# node-postgres
Non-blocking PostgreSQL client for Node.js. Pure JavaScript and optional native libpq bindings.
## Install
$ npm install pg
## :star: [Documentation](https://node-postgres.com) :star:
### Features
- Pure JavaScript client and native libpq bindings share _the same API_
- Connection pooling
- Extensible JS ↔ PostgreSQL data-type coercion
- Supported PostgreSQL features
- Parameterized queries
- Named statements with query plan caching
- Async notifications with `LISTEN/NOTIFY`
- Bulk import & export with `COPY TO/COPY FROM`
### Extras
node-postgres is by design pretty light on abstractions. These are some handy modules we've been using over the years to complete the picture.
The entire list can be found on our [wiki](https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/wiki/Extras).
## Support
node-postgres is free software. If you encounter a bug with the library please open an issue on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres). If you have questions unanswered by the documentation please open an issue pointing out how the documentation was unclear & I will do my best to make it better!
When you open an issue please provide:
- version of Node
- version of Postgres
- smallest possible snippet of code to reproduce the problem
You can also follow me [@briancarlson](https://twitter.com/briancarlson) if that's your thing. I try to always announce noteworthy changes & developments with node-postgres on Twitter.
## Sponsorship :two_hearts:
node-postgres's continued development has been made possible in part by generous finanical support from [the community](https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/blob/master/SPONSORS.md) and these featured sponsors: