawType};
return null;
// Wraps a text string in single quotes;
function wrapText(text) {
return `'${text}'`;
// Replaces each single-quote symbol ' with two,
// for compliance with PostgreSQL strings.
function safeText(text) {
return text.replace(/'/g, `''`);
// Throws an exception, if flag 'raw' is set.
function throwIfRaw(raw) {
if (raw) {
throw new TypeError(`Values null/undefined cannot be used as raw text.`);
// Recursively resolves parameter-function, with an optional Calling Context.
function resolveFunc(value, cc) {
while (typeof value === `function`) {
if ( !== `Function`) {
// Constructor name for asynchronous functions have different names:
// - 'GeneratorFunction' for ES6 generators
// - 'AsyncFunction' for ES7 async functions
throw new Error(`Cannot use asynchronous functions with query formatting.`);
value =, cc);
return value;
// It implements two types of formatting, depending on the 'values' passed:
// 1. format '$1, $2, etc', when 'values' is of type string, boolean, number, date,
// function or null (or an array of the same types, plus undefined values);
// 2. format $*propName*, when 'values' is an object (not null and not Date),
// and where * is any of the supported open-close pairs: {}, (), [], <>, //
function formatQuery(query, values, raw, options) {
if (typeof query !== `string`) {
throw new TypeError(`Parameter 'query' must be a text string.`);
const ctf = getCTF(values);
if (ctf) {
// Custom Type Formatting
return formatQuery(query, resolveFunc(ctf.toPostgres, values), raw || ctf.rawType, options);
if (typeof values === `object` && values !== null) {
if (values instanceof Array) {
// $1, $2,... formatting to be applied;
return formatAs.array({query, array: values, raw, options});
if (!(values instanceof Date || values instanceof Buffer)) {
// $*propName* formatting to be applied;
return formatAs.object({query, obj: values, raw, options});
// $1 formatting to be applied, if values != undefined;
return values === undefined ? query : formatAs.value({query, value: values, raw, options});
// Formats a function or stored procedure call query;
function formatEntity(entity, values, {capSQL, type}) {
let prefix = type === `func` ? `select * from` : `call`;
if (capSQL) {
prefix = prefix.toUpperCase();
return `${prefix} ${$as.alias(entity)}(${formatCSV(values, {capSQL})})`;
function formatSqlName(name) {
return `"${name.replace(/"/g, `""`)}"`;
* @namespace formatting
* @description
* Namespace for all query-formatting functions, available from `` before and after initializing the library.
* @property {formatting.ctf} ctf
* Namespace for symbols used by $[Custom Type Formatting].
* @property {function} alias
* {@link formatting.alias alias} - formats an SQL alias.
* @property {function} name
* {@link name} - formats an SQL Name/Identifier.
* @property {function} text
* {@link formatting.text text} - formats a text string.
* @property {function} number
* {@link formatting.number number} - formats a number.
* @property {function} buffer
* {@link formatting.buffer buffer} - formats a `Buffer` object.
* @property {function} value
* {@link formatting.value value} - formats text as an open value.
* @property {function} json
* {@link formatting.json json} - formats any value as JSON.
* @property {function} array
* {@link formatting.array array} - formats an array of any depth.
* @property {function} csv
* {@link formatting.csv csv} - formats an array as a list of comma-separated values.
* @property {function} func
* {@link formatting.func func} - formats the value returned from a function.
* @property {function} format
* {@link formatting.format format} - formats a query, according to parameters.
const $as = {
* @namespace formatting.ctf
* @description
* Namespace for ES6 symbols used by $[Custom Type Formatting], available from `` before and after initializing the library.
* It was added to avoid explicit/enumerable extension of types that need to be used as formatting parameters, to keep their type signature intact.
* @property {external:Symbol} toPostgres
* Property name for the $[Custom Type Formatting] callback function `toPostgres`.
