var fs = require("fs"), stream = require("stream"), zlib = require("zlib"), HEADER = new Buffer("89504e470d0a1a0a", "hex") function ImageData(width, height, channels, data, trailer) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.channels = channels; = data; this.trailer = trailer; } ImageData.prototype.getPixel = function(x, y) { x = x|0; y = y|0; if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= this.width || y >= this.height) return 0; var index = (y * this.width + x) * this.channels, r, g, b, a; switch(this.channels) { case 1: r = g = b =[index]; a = 255; break; case 2: r = g = b =[index ]; a =[index + 1]; break; case 3: r =[index ]; g =[index + 1]; b =[index + 2]; a = 255; break; case 4: r =[index ]; g =[index + 1]; b =[index + 2]; a =[index + 3]; break; } return ((r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a) >>> 0; } function paeth(a, b, c) { var p = a + b - c, pa = Math.abs(p - a), pb = Math.abs(p - b), pc = Math.abs(p - c) if((pa <= pb) && (pa <= pc)) return a if(pb <= pc) return b return c } exports.parseStream = function(stream, callback) { var inflate = zlib.createInflate(), state = 0, off = 0, buf = new Buffer(13), waiting = 2, b = -1, p = 0, pngPaletteEntries = 0, pngAlphaEntries = 0, chunkLength, pngWidth, pngHeight, pngBitDepth, pngDepthMult, pngColorType, pngPixels, pngSamplesPerPixel, pngBytesPerPixel, pngBytesPerScanline, pngSamples, currentScanline, priorScanline, scanlineFilter, pngTrailer, pngPalette, pngAlpha, idChannels; function error(err) { /* FIXME: stream.destroy no longer exists in node 0.10. I can't actually * find what the right way to say "hey stream, I am no longer going to read * from you ever" or "hey stream, I am never going to write to you ever * again", so I'm really not sure what the right way to handle this is. * * I would appreciate pull requests from somebody who actually understands * how node streams are supposed to function. */ if(stream.destroy) stream.destroy() if(inflate.destroy) inflate.destroy() return callback(err) } function end() { if(!--waiting) return callback( undefined, new ImageData(pngWidth, pngHeight, idChannels, pngPixels, pngTrailer) ) } stream.on("error", error) inflate.on("error", error) stream.on("end", function() { stream.destroy() if(!pngPixels) return error(new Error("Corrupt PNG?")) if(!pngTrailer) return error(new Error("Corrupt PNG?")) return end() }) inflate.on("end", function() { if(inflate.destroy) inflate.destroy() if(p !== pngPixels.length) return error(new Error("Too little pixel data! (Corrupt PNG?)")) return end() }) stream.on("data", function(data) { /* If an error occurred, bail. */ if(!stream.readable) return var len = data.length, i = 0, tmp, j; while(i !== len) switch(state) { case 0: /* PNG header */ if(data[i++] !== HEADER[off++]) return error(new Error("Invalid PNG header.")) if(off === HEADER.length) { state = 1 off = 0 } break case 1: /* PNG chunk length and type */ if(len - i < 8 - off) { data.copy(buf, off, i) off += len - i i = len } else { data.copy(buf, off, i, i + 8 - off) i += 8 - off off = 0 chunkLength = buf.readUInt32BE(0) switch(buf.toString("ascii", 4, 8)) { case "IHDR": state = 2 break case "PLTE": /* The PNG spec states that PLTE is only required for type 3. * It may appear in other types, but is only useful if the * display does not support true color. Since we're just a data * storage format, we don't have to worry about it. */ if(pngColorType !== 3) state = 7 else { if(chunkLength % 3 !== 0) return error(new Error("Invalid PLTE size.")) pngPaletteEntries = chunkLength / 3 pngPalette = new Buffer(chunkLength) state = 3 } break case "tRNS": if(pngColorType !== 3) return error(new Error("tRNS for non-paletted images not yet supported.")); /* We only support tRNS on paletted images right now. Those * images may either have 1 or 3 channels, but in either case * we add one for transparency. */ idChannels ++; pngAlphaEntries = chunkLength; pngAlpha = new Buffer(chunkLength); state = 4; break case "IDAT": /* Allocate the PNG if we havn't yet. (We wait to do it until * here since tRNS may change idChannels, so we can't be sure of * the size needed until we hit IDAT. With all that, might as * well wait until we're actually going to start filling the * buffer in case of errors...) */ if(!pngPixels) pngPixels = new Buffer(pngWidth * pngHeight * idChannels); state = 5 break case "IEND": state = 6 break default: state = 7 break } } break case 2: /* IHDR */ if(chunkLength !