# buffer-writer [](http://travis-ci.org/brianc/node-buffer-writer) Fast & efficient buffer writer used to keep memory usage low by internally recycling a single large buffer. Used as the binary protocol writer in [node-postgres](https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres) Since postgres requires big endian encoding, this only writes big endian numbers for now, but can & probably will easily be extended to write little endian as well. I'll admit this has a few postgres specific things I might need to take out in the future, such as `addHeader` ## api `var writer = new (require('buffer-writer')());` ### writer.addInt32(num) Writes a 4-byte big endian binary encoded number to the end of the buffer. ### writer.addInt16(num) Writes a 2-byte big endian binary encoded number to the end of the buffer. ### writer.addCString(string) Writes a string to the buffer `utf8` encoded and adds a null character (`\0`) at the end. ### var buffer = writer.addHeader(char) Writes the 5 byte PostgreSQL required header to the beginning of the buffer. (1 byte for character, 1 BE Int32 for length of the buffer) ### var buffer = writer.join() Collects all data in the writer and joins it into a single, new buffer. ### var buffer = writer.flush(char) Writes the 5 byte postgres required message header, collects all data in the writer and joins it into a single, new buffer, and then resets the writer. ## thoughts This is kind of node-postgres specific. If you're interested in using this for a more general purpose thing, lemme know. I would love to work with you on getting this more reusable for your needs. ## license MIT