* @property {external:Symbol} rawType
* Property name for the $[Custom Type Formatting] flag `rawType`.
* @example
* const ctf =; // Custom Type Formatting symbols
* class MyType {
* constructor() {
* this[ctf.rawType] = true; // set it only when toPostgres returns a pre-formatted result
* }
* [ctf.toPostgres](self) {
* // self = this
* // return the custom/actual value here
* }
* }
* const a = new MyType();
* const s ='$1', a); // will be custom-formatted
ctf: ctfSymbols,
* @method formatting.text
* @description
* Converts a value into PostgreSQL text presentation, escaped as required.
* Escaping the result means:
* 1. Every single-quote (apostrophe) is replaced with two
* 2. The resulting text is wrapped in apostrophes
* @param {value|function} value
* Value to be converted, or a function that returns the value.
* If the `value` resolves as `null` or `undefined`, while `raw`=`true`,
* it will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Values null/undefined cannot be used as raw text.`
* @param {boolean} [raw=false]
* Indicates when not to escape the resulting text.
* @returns {string}
* - `null` string, if the `value` resolves as `null` or `undefined`
* - escaped result of `value.toString()`, if the `value` isn't a string
* - escaped string version, if `value` is a string.
* The result is not escaped, if `raw` was passed in as `true`.
text(value, raw) {
value = resolveFunc(value);
if (isNull(value)) {
return `null`;
if (typeof value !== `string`) {
value = value.toString();
return $to.text(value, raw);
* @method
* @description
* Properly escapes an sql name or identifier, fixing double-quote symbols and wrapping the result in double quotes.
* Implements a safe way to format $[SQL Names] that neutralizes SQL Injection.
* When formatting a query, a variable makes use of this method via modifier `:name` or `~`. See method {@link formatting.format format}.
* @param {string|function|array|object} name
* SQL name or identifier, or a function that returns it.
* The name must be at least 1 character long.
* If `name` doesn't resolve into a non-empty string, it throws {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Invalid sql name: ...`
* If the `name` contains only a single `*` (trailing spaces are ignored), then `name` is returned exactly as is (unescaped).
* - If `name` is an Array, it is formatted as a comma-separated list of $[SQL Names]
* - If `name` is a non-Array object, its keys are formatted as a comma-separated list of $[SQL Names]
* Passing in an empty array/object will throw {@link external:Error Error} = `Cannot retrieve sql names from an empty array/object.`
* @returns {string}
* The SQL Name/Identifier, properly escaped for compliance with the PostgreSQL standard for $[SQL Names] and identifiers.
* @see
* {@link formatting.alias alias},
* {@link formatting.format format}
* @example
* // automatically list object properties as sql names:
* format('INSERT INTO table(${this~}) VALUES(${one}, ${two})', {
* one: 1,
* two: 2
* });
* //=> INSERT INTO table("one","two") VALUES(1, 2)
name(name) {
name = resolveFunc(name);
if (name) {
if (typeof name === `string`) {
return /^\s*\*(\s*)$/.test(name) ? name : formatSqlName(name);
if (typeof name === `object`) {
const keys = Array.isArray(name) ? name : Object.keys(name);
if (!keys.length) {
throw new Error(`Cannot retrieve sql names from an empty array/object.`);
return => {
if (!value || typeof value !== `string`) {
throw new Error(`Invalid sql name: ${npm.utils.toJson(value)}`);
return formatSqlName(value);
throw new TypeError(`Invalid sql name: ${npm.utils.toJson(name)}`);
* @method formatting.alias
* @description
* Simpler (non-verbose) version of method {@link name}, to handle only a regular string-identifier
* that's mostly used as an SQL alias, i.e. it doesn't support `*` or an array/object of names, which in the context of
* an SQL alias would be incorrect. However, it supports `.` as name-separator, for simpler escaping of composite names.