== 13) return error(new Error("Invalid IHDR chunk.")) else if(len - i < chunkLength - off) { data.copy(buf, off, i) off += len - i i = len } else { data.copy(buf, off, i, i + chunkLength - off) if(buf.readUInt8(10) !== 0) return error(new Error("Unsupported compression method.")) if(buf.readUInt8(11) !== 0) return error(new Error("Unsupported filter method.")) if(buf.readUInt8(12) !== 0) return error(new Error("Unsupported interlace method.")) i += chunkLength - off state = 8 off = 0 pngWidth = buf.readUInt32BE(0) pngHeight = buf.readUInt32BE(4) pngBitDepth = buf.readUInt8(8) pngDepthMult = 255 / ((1 << pngBitDepth) - 1) pngColorType = buf.readUInt8(9) switch(pngColorType) { case 0: pngSamplesPerPixel = 1; pngBytesPerPixel = Math.ceil(pngBitDepth * 0.125); idChannels = 1; break case 2: pngSamplesPerPixel = 3; pngBytesPerPixel = Math.ceil(pngBitDepth * 0.375); idChannels = 3; break; case 3: pngSamplesPerPixel = 1; pngBytesPerPixel = 1; idChannels = 3; break case 4: pngSamplesPerPixel = 2; pngBytesPerPixel = Math.ceil(pngBitDepth * 0.250); idChannels = 2; break case 6: pngSamplesPerPixel = 4; pngBytesPerPixel = Math.ceil(pngBitDepth * 0.5); idChannels = 4; break; default: return error( new Error("Unsupported color type: " + pngColorType) ); } pngBytesPerScanline = Math.ceil( pngWidth * pngBitDepth * pngSamplesPerPixel / 8 ) pngSamples = new Buffer(pngSamplesPerPixel) currentScanline = new Buffer(pngBytesPerScanline) priorScanline = new Buffer(pngBytesPerScanline) currentScanline.fill(0) } break case 3: /* PLTE */ if(len - i < chunkLength - off) { data.copy(pngPalette, off, i) off += len - i i = len } else { data.copy(pngPalette, off, i, i + chunkLength - off) i += chunkLength - off state = 8 off = 0 /* If each entry in the color palette is grayscale, set the channel * count to 1. */ idChannels = 1; for(j = pngPaletteEntries; j--; ) if(pngPalette[j * 3 + 0] !== pngPalette[j * 3 + 1] || pngPalette[j * 3 + 0] !== pngPalette[j * 3 + 2]) { idChannels = 3; break; } } break case 4: /* tRNS */ if(len - i < chunkLength - off) { data.copy(pngAlpha, off, i) off += len - i i = len } else { data.copy(pngAlpha, off, i, i + chunkLength - off) i += chunkLength - off state = 8 off = 0 } break case 5: /* IDAT */ /* If the amount available is less than the amount remaining, then * feed as much as we can to the inflator. */ if(len - i < chunkLength - off) { /* FIXME: Do I need to be smart and check the return value? */ inflate.write(data.slice(i)) off += len - i i = len } /* Otherwise, write the last bit of the data to the inflator, and * finish processing the chunk. */ else { /* FIXME: Do I need to be smart and check the return value? */ inflate.write(data.slice(i, i + chunkLength - off)) i += chunkLength - off state = 8 off = 0 } break case 6: /* IEND */ if(chunkLength !== 0) return error(new Error("Invalid IEND chunk.")) else if(len - i < 4 - off) { off += len - i i = len } else { pngTrailer = new Buffer(0) i += 4 - off state = 9 off = 0 inflate.end() } break case 7: /* unrecognized chunk */ if(len - i < chunkLength - off) { off += len - i i = len } else { i += chunkLength - off state = 8 off = 0 } break case 8: /* chunk crc */ /* FIXME: CRC is blatantly ignored */ if(len - i < 4 - off) { off += len - i i = len } else { i += 4 - off state = 1 off = 0 } break case 9: /* trailing data */ /* FIXME: It is inefficient to create a trailer buffer of length zero * and keep reallocating it every time we want to add more data. */ tmp = new Buffer(off + len - i) pngTrailer.copy(tmp) data.copy(tmp, off, i, len) pngTrailer = tmp off += len - i i = len break } }) inflate.on("data", function(data) { /* If an error occurred, bail. */ if(!inflate.readable) return var len = data.length, i, tmp, x, j, k for(i = 0; i !