'use strict'
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Brian Carlson (brian.m.carlson@gmail.com)
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * README.md file in the root directory of this source tree.

var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var util = require('util')
var utils = require('../utils')

var NativeQuery = (module.exports = function (config, values, callback) {
  config = utils.normalizeQueryConfig(config, values, callback)
  this.text = config.text
  this.values = config.values
  this.name = config.name
  this.callback = config.callback
  this.state = 'new'
  this._arrayMode = config.rowMode === 'array'

  // if the 'row' event is listened for
  // then emit them as they come in
  // without setting singleRowMode to true
  // this has almost no meaning because libpq
  // reads all rows into memory befor returning any
  this._emitRowEvents = false
    function (event) {
      if (event === 'row') this._emitRowEvents = true

util.inherits(NativeQuery, EventEmitter)

var errorFieldMap = {
  /* eslint-disable quote-props */
  sqlState: 'code',
  statementPosition: 'position',
  messagePrimary: 'message',
  context: 'where',
  schemaName: 'schema',
  tableName: 'table',
  columnName: 'column',
  dataTypeName: 'dataType',
  constraintName: 'constraint',
  sourceFile: 'file',
  sourceLine: 'line',
  sourceFunction: 'routine',

NativeQuery.prototype.handleError = function (err) {
  // copy pq error fields into the error object
  var fields = this.native.pq.resultErrorFields()
  if (fields) {
    for (var key in fields) {
      var normalizedFieldName = errorFieldMap[key] || key
      err[normalizedFieldName] = fields[key]
  if (this.callback) {
  } else {
    this.emit('error', err)
  this.state = 'error'

NativeQuery.prototype.then = function (onSuccess, onFailure) {
  return this._getPromise().then(onSuccess, onFailure)

NativeQuery.prototype.catch = function (callback) {
  return this._getPromise().catch(callback)

NativeQuery.prototype._getPromise = function () {
  if (this._promise) return this._promise
  this._promise = new Promise(
    function (resolve, reject) {
      this._once('end', resolve)
      this._once('error', reject)
  return this._promise

NativeQuery.prototype.submit = function (client) {
  this.state = 'running'
  var self = this
  this.native = client.native
  client.native.arrayMode = this._arrayMode

  var after = function (err, rows, results) {
    client.native.arrayMode = false
    setImmediate(function () {

    // handle possible query error
    if (err) {
      return self.handleError(err)

    // emit row events for each row in the result
    if (self._emitRowEvents) {
      if (results.length > 1) {
        rows.forEach((rowOfRows, i) => {
          rowOfRows.forEach((row) => {
            self.emit('row', row, results[i])
      } else {
        rows.forEach(function (row) {
          self.emit('row', row, results)

    // handle successful result
    self.state = 'end'
    self.emit('end', results)
    if (self.callback) {
      self.callback(null, results)

  if (process.domain) {
    after = process.domain.bind(after)

  // named query
  if (this.name) {
    if (this.name.length > 63) {
      /* eslint-disable no-console */
      console.error('Warning! Postgres only supports 63 characters for query names.')
      console.error('You supplied %s (%s)', this.name, this.name.length)
      console.error('This can cause conflicts and silent errors executing queries')
      /* eslint-enable no-console */
    var values = (this.values || []).map(utils.prepareValue)

    // check if the client has already executed this named query
    // if so...just execute it again - skip the planning phase
    if (client.namedQueries[this.name]) {
      if (this.text && client.namedQueries[this.name] !== this.text) {
        const err = new Error(`Prepared statements must be unique - '${this.name}' was used for a different statement`)
        return after(err)
      return client.native.execute(this.name, values, after)
    // plan the named query the first time, then execute it
    return client.native.prepare(this.name, this.text, values.length, function (err) {
      if (err) return after(err)
      client.namedQueries[self.name] = self.text
      return self.native.execute(self.name, values, after)
  } else if (this.values) {
    if (!Array.isArray(this.values)) {
      const err = new Error('Query values must be an array')
      return after(err)
    var vals = this.values.map(utils.prepareValue)
    client.native.query(this.text, vals, after)
  } else {
    client.native.query(this.text, after)