* The surrounding double quotes are not added when the alias uses a simple syntax:
* - it is a same-case single word, without spaces
* - it can contain underscores, and can even start with them
* - it can contain digits and `$`, but cannot start with those
* The method will automatically split the string with `.`, to support composite SQL names.
* When formatting a query, a variable makes use of this method via modifier `:alias`. See method {@link formatting.format format}.
* @param {string|function} name
* SQL alias name, or a function that returns it.
* The name must be at least 1 character long. And it can contain `.`, to split into multiple SQL names.
* If `name` doesn't resolve into a non-empty string, it throws {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Invalid sql alias: ...`
* @returns {string}
* The SQL alias, properly escaped for compliance with the PostgreSQL standard for $[SQL Names] and identifiers.
* @see
* {@link name},
* {@link formatting.format format}
alias(name) {
name = resolveFunc(name);
if (name && typeof name === `string`) {
return name.split(`.`)
.filter(f => f)
.map(a => {
const m = a.match(/^([a-z_][a-z0-9_$]*|[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_$]*)$/);
if (m && m[0] === a) {
return a;
return `"${a.replace(/"/g, `""`)}"`;
throw new TypeError(`Invalid sql alias: ${npm.utils.toJson(name)}`);
* @method formatting.value
* @description
* Represents an open value, one to be formatted according to its type, properly escaped, but without surrounding quotes for text types.
* When formatting a query, a variable makes use of this method via modifier `:value` or `#`. See method {@link formatting.format format}.
* @param {value|function} value
* Value to be converted, or a function that returns the value.
* If `value` resolves as `null` or `undefined`, it will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Open values cannot be null or undefined.`
* @returns {string}
* Formatted and properly escaped string, but without surrounding quotes for text types.
* @see {@link formatting.format format}
value(value) {
value = resolveFunc(value);
if (isNull(value)) {
throw new TypeError(`Open values cannot be null or undefined.`);
return safeText(formatValue({value, fm: fmFlags.raw}));
* @method formatting.buffer
* @description
* Converts an object of type `Buffer` into a hex string compatible with PostgreSQL type `bytea`.
* @param {Buffer|function} obj
* Object to be converted, or a function that returns one.
* @param {boolean} [raw=false]
* Indicates when not to wrap the resulting string in quotes.
* The generated hex string doesn't need to be escaped.
* @returns {string}
buffer(obj, raw) {
obj = resolveFunc(obj);
if (isNull(obj)) {
return `null`;
if (obj instanceof Buffer) {
return $to.buffer(obj, raw);
throw new TypeError(`${wrapText(obj)} is not a Buffer object.`);
* @method formatting.bool
* @description
* Converts a truthy value into PostgreSQL boolean presentation.
* @param {boolean|function} value
* Value to be converted, or a function that returns the value.
* @returns {string}
bool(value) {
value = resolveFunc(value);
if (isNull(value)) {
return `null`;
return $to.bool(value);
* @method
* @description
* Converts a `Date`-type value into PostgreSQL date/time presentation,
* wrapped in quotes (unless flag `raw` is set).
* @param {Date|function} d
* Date object to be converted, or a function that returns one.
* @param {boolean} [raw=false]
* Indicates when not to escape the value.
* @returns {string}
date(d, raw) {
d = resolveFunc(d);
if (isNull(d)) {
return `null`;
if (d instanceof Date) {
return $, raw);
throw new TypeError(`${wrapText(d)} is not a Date object.`);
* @method formatting.number
* @description
* Converts a numeric value into its PostgreSQL number presentation, with support
* for special values of `NaN`, `+Infinity` and `-Infinity`.
* @param {number|bigint|function} num
* Number to be converted, or a function that returns one.
* @returns {string}
number(num) {
num = resolveFunc(num);
if (isNull(num)) {
return `null`;
const t = typeof num;
if (t !== `number` && t !== `bigint`) {
throw new TypeError(`${wrapText(num)} is not a number.`);
return $to.number(num);
* @method formatting.array
* @description
* Converts an array of values into its PostgreSQL presentation as an Array-Type constructor string: `array[]`.