== len; ++i) { if(b === -1) { scanlineFilter = data[i] tmp = currentScanline currentScanline = priorScanline priorScanline = tmp } else switch(scanlineFilter) { case 0: currentScanline[b] = data[i] break case 1: currentScanline[b] = b < pngBytesPerPixel ? data[i] : (data[i] + currentScanline[b - pngBytesPerPixel]) & 255 break case 2: currentScanline[b] = (data[i] + priorScanline[b]) & 255 break case 3: currentScanline[b] = (data[i] + (( b < pngBytesPerPixel ? priorScanline[b] : currentScanline[b - pngBytesPerPixel] + priorScanline[b] ) >>> 1)) & 255 break case 4: currentScanline[b] = (data[i] + ( b < pngBytesPerPixel ? priorScanline[b] : paeth( currentScanline[b - pngBytesPerPixel], priorScanline[b], priorScanline[b - pngBytesPerPixel] ) )) & 255 break default: return error( new Error("Unsupported scanline filter: " + scanlineFilter) ) } if(++b === pngBytesPerScanline) { /* One scanline too many? */ if(p === pngPixels.length) return error(new Error("Too much pixel data! (Corrupt PNG?)")) /* We have now read a complete scanline, so unfilter it and write it * into the pixel array. */ for(j = 0, x = 0; x !== pngWidth; ++x) { /* Read all of the samples into the sample buffer. */ for(k = 0; k !== pngSamplesPerPixel; ++j, ++k) switch(pngBitDepth) { case 1: pngSamples[k] = (currentScanline[(j >>> 3)] >> (7 - (j & 7))) & 1 break case 2: pngSamples[k] = (currentScanline[(j >>> 2)] >> ((3 - (j & 3)) << 1)) & 3 break case 4: pngSamples[k] = (currentScanline[(j >>> 1)] >> ((1 - (j & 1)) << 2)) & 15 break case 8: pngSamples[k] = currentScanline[j] break default: return error(new Error("Unsupported bit depth: " + pngBitDepth)) } /* Write the pixel based off of the samples so collected. */ switch(pngColorType) { case 0: pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[0] * pngDepthMult; break; case 2: pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[0] * pngDepthMult; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[1] * pngDepthMult; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[2] * pngDepthMult; break; case 3: if(pngSamples[0] >= pngPaletteEntries) return error(new Error("Invalid palette index.")); switch(idChannels) { case 1: pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3]; break; case 2: pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3]; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[0] < pngAlphaEntries ? pngAlpha[pngSamples[0]] : 255; break; case 3: pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3 + 0]; pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3 + 1]; pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3 + 2]; break; case 4: pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3 + 0]; pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3 + 1]; pngPixels[p++] = pngPalette[pngSamples[0] * 3 + 2]; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[0] < pngAlphaEntries ? pngAlpha[pngSamples[0]] : 255; break; } break; case 4: pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[0] * pngDepthMult; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[1] * pngDepthMult; break; case 6: pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[0] * pngDepthMult; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[1] * pngDepthMult; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[2] * pngDepthMult; pngPixels[p++] = pngSamples[3] * pngDepthMult; break; } } b = -1; } } }) } exports.parseFile = function(pathname, callback) { return exports.parseStream(fs.createReadStream(pathname), callback) } exports.parseBuffer = function(buf, callback) { /* Create a mock stream. */ var s = new stream.Stream() /* Set up the destroy functionality. */ s.readable = true s.destroy = function() { s.readable = false } /* Set up the PNG parsing hooks. */ exports.parseStream(s, callback) /* Send the data down the stream. */ s.emit("data", buf) /* If no errors occurred in the data, close the stream. */ if(s.readable) s.emit("end") } /* FIXME: This is deprecated. Remove it in 2.0. */ exports.parse = exports.parseBuffer