* Top-level empty arrays are formatted as literal `{}`, to avoid the necessity of explicit type casting,
* as the server cannot automatically infer type of an empty non-literal array.
* @param {Array|function} arr
* Array to be converted, or a function that returns one.
* @param {{}} [options]
* Array-Formatting Options.
* @param {boolean} [options.capSQL=false]
* When `true`, outputs `ARRAY` instead of `array`.
* @returns {string}
array(arr, options) {
options = assertOptions(options, [`capSQL`]);
arr = resolveFunc(arr);
if (isNull(arr)) {
return `null`;
if (arr instanceof Array) {
return $to.array(arr, options);
throw new TypeError(`${wrapText(arr)} is not an Array object.`);
* @method formatting.csv
* @description
* Converts a single value or an array of values into a CSV (comma-separated values) string, with all values formatted
* according to their JavaScript type.
* When formatting a query, a variable makes use of this method via modifier `:csv` or its alias `:list`.
* When `values` is an object that's not `null` or `Array`, its properties are enumerated for the actual values.
* @param {Array|Object|value|function} values
* Value(s) to be converted, or a function that returns it.
* @returns {string}
* @see {@link formatting.format format}
csv(values) {
return $to.csv(values);
* @method formatting.json
* @description
* Converts any value into JSON (includes `BigInt` support), and returns it as a valid string,
* with single-quote symbols fixed, unless flag `raw` is set.
* When formatting a query, a variable makes use of this method via modifier `:json`. See method {@link formatting.format format}.
* @param {*} data
* Object/value to be converted, or a function that returns it.
* @param {boolean} [raw=false]
* Indicates when not to escape the result.
* @returns {string}
* @see {@link formatting.format format}
json(data, raw) {
data = resolveFunc(data);
if (isNull(data)) {
return `null`;
return $to.json(data, raw);
* @method formatting.func
* @description
* Calls the function to get the actual value, and then formats the result according to its type + `raw` flag.
* @param {function} func
* Function to be called, with support for nesting.
* @param {boolean} [raw=false]
* Indicates when not to escape the result.
* @param {*} [cc]
* Calling Context: `this` + the only value to be passed into the function on all nested levels.
* @returns {string}
func(func, raw, cc) {
if (isNull(func)) {
return `null`;
if (typeof func !== `function`) {
throw new TypeError(`${wrapText(func)} is not a function.`);
const fm = raw ? fmFlags.raw : null;
return formatValue({value: resolveFunc(func, cc), fm, cc});
* @method formatting.format
* @description
* Replaces variables in a string according to the type of `values`:
* - Replaces `$1` occurrences when `values` is of type `string`, `boolean`, `number`, `bigint`, `Date`, `Buffer` or when it is `null`.
* - Replaces variables `$1`, `$2`, ...`$100000` when `values` is an array of parameters. It throws a {@link external:RangeError RangeError}
* when the values or variables are out of range.
* - Replaces `$*propName*`, where `*` is any of `{}`, `()`, `[]`, `<>`, `//`, when `values` is an object that's not a
* `Date`, `Buffer`, {@link QueryFile} or `null`. Special property name `this` refers to the formatting object itself,
* to be injected as a JSON string. When referencing a property that doesn't exist in the formatting object, it throws
* {@link external:Error Error} = `Property 'PropName' doesn't exist`, unless option `partial` is used.
* - Supports $[Nested Named Parameters] of any depth.
* By default, each variable is automatically formatted according to its type, unless it is a special variable:
* - Raw-text variables end with `:raw` or symbol `^`, and prevent escaping the text. Such variables are not
* allowed to be `null` or `undefined`, or the method will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Values null/undefined cannot be used as raw text.`
* - `$1:raw`, `$2:raw`,..., and `$*propName:raw*` (see `*` above)
* - `$1^`, `$2^`,..., and `$*propName^*` (see `*` above)
* - Open-value variables end with `:value` or symbol `#`, to be escaped, but not wrapped in quotes. Such variables are
* not allowed to be `null` or `undefined`, or the method will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Open values cannot be null or undefined.`
* - `$1:value`, `$2:value`,..., and `$*propName:value*` (see `*` above)
* - `$1#`, `$2#`,..., and `$*propName#*` (see `*` above)
* - SQL name variables end with `:name` or symbol `~` (tilde), and provide proper escaping for SQL names/identifiers:
* - `$1:name`, `$2:name`,..., and `$*propName:name*` (see `*` above)
* - `$1~`, `$2~`,..., and `$*propName~*` (see `*` above)
* - Modifier `:alias` - non-verbose $[SQL Names] escaping.
* - JSON override ends with `:json` to format the value of any type as a JSON string
* - CSV override ends with `:csv` or `:list` to format an array as a properly escaped comma-separated list of values.
* @param {string|QueryFile|object} query
* A query string, a {@link QueryFile} or any object that implements $[Custom Type Formatting], to be formatted according to `values`.
* @param {array|object|value} [values]
* Formatting parameter(s) / variable value(s).
* @param {{}} [options]
* Formatting Options.
* @param {boolean} [options.capSQL=false]
* Formats reserved SQL words capitalized. Presently, this only concerns arrays, to output `ARRAY` when required.
* @param {boolean} [options.partial=false]
* Indicates that we intend to do only a partial replacement, i.e. throw no error when encountering a variable or
* property name that's missing within the formatting parameters.
* **NOTE:** This option has no meaning when option `def` is used.
* @param {*} [options.def]
* Sets default value for every variable that's missing, consequently preventing errors when encountering a variable
* or property name that's missing within the formatting parameters.
* It can also be set to a function, to be called with two parameters that depend on the type of formatting being used,
* and to return the actual default value:
* - For $[Named Parameters] formatting:
* - `name` - name of the property missing in the formatting object
* - `obj` - the formatting object, and is the same as `this` context
* - For $[Index Variables] formatting:
* - `index` - element's index (starts with 1) that's outside of the input array
* - `arr` - the formatting/input array, and is the same as `this` context
* You can tell which type of call it is by checking the type of the first parameter.
* @returns {string}
* Formatted query string.
* The function will throw an error, if any occurs during formatting.
format(query, values, options) {
options = assertOptions(options, [`capSQL`, `partial`, `def`]);
const ctf = getCTF(query);
if (ctf) {
query =, query);
return formatQuery(query, values, false, options);
/* Pre-parsed type formatting */
const $to = {
array(arr, options) {
return formatArray(arr, options);
csv(values, options) {
return formatCSV(resolveFunc(values), options);
bool(value) {
return value ? `true` : `false`;
buffer(obj, raw) {
const s = `\\x${obj.toString(`hex`)}`;
return raw ? s : wrapText(s);
date(d, raw) {
const s = npm.pgUtils.prepareValue(d);
return raw ? s : wrapText(s);
json(data, raw) {
const s = npm.utils.toJson(data);
return raw ? s : wrapText(safeText(s));
number(num) {
if (typeof num === `bigint` || Number.isFinite(num)) {
return num.toString();
// Converting NaN/+Infinity/-Infinity according to Postgres documentation:
// NOTE: strings for 'NaN'/'+Infinity'/'-Infinity' are not case-sensitive.
if (num === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return wrapText(`+Infinity`);
if (num === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return wrapText(`-Infinity`);
return wrapText(`NaN`);
text(value, raw) {
return raw ? value : wrapText(safeText(value));
module.exports = {
as: $as
* @external Error
* @see
* @external TypeError
* @see
* @external RangeError
* @see
* @external Symbol
* @see